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Buy Matcha Green Tea Powder in Canada. Buy Matcha Green Tea Powder in Canada. Buy Ganoderma Reishi Blended Mushroom Coffee. Mushroom your ways to a healthy lifestyle with our 9 in 1 ganoderma reishi mushroom coffee.

Buy Ganoderma Reishi Blended Mushroom Coffee

A combination of herbal superfood blend with Ganoderma mushroom with an appetizing taste and strong vitality - ALL in a single cup. Does not taste like a mushroom. KEY HEALTH BENEFITS OF OUR REISHI MUSHROOM COFFEE & HERBAL BLEND - Anti-stress - Promotes Overall Health and Wellness - Antioxidants - Improves Sleep - Natural Energy - Immune System Boost - Slimming -Vitality - Longevity. Buy Natural Reishi Mushroom Coffee Online. Are you looking for a new way to conquer your day, master stress, fight fatigue and improve focus?

Buy Natural Reishi Mushroom Coffee Online

Add the Dodjivi Ganoderma Reishi Mushroom Coffee Superfood Blend to your daily routine. Whether you want to support natural energy, stamina, productivity and immunity, this unique herbal mix and adaptogen healthy Reishi Mushroom Coffee is here to help you. Formulated, so you may get all the health and wellness benefits you need in one single cup. If you need a hand with some antioxidant properties, support for your body’s sleep cycle or even try intermittent fasting, this great tasting Djivi Reishi Mushroom Coffee is for you. Used for thousands of years in China and Japan as a natural way to boost the body’s immune system, promote overall wellbeing, the ganoderma reishi mushroom is known as the ancient “mushroom of immortality” and one of the most scientifically researched ingredients the world.

Say “good-bye” to your afternoon caffeine crash in your meetings. Buy Matcha Green Tea Powder Canada. PREMIUM CEREMONIAL GRADE TEA USDA CERTIFIED – Our Matcha Green Tea Powder is USDA Organic Certified, with EU, BCS and JAPANESE Organic Certificates.

Buy Matcha Green Tea Powder Canada

You can be sure that our PREMIUM Japanese Culinary Grade Tea has NO fillers, impurities or artificial coloring. Non-GMO - Dairy Free - Vegan ANTIOXIDANT, HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS – Each of our organic ceremonial matcha contains 137 times more antioxidants than a regularly brewed green tea and matches up to 10 cups of other green teas in nutritional value! ULTIMATE ENERGY BOOSTER – 100% Organic Matcha Powder Canada in a resealable, easy to store pouch to help retain the freshness & taste. Dodjivi Japanese matcha green tea powder is an all-day energy booster which also improves your mood, boost metabolism and is the ideal drink for people looking to shed excess fat or those striving for a healthier lifestyle.

INGREDIENTS:Certified organic green tea 100g. Buy Blended Mushroom Coffee Online in Canada. When Your Coffee Has Reishi, You Have Every Reason To Feel Happy! A quote so popular that you can almost smell the reality in the saying.

When Your Coffee Has Reishi, You Have Every Reason To Feel Happy!

And this was proved even further when the Coffee Association of Canada released a surveyed report which claimed that 67% of Canadians consumed coffee on a daily basis. But Canada isn’t alone on this. Be it the USA, Netherlands, or Finland; the increase in coffee consumption per capita each year is proof that the world is in-fact crazy over this hot beverage. Despite how popular reishi mushroom coffee has become in the recent past, there was a time in the early 1900s where coffee was believed to be a drink that causes numerous health hazards. Right from the claims of coffee stunting growth in people to it causing heart attacks, coffee failed to make it as the preferred choice of drink for several years. Everything You Need To Know About Reishi Mushroom Coffee Blend And Keto.

The Ketogenic Diet—or Keto Diet—has been all the rage lately.

