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GettingStarted - selenium - Getting started with WebDriver - Browser automation framework. WebDriver is a tool for automating testing web applications, and in particular to verify that they work as expected. It aims to provide a friendly API that's easy to explore and understand, which will help make your tests easier to read and maintain. It's not tied to any particular test framework, so it can be used equally well with JUnit, TestNG or from a plain old "main" method. This "Getting Started" guide introduces you to WebDriver's Java API and helps get you started becoming familiar with it. Start by downloading the latest binaries and unpack them into a directory. A safe choice is the latest version of selenium-server-standalone-x.y.z.jar x, y and z will be digits e.g. 2.4.0 at the time of writing. From now on, we'll refer to this directory as $WEBDRIVER_HOME.

Now, open your favourite IDE and: Start a new Java project in your favourite IDE Add all the JAR files under $WEBDRIVER_HOME to the CLASSPATH You're now ready to write some code. Package org.openqa.selenium.example; Why CSS Locators are the way to go vs XPath | Selenium Testing? Do Cross Browser Testing with Sauce Labs. Sign up for a free account This page will show you some CSS rules and pseudo-classes that will help you move your XPATH locators to CSS, a native approach on all browsers. I: Simple Direct child A direct child in XPATH is defined by the use of a “/“, while on CSS, it’s defined using “>” Examples: Child or subchild If an element could be inside another or one it’s childs, it’s defined in XPATH using “//” and in CSS just by a whitespace. Id An element’s id in XPATH is defined using: “[@id='example']” and in CSS using: “#” //div[@id='example']//a css=div Class For class, things are pretty similar in XPATH: “[@class='example']” while in CSS it’s just “.”

//div[@class='example']//a css=div.example a II: Advanced Next sibling This is useful for navigating lists of elements, such as forms or ul items. Let’s write a css selector that will choose the input field after “username”. Css=form input.username + input Attribute values css=form input[name='username'] css=input[name='continue'][type='button'] Home Page - The Automated Tester.

Webdriver - Are Selenium functional tests reliable enough to be worthwhile? - Software Quality Assurance and Testing Beta - Stack Exchange. I think it's difficult to make through-the-UI tests reliable. The challenge comes down to the difficulty of reliably controlling and observing the variables that matter to your tests. Whether this is worthwhile depends on your ability to make your test code more resilient, and on the value of being able to run the tests automatically. Asynchrony. For web applications, a common source of trouble is asynchrony. Fixed waits.

Latch. Polling. AssertThat(submitButton, eventually(), is(present())); Identifying elements. Meaningful ids and classes. Simplify locators. Online Selenium Training | Free Selenium Tutorial | Learn Selenium.