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Rugby - H Cup - H Cup - Saracens / Toulon. Arfis école. OM | | WORDPRESS PLUGIN FOR SOCIAL LINK DOMINATION USER REVIEW | Is it SCAM or LEGIT? WordPress template optimization - Speed up WordPress. WP Socializer. WP Socializer is an advanced plugin for inserting all kinds of Social bookmarking & sharing buttons. It has super cool features to insert the buttons into posts, sidebar.

It also has Floating sharebar. Check out the LIVE DEMO of the plugin [ Note: v2.4.9.8 is a recommended update which fixes various issues. New features and bug fixes in v2.4.9.8 (NEW) Social button site (VKontakte) (now contains 108 social bookmarking buttons)Sharethis code fix.Sharethis twitter handle fix.Pinterest alignment fix.Social buttons url encoding fix.Facebook button code updated (support for share button). Notable features Insert all kinds of social buttons in posts & pages.Floating share bar (both horizontal & vertical - with left side and right side float support)Faster and Optimized loading with Smart load feature.Has Shortcodes for all buttons.Widgets for inserting FB like box & G+ badges in sidebar.Template functions are available for advanced placements.

Changelog Future of WP Socializer Buttons available. How to Speed Up WordPress: 15 Easy Methods. WordPress is a great platform. One weakness that it suffers from, however, is it can be quite slow. Without taking the right precautions, you could end up with a sluggish site. That’s not only a hassle for repeat visitors but will cause you to lose subscribers and customers. In this quick post, I’ll cover all of the best ways that I’ve found to consistently speed up WordPress. Why Site Speed Is Important When a person lands on your site for the first time, you only have a few seconds to capture their attention to convince them to hang around.

Get ready to lose sleep at night: according to a report by the Microsoft Bing search team, a 2-second longer delay in page responsiveness reduced user satisfaction by 3.8%, increased lost revenue per user by 4.3%, and a reduced clicks by 4.3%. If your site takes too long to load, most people are gone, lost before you even had a chance. Not only that, but Google now includes site speed in it’s ranking algorithm. Let’s fix that. How To Speed Up WordPress 1. Un CDN sur WordPress. L’optimisation du temps de chargement et la vitesse d’un site est un travail relativement long puisqu’il est possible d’optimiser de très nombreux éléments différents. Aujourd’hui, voici un guide dédié au CDN et sa mise en place sur WordPress. Ce tutoriel se base sur l’hébergeur Infomaniak mais peut s’adapter aux autres. Il vous permettra de créer un CDN pour les ressources statiques d’un site : le javascript, le fichier CSS et les images.

Un CDN, c’est quoi ? Un CDN est l’abréviation de Content Delivery Network, et permet de stocker des ressources sur de multiples serveurs externes. Une image valant mille mots, voici le concept de base : Pour le dernier point cité sur les avantages du CDN, c’est sur les navigateurs anciens que l’impact sera le plus grand puisque Internet Explorer 6 n’autorise que 2 requêtes simultanées à un même serveur et la version 8 en autorise seulement 6 (Chrome et Firefox dépassant de loin les 10 connexions simultanées).

Quand utiliser un CDN ? Créer des sous-domaines.