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Bridge Pose: Assessing Student Alignment. Ten Alignment Cues Yoga Teachers Need to Stop Giving. While you don't need to be a full-fledged anatomy geek to be an excellent yoga teacher, when it comes to alignment, it´s important for us as teachers to know why we're saying what we're saying (as opposed to merely repeating an instruction because we've heard another teacher give it). It’s also crucial for us to remember that just because a particular instruction makes sense in our own bodies, it´s not necessarily going to be an ideal cue for all of our students. Thus, in the spirit of exploring and unpacking our “yoga-speak,” here are ten common alignment cues that we should all probably stop saying. 1. “Scoop (or tuck) your tailbone.”

I totally get the intention here—probably because I used to say this one all of the time! So what can you say instead? The word “scoop,” or “tuck,” tends to encourage students to draw the tailbone forward, flattening the lower back and bringing the pelvis into a posterior tilt (as opposed to the generally desired ¨neutral¨ pelvis). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5 Common Sequencing Errors. One of the most challenging parts of planning a yoga class is figuring out when to do what. You might have an inspiring class theme or an awesome apex pose in mind, but putting together a sequence that adequately prepares the body for the poses you have planned, aligns with your intentions and the desired energetic effect of the class, and, of course, provides a safe, fun experience for students, can be difficult for even the most experienced teachers.

We’ve all likely had our fair share of sequencing snafus, or been a student in classes where the order of poses just didn’t seem to work. Thankfully, mistakes can be our greatest teachers. By learning what not to do, we often get a clearer picture of what to do instead and why. Here are five sequencing “don’ts” to avoid, coupled with a few helpful hints for putting together a safe and effective hatha class: 1. Beginning Class with a Slow, Static Pose and/or Something That Requires a Lot of Setup or Alignment Instruction 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 downloadable yoga pose sequences for all levels | A Charmed Yogi. Whether you’re just beginning a yoga regimen and want to get to know the poses you’ll be learning in class, or want to continue to work on your practice at home, it helps to have a set of foundational poses that you can work on. Before you begin any home practice, though, make sure you warm up adequately; mobilize your joints; and do some gentle stretches before diving into a ‘routine.’

Remember to go slow. Your practice will be there waiting for you tomorrow. Here are a few charts that you can print out and reference during your home practice courtesy of Gentle Hatha Flow Qi Yoga (Pages 1 & 2) Yoga for Menstruation Sun Salutation A Variation For higher resolution versions of these charts, you can buy them at Namaste. - Your Charmed Yogi Related posts: Like this: Like Loading... Morning Yoga Sequence With Playlist. Between the Sun Salutations and all the forward bends, this morning yoga sequence gets the body feeling stretched, limber, and ready to embrace the morning. Plenty of vinyasas (Four-Limbed Staff to Up Dog to Down Dog) link the sequences to get cardio in, and extra breaths in each posture will work like a mini meditation for the mind. Before you hit the mat, be sure to familiarize yourself with each posture, and get a feel for all the songs on the playlist. The timing is not an exact science since everyone works within their own individual breath.

While doing the sequence, if you hear the last song come on and you're not in Savasana, it's time to lie down and rest before taking on your day! Keep reading to get the Spotify playlist. You will need to download the free Spotify software or app to listen to our playlists. Morning yoga sequences. Om Circle Yoga. This yoga class sequence emphasizes shoulder opening as a preparation for the Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand) inversions. There is also a strong foucs on yoga poses for hip opening.

Yoga Teacher Central :: Sun, Moon & Seasons. The twenty-six new and full moons, eight solar junctures and sunrise-sunset daily and weekly rhythms are heightened times to create community classes or to unplug yourself as a yoga teacher to tend your energy, and listen deeply. – Shiva Rea, The Journey of the Year Working with Astrology, Symbols, Energy While some teachers and students are steeped in teachings related to astrology, others may feel less connected to the ideas or may have resistance. You may wish to acknowledge such differences and note that students can let go of that which doesn't speak to them. Students may also wish to consider utilizing the metaphorical or symbolic ideas represented in the teachings. For instance, even if the idea of a new moon having energy that affects us doesn't resonate with a student, she may wish to consider embracing the opportunity for New Beginnings in her life and take this time to envision her best life.

Sun Sun Energy The sun is said to relate to: Moon Moon Energy Moon Mythology ↑ Back to Top. Yoga Sequence Builder - Create your own Yoga Routines. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 2.46-2.48: Asana or meditation posture, rung #3 of 8.