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The Nature, Role, and Influence of Mentors in the Lives of Gifted Adults - Tags: GIFTED children MENTORS. Unrecognized Giftedness: The Frustrating Case of the Gifted Adult. Unrecognized Giftedness: The Frustrating Case of the Gifted Adult By Marylou Kelly Streznewski “What then needs to be done that is crucial to the future success of this educational field? One of the biggest problems is that we have been mainly ‘preaching to the choir’ rather than presenting our case for gifted education to average Americans who pay most of the taxes for operating public schools. This statement by Maurice Fisher in the Winter 1999 issue of GEPQ struck a responsive chord in me, especially the phrase “preaching to the choir”. I was excited by the information I gleaned from presentations by the experts and from the books they wrote. This (in some cases, literally) life-saving knowledge was circulating in a closed loop of dedicated professionals and a few savvy parents.

Obviously, this wider audience could not attend the NAGC’s annual conference, and would have little occasion to read the many well-written academic books in the field of gifted studies. Others are not so lucky.


Le projet intergénérationnel. Le projet intergénérationnel Sommaire Présentation Un projet intergénérationnel avec une maison de retraite1, en partenariat avec l’association « Ensemble demain2 », a été initié en 1999 à l’école élémentaire Mouraud (Paris, 20e arrondissement). Il a pour objectif d’établir un lien qui permette aux élèves de retrouver des valeurs humanistes et favorise les apprentissages, en particulier : la maîtrise de la langue, la construction de son identité et la structuration du temps.En participant à des ateliers pédagogiques en maison de retraite, les élèves réinvestissent et consolident les acquis disciplinaires de l’école. Repères Dans notre société, où beaucoup de familles sont éclatées (divorces, grands-parents « au pays »...), les enfants ont de moins en moins de repères familiaux et affectifs. Pourquoi l’intergénérationnel à l’école ? Un projet fédérateur pour les apprentissages de l’école maternelle au collège Une opportunité pour la maîtrise de la langue Vivre ensemble Interview de Maya Manesco.

Our Concept for Intergenerational Teaching and Learning. Our Concept for Intergenerational Teaching and Learning. Partners 1. Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica - Poland 2. Association M3 (M CUBE) - France 3. NAZILLI PUBLIC TRAINING CENTRE AND EVENING CRAFT SCHOOL - Turkey 4. 5. The idea of the project “inter-Generational European Memories (GEM)” attempts to gather together memories of seniors from the participating countries regarding people, places and events which are important for the wider local community.

The main goal of the partnership is to encourage European older citizens to share common values and experiences with young generations and with inhabitants from other European countries. A. A.1. A.2. B. B.1. B.2. B.3. B.4. C. C.1. C.2. The approaches taken to achieve those objectives are: - the biographical learning as a basic method for the project - personal recollections as a source - intergenerational workshops on specific topics - intergenerational ITC and languages courses 1. 2. 3. 4. E-seniors. Media Tech: Tablettes. Paris : Club Tablette, des cours d’informatique adaptés aux seniors. Le projet intergénérationnel.

Pourquoi l’intergénérationnel à l’école ?