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Can You Teach Emotional Intelligence? Behind the Movement for Social and Emotional Learning. The Secretary of Education isn’t the only one who thinks so. Behind the growing movement for social and emotional learning. posted Jul 22, 2010 Social and Emotional Learning, SEL, focuses on teaching children the skills and strategies to recognize and moderate their own emotions and to manage conflicts with others. Photo Courtesy of the Jefferson County Kentucky Public Schools.

In a dimmed classroom in Spanish Harlem’s P.S. 112, thirteen kindergarteners were on a journey through the Woods of Wonder. “I saw lots of seashells,” whispered one boy. “I saw a reindeer and an owl,” said another. “You fed the owl and he was happy,” said Roepke. “I saw a little bird that was blue and had a flat beak and sharp claws.”

“I saw a purple salamander,” Sophie’s neighbor offered. “I’ve been hoping to see one of those!” Soon enough it was time to build a cellophane campfire. “He just spotted it in the woods over there,” Roepke told the class. A Peaceful Place SEL in Action "These are learned skills. Interested?

A list of top 50 Parenting blogs by Blog Rank. An Educators Guide To Twitter. Education. Forget demographics. It’s all about the socialgraphics. By Neicole Crepeau, Contributing {grow} Columnist Traditionally, marketers have researched their customers’ demographics to have a clear idea of their age, gender, income, location, and other traits. Marketers added psychographics to the mix, allowing them to take into account customer’s interests, values, and attitudes. A step up from the very general information that demographics provide, psychographics enable marketers to speak to customers in a way that resonates with them. Now, in the age of social media and behavioral ad targeting, we have to add another type of data to our arsenal: socialgraphics. Socialgraphics capture the attitudes, characteristics, behavior, and, most important, motivations of customers online.

Socialgraphics helps move your message The new world of digital marketing requires the kind of research that user experience teams routinely do, but marketers have not always accessed. Levels of socialgraphics Audience segmentation. Platform segmentation. The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Pinterest for Marketing. Over the past few months, you may have heard some chatter about a brand new social network called Pinterest. Not surprising. According to Compete, unique visitors to increased by 429% from September to December 2011, and the social network already boasts a user base of 3.3 million. Pinterest is only growing in popularity as the hottest new social network, and in December 2011, it made Hitwise's list of the top 10 social networks, currently sitting at #5 and beating out big names like LinkedIn and Google+.

And as with any hot new social network that comes onto the scene, marketers are chiming in with, "Can I use it for marketing? " "...and, how? " The short answer? Absolutely. What is Pinterest, and How Does it Work? Pinterest Etiquette As with any site that is built around content curation, 'pinners' (Pinterest users) must be especially cognizant of citing the sources of their individual pins.

"Avoid Self Promotion | Pinterest is designed to curate and share things you love. The Art of Writing Great Twitter Headlines. XD Proxy.