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Popular Art Prints - Society6. David B. Smith Gallery. Artist Statement: Jason Thielke’s work demonstrates aesthetic elements that encompass both contemporary and traditional techniques much like modern architecture.

David B. Smith Gallery

This style emerges in deeply personal, figurative works, which comfortably contrast hard lines with soft features and mixed emotions. In the past, the artist’s process of drawing, composing, and transferring images has mirrored the planning, deconstruction and reconstruction phases of urban gentrification. Tumblr_kr758cFguY1qzwrk6o1_500. - Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials.

See below for some excellent artwork by Jason Thielke, an American artist who has received a Fine Arts degree from Northern Illinois University School of Art. - Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials

Thielke works in various mediums and his artwork is an excellent mix of design, illustration, acrylic painting and laser cutting/etching. Thielke uses minimal color and intricate line work to render the (predominantly female) portraits: The figure is made up of contours, exploratory lines and shapes which create interesting patterns. Thielke combines strong lines with smooth curves and manages to create an impression of emotion and spatial depth. Dance%20011.