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Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Durability Guarantees of EBS. Berkeley DB Java Edition and Amazon AWS/EC2, EBS | Oracle. In a previous OTN thread titled BerkeleyDB and Amazon EC2/S3 questions were raised about using Berkeley DB Java Edition on AWS/EC2. Specifically, (1) Does JE work on AWS/EC2, and (2) Can S3 be used as a persistent store for JE. To follow up on this, recently I have done some work validating JE on AWS and am happy to report that it works fine (there should be no surprise there). I have run it under 32b and 64b Ubuntu distros with Java 6, but I have no reason to think that it doesn’t work on other platforms.

On the second question, I did no work with S3 as a persistent store. Rather, I ran JE with both the Instance Local Storage and with an EBS volume as Environment storage. I call attention to the performance that I observed with EBS on an m1.large instance type. Tags: 32b Amazon Amazon Ec2 Amp Ant Aws Berkeley Db Berkeleydb bi Bot Developer Dis Distro Distros Durability Ebs Ef Environment Ers Forums Fsync Guarantees Ins Java Java Edition Messageid Msec or Oracle Oth Otn Persistent Store Platforms Rac Raw Write reas Reason Sec. How is Berkely DB fare against other Key-Value Database. Typica - Project Hosting on Google Code. This is a simple API to access Amazon's SQS, EC2, CloudWatch, AutoScaling, ELB, SimpleDB, SNS, FPS and DevPay LS web services. It uses the QUERY APIs. This code is thread-safe and works very reliably to the best of my knowledge. I've been using it on a system where sending messages in SQS is critical and we manage pools of servers on EC2.

Typica has been tested with the Eucalyptus Community Cloud ( NOTE: The 1.7 release brings support for HttpClient 4, which means a change to the dependencies. Please download the newer httpclient/httpcore jars. How are you using typica? There is a new tool available for downloads. Dependencies: The combination of EC2, S3 and SQS is very compelling for building scalable applications. This project is referenced at the AWS Developer's Connection: The name (TIP-ik-uh) was chosen because this is a coffee grown in Brazil, through which the Amazon flows. Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Developing Java Web Applications with Apache Tomcat and AWS. Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with Elastic Block Store. By Eric Hammond , Internet Startup Technologist ( @esh on Twitter) This guide covers: Benefits of using EBS for MySQL Setting up an EBS volume on an EC2 instance for use with MySQL Configuring MySQL to use the EBS volume for data files and binary logs Snapshotting the database Restoring the snapshotted database on a second EC2 instance This explicitly does not cover: How to set up an Amazon EC2 account How to use MySQL Advanced multi-host redundancy, master/slave, failover, scaling, clusters The focus here is on simplicity and to help the reader get a feel for the basics of what EBS offers to database servers.

There are numerous reasons why you will want to run your MySQL database on EBS. Persistent storage in the event of instance failure - If an EBS volume is used as the storage for a MySQL database, then the data is protected from instance termination or failure. Safety & Replication - According to Amazon, "EBS volume data is replicated across multiple servers". Technology choices. Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Feature Guide: Elastic Block Store. Overview Amazon Elastic Block Storage (Amazon EBS) is a new type of storage designed specifically for Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon EBS allows you to create volumes that can be mounted as devices by EC2 instances. Amazon EBS volumes behave as if they were raw unformatted external hard drives.

They have user supplied device names and provide a block device interface. You can create a file system on top of Amazon EBS volumes, or use them in any other way you would use a block device. You can create up to twenty Amazon EBS volumes of any size (from one gigabyte up to one terabyte). Each Amazon EBS volume is independent of any individual EC2 instances and can be attached to any one of your instances (within the same availability zone) or can even exist unattached to an EC2 instance. Amazon EBS provides the ability to create snapshots of your Amazon EBS volumes to Amazon S3.

Concepts Amazon EBS Volumes: Amazon EBS Snapshots: Use Cases This section describes common Amazon EBS use cases: For example: