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20 uses for Evernote that you probably haven’t thought of yet. When it comes to getting organized, Evernote can be a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.

20 uses for Evernote that you probably haven’t thought of yet

In fact, it’s our favorite note-taking platform—by far—because it lets you do so much more than just take basic notes. Through Evernote’s web and mobile apps, you can create digital notebooks for everything from your grandmother’s lasagna recipe to ideas for your next great novel, and everything in between. But you can also use it to backup your photos, create slideshow presentations, and manage your calendar.

Read on for more cool Evernote uses that you might not have thought of. Keep track of expenses Whether you’re doing it for your boss or for your own taxes at the end of the year, keeping up with receipts is tough business. Remember the perfect haircut Make sure you always get the perfect haircut by keeping an album of the last time your stylist nailed it in an Evernote notebook. Backup your iOS photos. 5 game-changing Evernote techniques for teachers. Evernote is a powerful notetaking and information gathering app.

5 game-changing Evernote techniques for teachers

Teachers can leverage its potential with these five techniques. (Flickr / Johan Larsson) Filing cabinets. We all have them. And chances are, they’re full of papers that we never look at anymore. Fact: After teaching at a school for about six years, I raided my two four-cabinet, almost-full filing cabinets and threw away 90 percent of the decades of papers collected there.

Including several blue-inked ditto sheets. These days, papers still pile up on my desk. But paper is not cluttering my life like it used to — thanks to Evernote. - From the Principal's Office: 25 Ideas for Using Evernote as an Educator and More! 0 Comments October 20, 2013 By: J.

- From the Principal's Office: 25 Ideas for Using Evernote as an Educator and More!

Robinson Oct 20 Written by: 10/20/2013 12:13 PM ShareThis Evernote is one of the most powerful apps available. Alert to All Users of the Disqus commenting system: Because of a recent global security issue, the Disqus website recommends that all users change their Disqus passwords. Getting Started with Skitch for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. Now that you’ve marked up your image, saving it to your device, sending it to Evernote, or sharing it with others is simple.

Getting Started with Skitch for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

Next Congratulations! Skitch For iOS Now Lets You Annotate & Share PDF Files. Evernote’s free image editing app, Skitch, now allows you to annotate and share PDF files on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Skitch For iOS Now Lets You Annotate & Share PDF Files

You can then share those PDFs with other Skitch users, who will get a nifty summary view of all your annotations. The feature is available to premium users, but those who aren’t subscribed can try it free for 30 days. To some, this alone will be worth the paid premium account. According to Evernote’s Senior Product Designer, Keith Lang, users have been calling for this feature. “We know lots of people want to open, annotate and output PDFs,” he said. In addition to PDF annotation, Skitch 2.5 also adds a clever stamps feature, which allows you to quickly approve, reject, or call attention to parts of an image and provide feedback more quickly. You can download the latest version of Skitch now from the App Store by clicking the source link below.

Related. Mastering Evernote On Your Mac [Feature. Evernote is a fantastic app that lets you manage your digital life, letting you store and synchronize notes, pictures, audio, video, and web pages with ease.

Mastering Evernote On Your Mac [Feature

It works across Mac and iOS devices easily and simply, with a simple login to rule them all. The following are five tips and tricks that should help you get the most out of Evernote for the Mac. Enjoy! Share Notes Via Email or URL. Mastering Evernote: Version Control Your Notes With History Feature [OS X Tips. With the ability to store notes over time, make changes to them, and collaborate with others (an Evernote Premium feature), it stands to reason that your notes will change over time.

Mastering Evernote: Version Control Your Notes With History Feature [OS X Tips

What if a collaborator makes a change to a note that you don’t want? What if you make a change, then walk away from the note for a few days or weeks, but forget what you changed? The agony! Mastering Evernote: Back Up (And Restore) All Your Notes [OS X. Mastering Evernote: Advanced And Saved Searches To Find Your Stuff [OS X Tips. Evernote lets you save everything, right?

Mastering Evernote: Advanced And Saved Searches To Find Your Stuff [OS X Tips

Notes, images, audio files, and all, just packed willy nilly into one of a hundred or so notebooks. What happens when you need to find your stuff again? It’s the essential problem of all sorts of electronic storage, from email to to-do lists. Simple search strings are easy enough, but what if you need more esoteric searches, like, “that note with the checkbox that I wrote up last week?” Luckily, Evernote makes it easy to search through all our notes and notebooks for just the right stuff. Todo:*: type this into the search field at the top of Evernote, and you’ll get all the notes that include checkboxes (which can be added in the Format menu). Mastering Evernote: Send And Organize Notes, Photos, And Audio Files Via Email [OS X Tips. It’s generally super easy to get notes into Evernote, using the desktop client, the mobile client, and even the web client.

Mastering Evernote: Send And Organize Notes, Photos, And Audio Files Via Email [OS X Tips

There are a ton of different apps on Mac and iOS that will let you interface with Evernote, like Penultimate on the iPad or Reeder on the Mac. But did you know that you could send emails along to Evernote, too? If you’re swiping through emails on your iPhone, or scrolling through them on your Mac, you can quickly forward important ones to your Evernote account, for later follow up or archiving. Here’s how. Mastering Evernote: Share Notes Via Email or URL [OS X Tips. I use Evernote for almost everything these days, including clipping websites to research these daily OS X Tips, writing grocery lists on my Mac and then using my iPhone at the store, and scanning important printed documents to organize digitally.

Mastering Evernote: Share Notes Via Email or URL [OS X Tips

Livescribe Sky Pen Sends Handwritten Notes To Evernote Via Wi-Fi. Calling the new Livescribe Sky a pen is like calling your iPhone 5 a phone. Technically the Sky is a writing instrument, but it has about as much in common with a pen as your iPhone has with an old rotary dial telephone. The Sky lets you write and draw on paper, and it then uploads your notes wirelessly (no computer required) to your Evernote account. From there you can immediately access them from your iPad, iPhone, Mac or any device with a browser.

This is neat enough, but you also get to record audio in sync with your notes (great for lectures and interviews), you can plug in headphones or a mic/headphone headset for binaural recordings, you get a built-in speaker, 2, 4 or 8GB storage, a tiny OLED display, a microUSB hole and a Wi-Fi radio. Not bad for a “pen”, huh? Notes taken show up in your Evernote account as soon as they are uploaded. It’s also the most expensive, starting at $170 for the 2GB model, rising to $250 for the 8GB version. Via Trunk SpotlightRelated.