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Leak Free Javascript Closures. Closures (Lambda Expressions) for the Java Programming Language. Summary of JavaScript closures. Summary of JavaScript closures If everything seems completely unclear then the best thing to do is to play with the examples. Reading an explanation is much harder than understanding examples. My explanations of closures and stack-frames etc are not technically correct - they are gross simplifications intended to help understanding.

Once the basic idea is grokked, you can pick up the details later. Final points: Whenever you use function inside another function, a closure is used. Links TrimBreakpoint is a tricky use of closures to let you inspect local variables for a function from a popup breakpoint window. Javascript Closures. Introduction Closure A "closure" is an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that "closes" the expression). Closures are one of the most powerful features of ECMAScript (javascript) but they cannot be property exploited without understanding them. They are, however, relatively easy to create, even accidentally, and their creation has potentially harmful consequences, particularly in some relatively common web browser environments.

To avoid accidentally encountering the drawbacks and to take advantage of the benefits they offer it is necessary to understand their mechanism. The simple explanation of a Closure is that ECMAScript allows inner functions; function definitions and function expressions that are inside the function bodes of other functions. Unfortunately, properly understanding closures requires an understanding of the mechanism behind them, and quite a bit of technical detail. Assignment of Values. JavaScript Closures 101- they're not magic. JavaScript Closures 101- they're not magic Credits: This tutorial is written by Morris Johns. Morris maintains a personal blog called Developing Thoughts where he can be contacted via. This tutorial explains closures so that a regular programmer can understand them - using working JavaScript code.

It is not for gurus nor functional programmers. Closures are not hard to understand once the core concept is grokked. This article is intended for programmers with some programming experience in a main-stream language, and who can read the following JavaScript function: An Example of a Closure Two one sentence summaries: a closure is the local variables for a function - kept alive after the function has returned, or a closure is a stack-frame which is not deallocated when the function returns.

The following code returns a reference to a function: Most JavaScript programmers will understand how a reference to a function is returned to a variable in the above code.