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Ethical Leadership - Leadership Training from MindTools. Doing the Right Thing Know in advance what you'd do. © iStockphoto We've seen some high profile ethical failures in the press in recent years.

Ethical Leadership - Leadership Training from MindTools

It will be hard to forget the devastation caused by accounting fraud at the investment company run by Bernard Madoff, or the earlier frauds at Enron and Worldcom. People have also raised ethical questions over the welfare of some organizations' staff and suppliers. This highlights the extent to which it can be difficult for leaders to determine what's right and wrong. What we rarely see, however, are stories about the numerous companies that are managed by ethical leaders. So how do they do this? Define Your Organization's Values To lead your team with character and integrity, you must set an example. For example, the global technology giant 3M is well known for its company values.

Hopefully, your company has clear rules about how it wants team members to act. Your personal values are also important. Ask yourself these questions: Set the Tone. It's modes, not traits. I know a woman who at work seems emotionally reactive, needy and dependent – everyone says, “That’s just her personality.”

It's modes, not traits

But then when she was part of a group touring the labyrinths of Europe, a friend from her workplace who also went reported – a bit shocked – that the woman was nothing like her usual self. She took initiative and explored strange cities on her own, was emotionally stable, and fun to be with. All of us are different people in different situations, or with varied groups, or from time to time, and at various stages of our lives.

The old personality model, that we have fixed traits that stay with us throughout our lives, doesn’t do justice to how flexible our behavior can be. Traits have long been used to pigeonhole people in the workplace, for everything from hiring to placing people in the “right” job. “Modes” are a new concept that lets us understand how and why we actually are diverse people at various times. Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture - John Coleman. By John Coleman | 3:00 PM May 6, 2013 The benefits of a strong corporate culture are both intuitive and supported by social science.

Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture - John Coleman

According to James L. Heskett, culture “can account for 20-30% of the differential in corporate performance when compared with ‘culturally unremarkable’ competitors.” And HBR writers have offered advice on navigating different geographic cultures, selecting jobs based on culture, changing cultures, and offering feedback across cultures, among other topics. But what makes a culture? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There are other factors that influence culture. Ten things we know to be true – Company – Google. Nous avons rédigé cette liste quelques années après la création de Google.

Ten things we know to be true – Company – Google

Nous la mettons régulièrement à jour afin qu'elle soit toujours d'actualité, et espérons que vous la trouverez pertinente. Recherchez l'intérêt de l'utilisateur ; le reste suivra. Depuis sa création, la société Google s'efforce d'offrir aux internautes la meilleure expérience utilisateur possible. Lorsque nous concevons un nouveau navigateur Internet ou lorsque nous apportons un plus à l'aspect de notre page d'accueil, c'est votre confort que nous cherchons à satisfaire, et non un quelconque objectif interne, ni les exigences de résultats de la société.

L'interface est simple et claire, et les pages se chargent instantanément.