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Blogs | Mackstar - Leeds, UK - Nightly. Testing controllers in Lithium Submitted by Richard on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 18:19 There is often a need to test your controllers for higher level functional tests. In Lithium using its own test suite this is easy. For this I am using @daschl's fixtures plugin which can be found here. Tags: Practical Internationalization in Lithium Submitted by Richard on Sat, 12/31/2011 - 02:06 Just thought I would write some jottings about internationalization as it is something I seem to do quite a lot of these days. Using OAuth in Lithium Submitted by Richard on Fri, 12/30/2011 - 23:47 Using OAuth in Lithium to login your users to Facebook, Twitter, Google and Others The How to add your own Tokens from CCK fields in Druapl 7 Submitted by Richard on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 04:49 If you want to add custom CCK field content such as taxonomy terms, categories and the like to other parts of your node automatically then you will need the help of Tokens.

Weaving Lithium #li3 into a legacy PHP application incrementally. #li3 > Lithium Documentation > manual/quickstart - Nightly. Michael Nitschinger's Blog - Nightly. Lithium 101 | Lithium PHP Framework resources - Nightly. Welcome to Imagine’s documentation! — Imagine, image manipulations reloaded - Nightly. Imagine is a OOP library for image manipulation built in PHP 5.3 using the latest best practices and thoughtful design that should allow for decoupled and unit-testable code. Contribute: Your contributions are more than welcome !

Start by forking Imagine repository, write your feature, fix bugs, and send a pull request. If you modify Imagine API, please update the API documentation by running at the root of Imagine project: curl -s | php php composer.phar install --dev bin/sami.php update docs/sami_configuration.php -v and commit the updated files in the docs/API/ folder. If you’re a beginner, you will find some guidelines about code contributions at Symfony A couple of words in defense After reading the documentation and working with the library for a little while, you might be wondering “Why didn’t he keep width and height as simple integer parameters in every method that needed those?” It’s OOP man, come on - nothing to add here, really. List of useful Lithium (Li3) resources - Nightly.