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Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2005 Summation. Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation Figure 1: (Left) Global annual surface temperature relative to 1951-1980 mean based on surface air measurements at meteorological stations and ship and satellite measurements for sea surface temperature. Error bars are estimated 2σ (95% confidence) uncertainty. (Right) Temperature anomaly for 2005 calendar year. Gray areas indicate a lack of station data within 1200km. (Click for a large GIF or PDF of this figure.) The highest global surface temperature in more than a century of instrumental data was recorded in the 2005 calendar year in the GISS annual analysis.

However, the error bar on the data implies that 2005 is practically in a dead heat with 1998, the warmest previous year. Our analysis, summarized in Figure 1 above, uses documented procedures for data over land (1), satellite measurements of sea surface temperature since 1982 (2), and a ship-based analysis for earlier years (3) . — J. References and Notes Hansen, J.E., R. AMS Glossary. This electronic version of the 2nd Edition of the Glossary of Meteorology is meant to be a "living document" to be periodically updated as terms in our field evolve.

To that end the AMS has established a "Chief Editor" for the Glossary who is responsible for updating/revising existing terms and adding new terms. Readers who would like to suggest changes to existing terms or propose definitions to the new terms are encouraged to submit their ideas to the Editor using the links in the navigation menu. For full details of Glossary procedures, please visit the Help:Contents page. Recommendations for correctly citing and referencing the Glossary of Meteorology are given on the Citation page. If you have any feedback or editing suggestions to the content in this Glossary please click here. Lightning Strikes. Lightning Track Report StormVue Live Batavia Lightning Strikes & Strike Loop United States Real Time Lightning Click image to open site in new window Probability of Lightning Copyright © 2014 NWS. This Information is not to be used for Human Safety purposes. Lightning Safety Tips When you see lightning or hear thunder just follow these simple instructions to stay safe.

Top of Page. Lecture_MT452X-01. Camelot Climate Index. In this 1960's musical King Arthur professes that Camelot has a perfect climate all the year; and by royal decree at that! But actually an "ideal" climate is extremely subjective, with one person's idea of perfection being met with disdain by others. Some individuals may want warm beach weather all year round, while four distinct seasons are most desirable for others. What follows is just one person's (the author's) idea that an ideal climate is sunny and relatively mild with few extremes in temperature, humidity or precipitation.

Dataset Data for this project was extracted from the Comparative Climatic Data for the United States (NCDC, 2010) and updated 1981-2010 Normals (2011). The initial Comparative Climatic Data (CCC) analyzed has approximately 300 locations from all fifty states, Puerto Rico and 10 Pacific island stations. Minimum Temperature The average monthly minimum temperatures were handled similarly. CCI Map The accompanying iso-analysis (isocams?) Weather Station. Heat Index What is Heat Index? Heat Index uses temperature and relative humidity to determine how hot the air actually "feels. " When humidity is low, the apparent temperature will be lower than the air temperature, since perspiration evaporates rapidly to cool the body. However, when humidity is high (i,e., the air is saturated with water vapor) the apparent temperature "feels" higher than the actual air temperature, because perspiration evaporates more slowly.

Formula: The formula for heat index is based upon the lookup table presented by Steadman (1979). Heat Index = -42.379 + 2.04901523T + 10.14333127R - 0.22475541TR - 6.83783x10-3T2 - 5.481717x10-2R2 + 1.22874x10-3T2R + 8.5282x10-4TR2 - 1.99x10-6T2R2 Where: T = ambient dry bulb temperature R = relative humidity The Davis implementation simply extends the range of use of this table to make it usable at temperatures beyond the scope of the table.

EdGCM. Bad Coriolis. Climate Progress. The Discovery of Global Warming - A History.

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