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Why I Don't Worry about Income Inequality. In the 1980’s if I told you for only a few hundred dollars anyone could have a $1 million asset in their pocket you’d call me crazy. But here we are. The chart above (actually a picture of a chart taken with my iPhone and uploaded to this blog with an app to further emphasize the point) is from the book Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler.

It illustrates why I think worry about and policy efforts aimed at changing differences in income between rich and poor are dumb, destructive, and miss the point by being stuck in a dead paradigm. The above chart only scratches the surface. 50 years ago, it could take a hefty sum to launch and run a basic advocacy organization, for example. Anyone can write and record songs, publish books, start businesses, sell goods and services, learn anything in the world, or meet people across the globe for free or close to it with a phone and some WiFi. It’s not about income or even net worth. От Извора | Жива вода за жадни души. Съпротива - Сайт за будни хора: статии, документални филми, музика, книги, клипове, антипропаганда.

United Kingdom | The Definitive Guide to Enlightening Information. – Финанси, Бизнес, Имоти, Фондова борса, Валутна търговия. | Онлайн бизнес новини.