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Berghöfer Consulting: Systematisches Change Management als Erfolgsfaktor bei der Unternehmensentwicklung. Felix Berghöfer Felix Berghöfer ist Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologe, ausgebildeter Trainer, Mediator und Coach. Seine Firma ist spezialisiert auf die systematische Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung für mittelständische Unternehmen und Organisationen in Berlin und Brandenburg.

Web: Die Einsicht steht am AnfangErfolgreiche Unternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung, sich den rasant ändernden internen und externen Rahmenbedingungen anpassen zu müssen, um weiter aussichtsreich agieren zu können. Wenn die Notwendigkeit erkannt istIst die Notwendigkeit der Anpassung der internen Strukturen erkannt, bietet sich die Chance für das Unternehmen, diesen Anlass zu nutzen, um sich mit sich und dem direkten Umfeld auseinanderzusetzen.

Laut einer aktuellen Studie der Technischen Universität München waren lediglich knapp 50% der analysierten Veränderungsprojekte erfolgreich. Den Prozess extern begleiten lassen? Co-Autorin: Caroline Dinsel (Felix Berghöfer) The psychology of change in organizations. Leaders today must understand and apply the knowledge of behavioral psychology and the lessons from brain science to manage organizational change successfully. In the past, efforts at organizational change which has focused on the structural aspects of organizations have systematically failed because they have neglected the reality that change doesn't happen without individual people changing their thinking, beliefs and behavior. In an article in the McKinsey Quarterly , Emily Lawson and Colin Price argue that change success in large organizations depends on persuading hundreds or thousands of groups and individuals to change the way they work, a transformation people will accept only if they can be persuaded to think differently about their jobs.

In effect, CEOs must alter the mind-sets of their employees—no easy task. Lawson and Price ask what if the only way a business can reach its higher performance goals is to change the way its people behave across the board? Aubrey C. 10 Antworten zu strategischem Wandel: Change-Checkliste für CIOs. 12 Ways to a Great Corporate Culture. At a recent conference in Denver, Inc. and an organization called Winning Workplaces brought together leaders from a range of businesses to talk about building and maintaining great company cultures.

What's the value if you have a great culture? “If your staff believes that they matter, that their opinions matter, the company soars,” says Tom Walter CEO of Tasty Catering in Chicago. “People are not just productivity units. I believe in democracy because the future is as secure as people are with working together.” “If an employee comes to you with a problem, ask them questions first before offering a solution,” says Bob Rosner, author of The Boss’s Survival Guide. “Listen to the pronouns, if your employees use they/them and not we/us, you have problems. " “We have a unique way of working in one big open room,” says Rich Sheridan, president of Menlo Innovations in Ann Arbor, Michigan.