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Live news feed from Egypt. Speak2tweet. Voicemail Translations. Gamal Al-Ghitani seminar at Egypt’s cultural center in Paris 14 March 2011 The Egyptian cultural center in Paris was host to a seminar by the prominent Egyptian writer Gamal al Ghitani (Al Zeini Barakat, Hikayat al Gharib) , entitled “L’Egypte de l’apès 25 Janvier 2011”, or “Egypt after the 25th of January 2011”.

Voicemail Translations

The seminar also featured the participation of Egypt’s ambassador to France, Mr. Nasser Kamel on the subject of the diaspora’s right to vote. The center, which is essentially one large hall in avenue Saint-Michel, was fully packed, the audience being mostly composed of Egyptians living in Paris, with a not-insignificant presence of French as well as other-Arab audience. (A word of caution – this account is written mostly from memory and not necessarily in the right order that Mr. al-Ghitani presented. Real-time Event Detection Monitor.