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Top 10 des CV les plus originaux. Top 10 des CV les plus originaux © Thinkstock Pour décrocher le job de leurs rêves, certains candidats à la recherche d'un emploi redoublent d'idées et d'originalité pour attirer l'œil des recruteurs.

Top 10 des CV les plus originaux

Las des CV passe-partout et impersonnels, ils ont décidé de se démarquer avec un curriculum vitae insolite, voire carrément loufoque. Entre le CV tablette de chocolat, le CV « profil Meetic » ou celui parodiant un compte Twitter, voici le top 10 des initiatives les plus originales. Le CV à tartiner Un CV sous forme de mousse de foie de canard ? Le CV façon Willy Wonka Charlotte Olsen, jeune Anglaise étudiante en design a pensé aux recruteurs gourmands. Le CV produit culturel vendu sur Amazon. Définition Assertivité Assertif. D’où vient le terme Assertivité ? Que signifie « être assertif » ? Qu’est-ce qu’un « accord assertif » ? Super's theory. Educators and practitioners One of Donald Super’s greatest contributions to career development has been his emphasis on the importance of the development of self-concept.

Super's theory

According to Super, self-concept changes over time, and develops as a result of experience. As such, career development is lifelong. Hover your mouse over each stage to read more about its characteristics Download a copy of Super's model (PDF - 272KB) (Word - 167KB) Super developed the theories and work of colleague Eli Ginzberg – he thought that Ginzberg’s work had weaknesses, which he wanted to address.

Super argues that occupational preferences and competencies, along with an individual’s life situations, all change with time and experience. Super’s five life and career development stages Developmental tasks at these different stages Super states that in making a vocational choice individuals are expressing their self-concept, or understanding of self, which evolves over time. Sources.

Executive Resume Rescue. Wharton Work/Life — WORK/LIFE INTEGRATION PROJECT.

Recherche d'emploi

Compétences. Souffrance psychologique au travail. Femme et carrière. Networking. 8 Ways to Make Your Business Cards Stand Out. Recruitment consultants. Recruitment agencies are paid for by organisations to find the right person to fit a job.

Recruitment consultants

There are different types of recruitment agencies e.g. graduate, head-hunters and specialists. Ensure you've done your research to make sure you're approaching the right ones. Tips for working with recruitment consultants: Be clear about what you are looking for Have a clear, focused, achievement-based CV You may have to initially register online and receive job offers by email, however aim for a face-to-face meeting with a consultant Only target as many agencies as you can actively manage Remember they are there to fill a job vacancy, not to give you careers advice Treat your first meeting with the agency as an interview Show interest and motivation Keep in regular contact Don't pay; reputable agencies charge the employer not you Unless it is a specialist graduate agency, be prepared that they don't often have roles for graduates who have little or no work experience.

15 Cool and Creative Resumes. Unless you are a desired professional, job hunt is not the kind of activity you would enjoy doing very often.

15 Cool and Creative Resumes

All the searching, sending, phone-calling and trying to simply get noticed by the employer can really wreck your nerves. The principle “don’t judge a book by its cover” is not widely used here – on the contrary, you have to LOOK good and stand out from the others to get the job. And looking good doesn’t only mean putting on a new shirt or a skirt, but most importantly – having a solid resume and a cover letter. Looks like these job-seekers didn’t have problems getting noticed by the employer. Building a creative yet informative resume is a good way to clearly present you personality and skills. 1. “Sewing is one of my biggest passions, and I wanted to convey that somehow in my resume.” 2. After his resume being featured in several websites, Eric got an interview with Google but later on he admitted that he never got the job. The 10 Best Websites for Millennial Women. Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom. The latest report from Spiceworks outlines what's happening in IT this year.

Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom

The study of 800+ worldwide IT pros, which we started covering last year, explores budgetary concerns, technology trends, and the general state of the IT industry. First and most importantly, IT budgets are barely budging. CIOs’ global planned spending is expected to increase by only about $2,000 year over year, and North American IT departments will get more money than their EMEA counterparts. Along those same lines, 60 percent of IT professionals are not planning to hire additional staff in 2016. According to the research, more than half of respondents expect company revenue to continue increasing in 2016. Where the Money Goes. Top 100 Websites For Women 2012.

The Top 75 Websites For Your Career. Le média des ressources humaines et du marché de l'emploi - The HR and Job market resource. Geny-sommaire.png (1227×768)