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Dodds Law Firm

At Dodds Law Firm, we represents clients who are in need of advice and legal representation in matters involving Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation, Family Law, Trusts, Wills & Estates.

Surprise Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers. Child Custody Law and Eight Ways a Family Law Attorney Can Help. A divorce, in itself, is difficult.

Child Custody Law and Eight Ways a Family Law Attorney Can Help

Whatever the divorcing parties are going through is made further complicated by the accompanying legal proceeding. On top of this are multiple discussions on would-be co-parenting set-ups. Note that matters related to child custody rights have differed significantly through the years. In contrast to traditional times, where custody of the child is ‘automatically’ given to the mother, courts today do not take gender as a main consideration. When assigning legal custody, all factors looked into must be for the best interest of the child.

Proceedings in the courthouse that are related to child custody are often very sensitive. Getting legal help from a reliable child custody lawyer is necessary for several reasons. 1) A child custody attorney can assist before and while you draft a custody agreement with your former spouse. 2) Under relevant family law in Arizona, if the parties do not agree, a court order will determine who is awarded custody. Debts after Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a debtor works with the court to develop a debt repayment plan that lasts anywhere from 3 to 5 years.

Debts after Chapter 13 bankruptcy

At the end of the repayment plan, most remaining debts are eliminated by the court. However, some debts will not be discharged. While the debtor will make manageable payments on these debts during the repayment period, once the judge orders the discharge, the client will still be obligated to pay off the amounts. For example, in many cases, it is not possible to discharge student loans. Arizona Trusts, Wills & Estates Lawyers. Arizona Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers. Filing for bankruptcy in Arizona. People in Arizona may benefit from learning more about how to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Filing for bankruptcy in Arizona

According to federal Bankruptcy Code, certain types of business entities, corporations, partnerships and individuals may qualify as the petitioning debtor. Debtors are required to pass a means test in order to qualify for the relief provided under Chapter 7 status. The selection process is based on calculating whether a presumption of abuse is apparent in the accumulation of debt. Abuse is presumed if the debtor’s monthly 5-year income, minus certain expenses, exceeds $12,475 or 25 percent of the non-priority secured debt, exceeding $7,025.

Debtors who are unable to overcome a ruling of presumption of abuse are relegated to Chapter 13 bankruptcy, or the case is dismissed. Family Law Attorneys AZ. Why consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides some benefits that are not offered in the more common Chapter 7 format.

Why consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Sometimes, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is an option when Chapter 7 is not. Here are a few reasons you might consider a Chapter 13 filing. If you are in a position to repay some of your debt but can’t repay all of it or make payments as they are currently structured, a Chapter 13 filing lets you reorganize debt through a legal structure. The amount you must pay depends on the type of debt you owe; priority and secured debt must be paid in full.

Unsecured debt payments are negotiated. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you keep your home if you are in danger of foreclosure. Chapter 13 might provide some additional options for keeping property that is not exempt under other types of bankruptcy filings. Understanding which debt relief option is right for you and your family is important. Is bankruptcy the best option for you? The decision to file for bankruptcy is never an easy one, nor should it be.

Is bankruptcy the best option for you?

While it will have an impact on your credit for a while, in the long run, it could be the best way to get a handle on your financial problems and get a fresh start. Following are some questions to consider when determining if bankruptcy may be your best option: — Have things reached the point where you’re being contacted regularly by bill collectors? — Are you unable to pay more than the minimum amount due on your credit cards and other debt? — Are you using credit cards to pay for necessities like utilities and food? — Are your largest debts ones that bankruptcy can eliminate or at least help you reorganize? Bankruptcy Attorney Surprise AZ.