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Purcell (Steve Purcell) Welcome, New Emacs Developers | Random Thoughts. Emacs switched the version control system from Bazaar to git yesterday, so now is the time to start hacking away at Emacs. Emacs: The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread If It Wasn’t For The Fact That Emacs Was Actually Invented Before Sliced Bread. This is a very short how-to guide on building and then contributing to Emacs. Depending on what OS you’re running, you should install some libraries and stuff. On Debian you’d say something like sudo apt-get install gcc automake autotools libmagick++-dev \ libgtk2.0-dev libxft-dev libgnutls-dev libdbus-1-dev libgif-dev (See the end of this post for instructions for other operating systems.)

Then you need to get the Emacs sources and build Emacs. Git clone cd emacs make . And you’re off! First we need to get the bug tracker into Emacs. M-x package-install RET debbugs RET Ready for action! M-x debbugs-gnu RET C-a C-k wishlist RET This will list everything that anybody wanted, but nobody got around to doing anything about. Quickly Open an Info Manual - Emacs Redux. Site Map. Emacs Live Documentation - Documentation. MM""""""""`M M""MMMMMMMM M""M M""MMMMM""M MM""""""""`M MM mmmmmmmM M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMM M MM mmmmmmmM M` MMMM 88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. .d8888b. .d8888b.

M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMP M M` MMMM MM MMMMMMMM 88''88'`88 88' `88 88' `"" Y8ooooo. M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMM' .M MM MMMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMM 88 88 88 88. .88 88. ... 88 M MMMMMMMM M M M MMP' .MM MM MMMMMMMM MM .M dP dP dP `88888P8 '88888P' '88888P' M M M M M .dMMM MM .M MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM Emacs is like a mountain - don’t run at it with all your might expecting to leap to the top - you will quickly fatigue and your high expectations will become a burden rather than a motivation. Instead, give yourself time and space to steadily progress upwards step by step, and make sure to occasionally stop to enjoy the beautiful views on your way. -UUU:@----F2 All (14,54) (Markdown Undo-Tree yas VHl AC -1-) --------------------------------------------------------------------