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Jaikuengine - Google Code. JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine.

jaikuengine - Google Code

JaikuEngine powers For the mobile client source, see: Jaiku Mobile client Dependencies Python 2.4 or 2.5 Docutils: Mox: version 0.5.1 Everything else should be included in the checkout via svn:externals. If you're using Ubuntu you will need to install the pstats library which is in the python-profilers package. Quickstart Check out the repository (it's somewhat large due to image binaries): svn checkout jaikuengine Copy to Run the server with some test data pre-loaded: python testserver common/fixtures/*.json Browse to localhost:8080 and log in with popular/password Getting Running Jaiku uses the Django framework as well as most of its development process, so most actions go through To run the development server: python runserver python testserver common/fixtures/*.json Both of these will start a server running at or. Pinax. Signals in Django: Stuff That’s Not Documented (Well) - Chris Pr.

I’ve just spent the last few hours learning how to use signals in Django.

Signals in Django: Stuff That’s Not Documented (Well) - Chris Pr

After many, many searches on Google and much trial and error, I think I finally have a grasp on these silly things, and since I’m an all around nice guy, I’m going to spare those lucky few that happen upon this post the same hell. Before I start, I want to go ahead and give credit to those who provided some of the crucial pieces to the puzzle during my quest. Django signals (Mercurytide) django – signals Ivan Illarionov on Django Users Google Group Using Django Signals to Ping Sites on An Update Okay, now let’s get started. Creating Custom Signals In the application I’m working on, I needed to send an email whenever a user reset his/her password, a pretty common use case.

Turns out that it’s actually not that difficult to set this up. . # myapp/ password_reset = object() The name `password_reset` is inconsequential; use whatever name best conveys the action that causes the signal to be sent. # myapp/ Wrap Up. Gaeunit - Google Code. New Developer Wanted As a loyal GAEUnit user, you may have noticed that the project has not yet been updated for a while.

gaeunit - Google Code

I have to apologize for this situation. But as the main developer of GAEUnit, I am afraid that it is not able to be changed in near future. I created this project 2 years ago as a community project. Now I hope this project can be continuously pushed forward by the power of community. GAEUnit 2.0 alpha for Django is released, please download and follow the instruction. GAEUnit is a unit test framework that helps to automate testing of your Google App Engine application. GAEUnit is simple. Usage 1. Copy to the project directory. . - url: /test.* script: Building Scalable Web Applications with Google App Engine ‎(Goog. Python interface to the DISQUS API on DISQUS Blog and Forum.