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How to install Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu 11.10. Ubuntu (The latest stable version : 11.10(Oneiric Ocelot), released few weeks ago) is one of the most Linux based popular operating system and gradually becoming more popular among programmers and web developers. C/C++/Java programmers and web developers are rocking with the Ubuntu as it has a bunch of open source development tools available to increase the productivity at minimum or zero cost. Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular framework for developing web applications using Agile approach.

Rails (Latest version : 3.1) is based MVC (Model View Framework). Getting started with Rails has been little messy (On Linux platform) for beginners due to its installation/setup errors, probably due to some missing dependencies (e.g gems).Relax, it’s very simple, you just need to understand few basic things. To install ruby on rails in Ubuntu 11.10 (or other similar Linux distribution such as Linux Mint, Debian etc), just follow these simple steps. Step 1. Sudo apt-get install git step 2. New features of Rails 3.1. Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby. Automate Rails Application Deployment with Capistrano — The deployment aspect of Ruby on Rails development can be much easier with an automated process. Capistrano, a deployment tool that helps to automate Rails application deployment, harnesses the power of metaprogramming to allow the user to define the values of deployment techniques, repositories, databases and exception notifications.

In his Web Developer's Virtual Library (WDVL) article, Saurabh Bhatia introduces the Capistrano tool and explains how it works. He then walks you through the process of automating a Rails application deployment using Capistrano, Git (as the repository), and Phusion Passenger (as the server). Read the full story at Web Developer's Virtual Library: Automate Rails Application Deployment with Capistrano. Capistrano.