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Templates. Mootools. Flot - Google Code. Qooxdoo » Home. Napkin Look & Feel. Flow|state: Matching design sketches to the desired level of des. When you ask people for feedback on a design that has not yet been implemented, take care how much polish you put on the design's representation. A counter-intuitive principle of soliciting early design feedback is that people reviewing a highly polished design may concentrate on superficial details and overlook fundamental issues. In the early stages of the process, you may be able to elicit deeper feedback by striving for an unfinished look in your design representations.

Even novice designers can employ production tools like Adobe Photoshop or Flash to quickly work up beautiful conceptual screen shots or prototypes. They can lavish attention on the presentation of early design concepts, even those that might be thrown away. However, when such a design is shown for review, reviewers may fixate on such details as the color on a button—and fail to question why the button, or indeed the entire screen, needs to exist at all. GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery.