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Feeling Insecure. Doubt. Critical Thinking. Self-Criticism. Receive Criticism. Criticizing Others. 4 Constructive Ways to Deal with Criticism. To live and be part of a community at work, home or school means we are sometimes told truths we may not like to know or hear.

4 Constructive Ways to Deal with Criticism

We get labeled for our shortcomings and judged on our failures and mistakes. While the temptation to block out the unpleasant feedback is strong, we stunt our personal growth and potential by doing so. It’s terribly hard to be on the receiving end of disapproval and negative appraisals, but if we succeed in building our strengths and managing our weaknesses, the world can become our oyster. Below are four ways to deal with criticism: Take time to cool down, set boundaries, and respond, not react. 6 Polite but Effective Ways to Deal with Unwanted Advice. The Kind of People You Should NEVER Take Advice From. I recently read a post about how to give advice.

The Kind of People You Should NEVER Take Advice From

It had some good pointers. But do you know the one thing it didn’t say? That people giving advice should know what they’re talking about. Passive-Aggressive Behavior. Social Media Complaints.