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Nyc historical pictures. Land Of Golden Dreams: Lesson Plans. Bring history and American literature to life using these lesson plans based on primary materials about the California Gold Rush in the collections of the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. The lesson plans complement the school curriculum and are accompanied by an online exhibition. Grades 4-5 Grades 7-12 Grades 4-5 This unit of study, for social studies, includes five lessons, each of which draws on primary documents and images and includes background information, activities, and questions to consider. All of the curriculum materials in these two units are available for download in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Lesson 1: The Adventure Begins: "Boys I believe I have found a gold mine! " Also included are:Document Analysis WorksheetCulminating ActivitiesExtended ActivitiesSuggested Readings Grades 7-12 All of the curriculum materials in these two units are available for download in Portable Document Format (PDF).

The US

Border Crossing: The International School of the Americas Makes a Connection. Church Goers: ISA sophomores outside the Zacatecas cathedral in 2004. As teachers, we are great at delivering important facts and thought-provoking statistics. But nothing beats firsthand experience to open the mind and expand the heart. Just a few weeks after I began teaching sophomore world history at the International School of the Americas (ISA), in San Antonio, Texas, I boarded a plane to Mexico City with twelve students and two other teachers.

Although the Mexican border is just 150 miles away, it was, for many of us travelers, our first trip outside the United States. Our group spent several days exploring the people and culture of a country that, just a few hours south of our city, felt like a world away. That weeklong expedition (now nearly eight years ago) convinced me that travel adds depth and meaning to our studies and helps students begin to see themselves as citizens of the world. A Tall Order: The bell tower of the colonial baroque structure. Citizens of the World Pet Project: Friendship Through Education: A Sampler of International Web Projects. Students from around the world exchange data and learn about each other through a variety of online projects.

A month after the September 11 terrorist attacks, former President George W. Bush announced the formation of a nationwide educational effort to "fight fear with friendship. " "We're going to ask schools all across the USA to join with schools in other countries, to spread the message that we care for each other, that we want to understand each other better," Bush said. The result was Friendship Through Education, a consortium of organizations that connect classrooms and children in more than one-hundred countries both through the Internet and offline. Projects run the gamut and have included creating "comfort quilts" for sick children in Pakistan, sending letters to children in refugee camps, and taking part in an online student conference on human rights. Here are some samples of Internet projects that promote global understanding: International Schools CyberFair Square of Life. United Nations Intl School: International Award Program. The International Award Program (IA) is a self-development program which equips students with life skills that help them make a difference within themselves, their communities, and the world.

The award, which is available to Tut House students, began in the United Kingdom and has had more than eight million participants since its inception in 1956. The Bronze Level and Silver Levels require six months to complete, while the Gold requires a year. UNIS administers the program, providing IA record booklets in which each participant records information on the four sections of the award– Service, Physical Recreation, Skill and the Adventurous Journey. It is in the organization of the Adventurous Journey that the school provides participants with the most support and guidance. The program gives students the opportunity to be recognized for their individual efforts, especially in their applications to colleges and universities. Required Forms Payment Information On memo line include: A School with a Worldview: Teens Learn Beyond Borders. In our eleventh year as the International School of the Americas (ISA) in San Antonio, Texas, we are still an evolving and growing community of learners.

At the time of our founding, we were one of the first reform-minded small schools developed in a context of the mega high school in Texas. Although NAFTA (the North America Free Trade Agreement) was the dominant political issue in the state back then, international education was not foremost in the minds of Texan politicians or school leaders.

Yet, from a position paper written by Professor Tom Sergiovanni at San Antonio's Trinity University grew a new notion of high schooling designed to be an intimate, internationally focused, relationship-driven enterprise within the context of a public magnet high school of choice. ISA's small size -- we have just 460 students -- and our use of grade-level teams provides a strong sense of not just community but also family. Travel-Enriched Curriculum The Power of Relationships The Students Speak. Graphic Organizer: Venn Diagram. Kwl mod. 8 Ways to Liven Up the Museum Field Trip. A few years ago I took my students to see an exhibit of work by William Kentridge, an artist from South Africa who uses drawings, robotics, and animation to explore themes of historical memory.

What's not to love? However, when I went to the museum lobby to wait for them -- a full five minutes before the meeting time, there they all were, apparently bored and fidgeting with their smart phones. A trip to the museum seems requisite for many art and history teachers, but without a little imaginative planning, might feel like a real drag to our students. How can we make students excited to visit a museum? #1) Become the Curator When students put on their own show, they experience the museum as a dynamic and living institution. . #2) Rembrandt Selfies #3) Go Guerilla: Institutional Critique The Guerilla Girls are a group of female activists who wear gorilla masks and, more importantly, by staging outrageous stunts, highlight the lack of women artists featured in major collections.

Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators. Considering how ubiquitous smartphones and tablets have become, especially in high school and middle school, questions about managing use and educating students about digital etiquette are on a lot of educators' minds. This October, Common Sense Media is sponsoring Digital Citizenship Week from October 16 to October 22. And we wanted to pull together some of the best resources to help educators talk about digital responsibility and safety online. Here, you'll find resources that cover today's digital landscape, ideas for student activities, and strategies for engaging parents. There are plenty of valuable resources for educators and parents to share, but here are six of my favorites: Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for K-12: Common Sense Media’s interactive curriculum offers something for every grade level.

Check out the "Scope & Sequence" tool to find the perfect lesson for your classroom. More Resources From Edutopia. Edutopia. How it's done: Start Place-Based Learning in Your Classroom Crellin educators share these suggestions for others who are interested in trying place-based learning in their schools or classrooms. 1. Keep an Eye Open for Opportunities Crellin finds opportunities for place-based learning lessons or projects by simply stepping outside of the classroom and keeping an eye open for ideas. "When you use your place, everything that the kids are doing becomes relevant," describes Dana McCauley, Crellin's principal. 2. In addition to always being on the lookout for ways to use the local environment, Crellin teachers and staff ask for input from community members, parents, and even the students. 3.

Once teachers start looking for ideas, the possibilities for place-based learning can quickly become overwhelming. 4. Because Crellin is a small, rural school, many of their place-based projects feature the local stream or the Environmental Learning Lab on the land behind the schoolyard. 5. 6.

Internet safety

Global Education On a Dime: A Low-Cost Way to Connect. Educators don't need huge budgets to develop a global-education program. One of the best examples of this is a partnership called the Flat Classroom Project that started by connecting an international school in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with an American school in Camilla, Georgia, and has since expanded into many collaborative projects that bring together over 5,000 students in more than 30 countries around the world. The project, based on Thomas L. Friedman's international best seller, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, calls on American students to partner with students across the globe and conduct a series of activities that deal with globalization. Here are some ideas to consider based on the experiences of schools that have participated in these sorts of projects: Use On-Hand, Real-World Resources Shari Albright, former chief operating officer of the Asia Society's International Studies Schools Network, now the Norine R.

Focus on Content, Not Technology The U.S. 8 Ways to Liven Up the Museum Field Trip. United Nations Intl School. Lesson Plans - Student Teaching Fall 2012 & American Boychoir School Spring 2013.