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Getting Started iPads For Special Needs Book: Account. iPad Curriculum. App Collections. iPad Starter Set: Collection of 70+ Apps to Celebrate 50,000 Visitors/Month to Blog iPad Academy reached another milestone! From Nov. 1 to Dec. 1, Google reports the iPad Academy blog had 50,045 visits. Many thanks to our new and returning visitors for making this blog so popular. To celebrate this achievement, I’m sharing a list of 70+ apps I created to help show the versatility of the iPad. […] Continue reading... iTunes & iPad Help, Guides & Manuals; App Collections for Education Yesterday I spent a great afternoon leading a workshop with teachers from a local school.

Continue reading... iPossibilities – Apps and Advice on Using the iPod and iPad in Special Education I recently posted a list of assistive apps for the iPad. Continue reading... iPads as Assistive Technology: More Than 30 Apps for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) I recently led an introductory iPad workshop for Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty at a local university. Continue reading... List of academic paper on autism and iPad / iPod | iAutism. Is it really so adequate to use devices like the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch for people with autism? Which is the best way to use them?

What results can be obtained? There are already some academic papers on this topics, so I’ve compiled a list of them. Usually, you have to pay for this type of content, which employs a highly technical and academic language. Thus, there are not typical reading except for those who want to study these issues in a professional manner. [CFA09] D. It describes the use of videos on an iPod for helping to improve behaviours, [FRN09] Á. Describes the design, development and application functionality of Picaa. [HWA10] D.L. Explains the use of video modeling to teach how to use the iPod. [Kag10] D. Describes the use of the iPod as a means of entertainment for viewing videos, [KMA10] D. [SeB09] S. #mLearning. Helping autistic children with iOS devices.

Autism is a developmental brain disorder that, in some manner, plagues one out of every 110 children (according to the Centers for Disease Control). It's usually discovered by the time the child is three years old. Varying medical and scientific authorities characterize the condition in different ways, but scientists generally agree that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) manifest themselves in social, communication, and behavioral challenges. The SF Weekly recently wrote about a number of families with autistic children and how the iPad is proving to be quite useful in helping them.

A number of studies have been done on the use of iPhones and iPods as aids for the autistic. One such study was titled iPod Therefore I Can: Enhancing the Learning of Children with Intellectual Disabilities Through Emerging Technologies, and it tracked the progress of 10 autistic children who were using iPod touches in Australia. The results were quite encouraging. [via SF Weekly]