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En el hoyo / In the pit. Carlos Alvarez Montero / Photography. Julio Cou | Aguas de la Ciudad de México. Erendina Cruzvillegas. Geraldine Juarez setup() : simple.mechanisms. Dra. María Moreno Carranco. Maria.moreno.carranco@gmail.comEsta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla Estudio arquitectura en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. De 1997 a 1999 realizó de manera simultánea una maestría en diseño arquitectónico y otra de arte en diseño en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. María ha practicado la arquitectura tanto en México como en los Estados Unidos.

Publicaciones recientes: Libro: The Socio/Spatial Production of the Global:Mexico City Reinvented through the Santa Fe Urban Megaproject,Alemania, VDM Publishers, 2010. Artículos de investigación en revistas especializadas: Publics Works: reinventing street vending in global Mexico City. Creating New Traditions? Espacio Público y prácticas diarias en Santa Fe, Ciudad de México en Revista Alteridades Vol. 18 Numero 36. Capítulos de libros: Global Spaces = Private Spaces? Liminal Cities: Global Spaces, Everyday Lives Gareth A. Rodrigo Diaz | Pedestre. Martha Schteingart | UN-HABITAT. 2008: Professor Anthony Gar-on Yeh, Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning, University of Hong Kong Professor Anthony Gar-On Yeh, one of the foremost urban planners in Asia, won the 2008 UN-HABITAT Lecture Award which recognizes outstanding and sustained contribution in the field of human settlements. He delivered his lecture entitled GIS as a Planning Support System for the Planning of Harmonious Cities on 4 November, 2008 during the fourth session of the World Urban Forum in Nanjing, People's Republic of China (3-6 November, 2008).

Professor Yeh is currently Dean of the Graduate School, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Director of both the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong. 2007: Professor Martha Schteingart, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, Mexico Professor Schteingart is truly outstanding in the field of urban studies and planning. - Bienvenid@ Cap. Remigio Cruz | Defensa Nacional.