Everything You Need To Know About Reishi Mushroom Coffee Blend And Keto

However, the diet is nothing new. It’s existed in one form or another for at least 100 years and was originally popularized as an anti-epilepsy diet. If unfamiliar with the Keto Diet, it is a diet low in carbs and high in good healthy fats. An individual on the Keto Diet will typically eat lots of low-carb foods such as meat, seafood, dairy, nuts, oils, and fruits and veggies. One of the most popular staples in the Keto Diet is the Bulletproof coffee, featured in many health programs like Dr. Intermittent Fasting And Dodjivi Reishi Mushroom Coffee Mix: The Perfect Match! Like the Keto Diet, Intermittent Fasting has been gaining popularity lately.

Intermittent Fasting And Dodjivi Reishi Mushroom Coffee Mix: The Perfect Match!

This diet, which has origins in the 4th century BC, encourages individuals to restrict their food intake. The most popular version of Intermittent Fasting is the 16/8 Fasting—fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours each day—which claims to reduce specifically belly fat. With 16/8 Fasting, individuals can still eat or drink a small amount of calories, and the benefits of this diet include weight loss, lower cholesterol, better blood pressure and glucose levels, and better energy levels and sleeping patterns.

There is evidence that Intermittent Fasting might also help with heart disease and Alzheimer’s too. Shop loose leaf tea accessories online on Dodjivi. Buy Superfood Blended Reishi Coffee Online. Got Stress? 4 Ways to Unwind with Mushroom Coffee. Got Stress?

Got Stress? 4 Ways to Unwind with Mushroom Coffee

4 Ways to Unwind with Mushroom Coffee Far too many of us are overburdened with life’s challenges these days. It can be easy to get caught up with work, with a side hustle, finances, social activities, family, or whatever else you’ve got going on. Too much stress and not enough time seems to be the motto of this generation. Experience Reishi Mushroom Coffee Superfood Blend with 7 Medicinal Herbs. When Your Coffee Has Reishi, You Have Every Reason To Feel Happy!

Experience Reishi Mushroom Coffee Superfood Blend with 7 Medicinal Herbs

Humanity runs on coffee! A quote so popular that you can almost smell the reality in the saying. And this was proved even further when the Coffee Association of Canada released a surveyed report which claimed that 67% of Canadians consumed coffee on a daily basis. Continue Reading. Buy Ganoderma Reishi Mushroom Coffee in Canada. Reishi and Mushroom Coffee: Our Favorite New Miracle Drink - 6 Key Benefits to Drinking It Every Day by Komlanvi Dodjro. Are you looking for coffee without the side effects?

Reishi and Mushroom Coffee: Our Favorite New Miracle Drink - 6 Key Benefits to Drinking It Every Day by Komlanvi Dodjro

What if there were a coffee blend out there that not only got rid of the side effects, but also added in incredible health benefits? Would you be interested in drinking this healing mushroom coffee drink? At Dodjivi, we strive to provide you the best products with the purest ingredients available. Our reishi superfood mushroom coffee blend canada is packed with antioxidants and vital minerals and nutrients to help boost the immune system while relieving stress on the body.

The New Healing Drink Mushroom Coffee. There's a new coffee blend on the block, and you'll want to get your hands on some ASAP.

The New Healing Drink Mushroom Coffee

How I Switched to Mushroom Coffee (and Why I’m Never Going Back) I’ve been a coffee girl all my life. For me, when it comes to mornings, what’s a morning without coffee? It can be hot coffee, or it can be a blended frozen coffee, so long as there’s coffee to start my day. Sometimes, however, I do notice some side effects. For example, if I skip a day or two, there’s that headache that comes with the coffee withdrawal. And if I don’t have my coffee with food, my stomach will hurt. Those side effects I can handle, but it does come with a little bit of guilt. Mushroom Coffee: Is It Really All That? There’s a lot of hype about the latest trend: mushroom coffee. What exactly is mushroom coffee, is there anything special about it, and most importantly, is mushroom coffee really all that? We will answer some of the more common questions we get asked about our reishi mushroom superfood coffee.

What’s mushroom coffee? First off, what is mushroom coffee? Are mushrooms that come out of the ground added to the coffee? Well, a simple answer to that question is: yes, and no. How does it taste? As far as the taste goes, the taste of the coffee does change to a slightly more earthy taste. Buy Matcha Green Tea Powder Online in Canada. Buy Natural Reishi Mushroom Coffee.