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Artist Visa

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Guide for international artists in Berlin. → Click for English version, please.

Guide for international artists in Berlin

Der berufsverband bildender künstler berlin (bbk) organisiert rund 2.000 Bildende Künstlerinnen und Künstler aller Sparten und Kunstrichtungen in Berlin. Als Berufsverband vertritt er die beruflichen, wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und sozialen Interessen der Berliner Künstler/innen. Mitglied kann jede/r durch seine Arbeit und Ausbildung ausgewiesene professionelle Bildende Künstler/in werden. Der bbk berlin bietet seinen Mitgliedern ein breites Angebot an Dienstleistungen wie: beruflichen Rechtsschutz, kostenlose Rechtsberatungen, Steuerberatung, Sozialberatungen, Mietrechtsberatungen, Versicherungsberatungen u.v.m. Für Künstler/innen aus anderen Ländern, die nach Berlin kommen, um hier zu leben und zu arbeiten, bietet das Kulturwerk des bbk berlin im Büro für Künstlerberatung einen umfangreichen Service unabhängig von einer Mitgliedschaft im bbk berlin an.

Informationen zu den Leistungen des Büros für Künstlerberatung und Kontaktangaben. Residence permit for the purpose of freelance or self-employment - Issuance - Services - Dienstleistungen - Service Berlin - Issuance of a residence permit to work as a self-employed or a freelancer Prerequisites A personal interview is required The interview should, if possible, take place by appointment.

Residence permit for the purpose of freelance or self-employment - Issuance - Services - Dienstleistungen - Service Berlin -

Registered residence in Berlin The Berlin Foreigners Registration Office can only issue residence permits to foreign nationals who are registered residents of Berlin. Economic interest of the state of Berlin A residence permit can be issued to a foreigner for practicing a self-employed occupation if there is an economic interest or a regional need. Documents required Forms Fees 50 to 110 euros (depending on processing time) The fee is a maximum of 28.80 euros for Turkish citizens. Average time to process request To ensure timely renewal of your current visa or residence permit an appointment should be made 4-6 weeks before the expiry date. Responsible authorities. 7 Steps to Getting a Freelance Visa in Germany. To successfully obtain a freelance visa in Germany, you need to complete two budgetary forms: the Financing Plan and Capital Budget form.

7 Steps to Getting a Freelance Visa in Germany

You must complete both of these forms, regardless if you are an individual freelancer or starting a business. The Financing Plan is your detailed budget, while the Capital Budget is the form to explain what capital you have to start your business. Fill out both forms to the best of your abilities. Remember, the Financing Plan is only a projection so just fill it in with numbers that you expect to spend and receive.

With the Capital Budget you only need to fill in the capital that you already own. Fill these forms in honestly and recognise that this is a useful process that you should be completing either way. This is what Diego, an American expat, says. The Artist Visa: How to Live as a Foreign Artist in Germany. By some estimates, Berlin is home to more than 60,000 artists.

The Artist Visa: How to Live as a Foreign Artist in Germany

The creative flare and somewhat affordable rents attract designers, photographers, and painters from around the world. After experiencing Berlin’s hot arts scene in person, many decide they want to unpack their bags and stay. But that decision can't be made lightly. Berlin Logs: German Freelancer Visa: A Guide to Surviving. Before I came to Germany, I started researching the topic of what kind of Visa I could apply for.

Berlin Logs: German Freelancer Visa: A Guide to Surviving

Believe me, the first step is the biggest headache. Four months later I found a solution called the “Freelancer Visa.” The Freelancer Visa allows you to work in Germany if you comply with certain requirements. There are, however, some details that people don’t tell you. I will share my experience and hopefully this will help. The beginning - Where you come from ? This sound stupid, but it is true. Pro-tip: Contact the Germany Consulate in your country before planning your travel to verify if you must apply before or after your arrival. Keep in mind that Germany is very traditional about some procedures, but not complicated once you have everything ready and well organised.

The whole process Once everything is done you need to book an appointment at the Ausländerbehörde this LINK may help. Note: There are two kinds of Freelancer visas: The Freelancer as well and the Artist visa. The response. How to get a German Freelance Visa as an American Artist. It’s not easy.

How to get a German Freelance Visa as an American Artist

In typical American fashion, I walked into the Ausländerbehörde naively expecting to receive a visa to do freelance work as I pleased with little to no time or effort. Generally I’m not so confident in these sorts of situations, but judging from blog posts across the web from fellow artists (primarily in Berlin), it was going to be a cakewalk. Granted, maybe in 2004 it was easier, and Berlin is clearly a more art-and-design-friendly city than the mid-sized Baden-Württemberg town of Tübingen. Whatever the case, what followed was a multi-month struggle against the forces of bureaucracy and language barriers. The following is my personal advice based on my recent (August 2012) experience applying for and obtaining a Freelance Artist Visa in Tübingen, Germany. The process can be both frustrating and difficult, but it is certainly possible. Note: Once you begin the process of applying for your visa, you don’t need to worry about overstaying your 90-day Schengen Visa.
