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Building Air Leakage Testing - Building Energy Leakage Testing. Air Pressure Testing / Air Tightness Testing - Elite Energy. At Elite Energy we offer Air Tightness/pressure testing nationwide.

Air Pressure Testing / Air Tightness Testing - Elite Energy

Our experienced assessors will also be happy to offer advice on the best ways to gain your target rating. The number of properties to be tested should be in accordance with the following table: For a quote or more information call one of our UK consultants on 0800 043 8100 Air Tightness Tests are sometimes referred to as an Air Pressure Test, Envelope Test or an Air Permeability Test. We are basically testing for the unintentional leakage of air in the building that will cause the heating and / or cooling system in the home to work harder than it needs to, leading to an increased environmental impact. A home isn't a balloon, so when cold air comes in, warm air gets pushed out, which makes you turn up the heat and pay out the £££s. It is a requirement under the Building Regulations 2006 Part L that new dwellings must pass an air pressure/tightness test prior to occupation.

Welsh Energy Sector Training (WEST) Low Carbon Buildings Programme and Renewable Heat Incentive - If you previously had login details for the old Scottish EPC Register, your username will be the same but you will need to reset your password.

Low Carbon Buildings Programme and Renewable Heat Incentive -

To do this, enter your username (which is your email address), into the Reset Password box and your new password will be emailed to you. Once logged in you can change your password. Scottish Energy Performance Certificate Register All Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for existing homes and buildings in Scotland must be stored on a central register. This register is operated by the Energy Saving Trust on behalf of the Scottish Government. Access to the Scottish EPC Register is determined by The Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2008, as amended. For more information on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and EPCs please visit the following website belonging to the Building Standards Division of the Scottish Government .

About the Energy Saving Trust. - Simple Carbon Calculator. Welcome to the Energy Institute - Energy Institute. Low Carbon Buildings Programme and Renewable Heat Incentive - Sure Chill technology. Inspired by nature to work with nature, the technology behind Sure Chill makes the impossible, possible A cool problem From refrigerators that chill cans of cola in a hot Manhattan summer to those that store medicines and support blood banks in remote medical centres, refrigeration systems are essential to every part of people’s lives.

Sure Chill technology

But they’re inefficient. They need to have constant connection to power and, even in the best conditions, do not control temperature well. But more than that, conventional coolers are in a constant battle with nature. A simple idea We started with water. An ingenious solution Sure Chill is a brand new kind of cooling system. Water surrounds a Sure Chill refrigeration compartment. A better future Sure Chill is a cooling system that’s life-changing. UK : BASF Group: Energy Efficiency. "The BASF House" in Nottingham, UK BASF, the leading raw material supplier to the construction industry, has demonstrated its expertise in energy efficiency in both renovation of existing buildings and in new build.

UK : BASF Group: Energy Efficiency

In the UK we have built a house to demonstrate how BASF raw materials can be used to create an energy efficient and affordable home. The house is part of the Creative Energy Homes Project a showcase of energy efficient homes of the future being built at the University of Nottingham. The project aims to stimulate sustainable design ideas and promote new ways of providing affordable, environmentally sustainable houses. Low Carbon Buildings Programme and Renewable Heat Incentive - Technology Directory. Technical Resources > Technical Resources.

Home (United Kingdom) - Energy Saving Trust. Grant schemes for low carbon and renewable energy systems installation. Low Carbon Buildings Programme and Community Renewables Grants Community Renewables Grants There are a number of grant schemes available to cover part of the costs of installing solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, small scale hydro turbines, ground and air source heat pumps, wood fuelled boilers or pellet boilers.

Grant schemes for low carbon and renewable energy systems installation

Two of the schemes below are managed by BRE, one of which has closed to new applicaitons in May this year. Products approved for installation under these schemes are certified by BRE Global as part of the UK Microgeneration Certification Scheme. Grants available The Community Sustainable Energy Programme (CSEP) is an open grants programme run by BRE, an award partner of the Big Lottery Fund. Low Carbon Building Programme – LCBP – Programme Closed The Low Carbon Buildings Programme is now closed.

LCBP was a major government grant funding programme and provided approximately £131 million in grants for around 20,000 projects between 2006 and 2010. Certified products. Renewable Heat Incentive. Renewable Heat Premium Payment / Financial incentives / Generate your own energy. Local Energy Assessment Fund. The links below will take you to free online tools and information resources that may be helpful to projects applying for LEAF-funding.

Local Energy Assessment Fund

These resources might be helpful in writing your funding application or even in the implementation of your project and include: Case studies of successful community projects Guidance and technical information on different types of community energy project Carbon footprinting and action planning tools and systems Information about funding and finance for community energy projects Community Energy Online Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) offers a “Community Energy Online” (CEO) Portal CEO has been revising CEO pages with links to PlanLoCaL videos, further useful websites and advice on process and policy. Green Communities - Carbon Footprint Tool The Green Communities carbon footprint tool allows groups of individuals to measure their carbon emissions and work out their community carbon footprint. Use the tool. Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is the world’s first long-term financial support programme for renewable heat.

Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

The RHI pays participants of the scheme that generate and use renewable energy to heat their buildings. By increasing the generation of heat from renewable energy sources (instead of fossil fuels), the RHI helps the UK reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet targets for reducing the effects of climate change. There are two parts to the RHI: Carbon Trust free Energy Saving Plan. Carbon Surveys. Our surveys identify quick and effective ways to reduce your energy use.

Carbon Surveys

They are available to companies in Wales with annual energy bills greater than £30,000. It takes just five minutes to complete our form and we'll respond within five working days. You'll need to know your company's annual energy spend and, if you're part of a larger organisation, the group's approximate energy spend. What we do After we've received your application, we'll give you a call to discuss whether your company is eligible and what kind of service would work best for you. Depending on the size of your site, visits usually take between one and four days. What you get. Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) ECA : What is the ECA scheme?