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The Tudors

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Battle of Bosworth - War of the Roses. The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought in medieval England from 1455 to 1487.

Battle of Bosworth - War of the Roses

For thirty - two years, a bitter struggle for the English throne was waged between two branches on the same family, the House of York and the House of Lancaster, both descended from Edward lll. The War of the Roses began in 1455, when many barons resented the way that the Lancaster family had seized the throne in 1399 and felt that Henry V, IV or VI were not the rightful kings. (Henry IV, the first Lancastrian King, came to the English throne by force. He made his cousin Richard ll, abdicate, and then seized the crown himself.) According to the barons, the York family, cousins of the Lancasters, were truly entitled to reign. Tudor Timeline. Tudor Ships and Exploration. When Henry VIII came to power, England had only a small navy.

Tudor Ships and Exploration

During his reign Henry spent a great deal of money building up a large fleet to defend the kingdom. Life at sea was risky and dangerous, but it also offered, fame and riches. From the end of the 15th century English sailors started on a series of daring and dangerous expeditions. There are several reasons why the Tudors might have decided to explore. These included: Home Page. Homelife | Tudor Food Poor Tudors | Rich Tudors l Entertainment Tudor Shops In Tudor towns there were bakers, butchers, fishmongers, brewer, cooks, weavers, tailors and robe makers, washerwomen, shoemakers, building workers and carpenters, smiths and metal workers.

Home Page

In most towns tradesmen of one kind tended to live and work in the same street e.g. in many towns butchers and slaughterhouses gathered together in a street called the Shambles. (Shambles is an old word meaning a meat market or butcher shop.) As most people in Tudor times couldn't read, shop keepers had to hang signs outside with pictures on to tell their customers what was for sale. Why did Henry VIII have six wives? Henry divorced two of his wives (Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves), he had two of his wives executed (Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard) and one of his wives (Jane Seymour) died shortly after childbirth.

Why did Henry VIII have six wives?

His last wife (Catherine Parr) outlived him. Why did Henry VIII have six wives? Monarchs in the Tudor times rarely married for love. Often they married to link up families to other rich and powerful families both from England and from other important countries. Henry had six wives because.... Why did Henry VIII have six wives? The Poor in Tudor times. Life for the poor in Tudor times was harsh.

The Poor in Tudor times

The poor had to work hard and struggled to survive. Many poor people lives lived in villages doing farm work or making cloth in their own homes for very little pay. They worked six days a week and only had holy days and public holidays off work. When the harvest failed it was tempting for poor people to steal food. When people did break the law, they risked public flogging or being hanged. Four sorts of People In 1577, William Harrison, a church minister, wrote a book called 'Description of England'. 'We in England divide our people commonly into four sorts.' Food and drink The poor living in cities survived on bread made from flour in mills alive with rats, and pies filled with spiced meats to disguise the fact that the meat was 'off'.

Meat was a luxury but poor people sometimes kept animals to provide milk, cheese and eggs. Honey was used instead of sugar to sweeten desserts such as fruit pies. The Dissolution of the Monasteries. In the reign of Henry VIII the Pope was the head of all the Christian Church.

The Dissolution of the Monasteries

When the Pope refused to grant Henry VIII a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, he set up the Church of England. (The Roman Catholic faith believed in marriage for life. It did not recognise, let alone support, divorce.) What is the Reformation? The Reformation is the process by which the English Church is split off from the Roman church. The word reformation is made from two Latin words: re = "again" and formare = "to form or make" Tudor Kings and Queens. Henry Vlll - Tudor king. Find out about his Henry's six wives here Age18-56.

Henry Vlll - Tudor king

Second son of Henry VII. Married Catherine of Aragon (Spanish), Anne Boleyn (English), Jane Seymore (English), Anne of Cleves (Flemish-Belgian), Catherine Howard (English), Catherine Parr (English). Tudor Houses / Tudor Architecture. The Tudor period is the time when the Tudor family came to the throne.

Tudor Houses / Tudor Architecture

Henry VIII is the most famous tudor king. You can see many Tudor houses in England today. Some of them are over 500 years old! Tudor Food. The Tudor people ate a lot of fresh food because there was no way of storing food to be eaten later.

Tudor Food

There was no such thing as freezers or fridges in the Tudor times. They ate with fingers, knives and spoons. There were no forks. People kept animals all year round and would kill them just before they needed to be eaten. This meant that the meat was always fresh. To improve the flavour of games, such as deer, pheasant and rabbit, it was hung from the ceiling in a cold room for several days before eating.

Three-quarters (75%) of the rich Tudor diet was made up of meat such as oxen, deer, calves, pigs, badger or wild boar. About Tudor Explorers for Kids. Daily Life in the Tudor Times. Homelife | Tudor Food | Tudor Towns Poor Tudors | Rich Tudors l Entertainment.

Daily Life in the Tudor Times

Tudor Entertainment. Tudor Sports | Tudor Music | Executions | Theatres In the Tudor times many people had to make their own entertainment. There were no computers, televisions and mp3 players and very few people could read. Without electricity, often people got up early in the morning when it was light and went to bed when it was dark. Tudor Fashion. Tudor England is famous for its beautiful and ornate clothing, particularly during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

Clothes were a means of displaying how wealthy a person was. Rich people could afford clothing made of fine wool, linen or silk. Their clothes were decorated with jewels and embroidered with gold thread. No rich person felt properly dressed to impress unless he or she was wearing a ruff. Tudor Children and Schools. Long hours studying and working didn't stop Tudor children having fun and playing games. Toys were often made from wood or materials which were easily available, such as clay, stone and animal bones. Pig bladders were blown up to make footballs, hoops were made from old barrels, and pebbles or cherry stones were used to play marbles or jacks. The Spanish Armada for Kids. In May 1588 a massive invasion fleet or 'Armada' sailed from the port of Lisbon. It was made up of 130 ships fitted with 2,500 guns. They carried 30,000 soldiers and sailors. This great war fleet was bound for England. About Tudor Explorers for Kids.