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Redoable at Version mobile de site iavec WordPress et le plugin WPtouch. Wordbook. ZdMultiLang. Flash Video Player. WP Plugin: Gregarious › Vacuous Virtuoso. WordPress Plugins | My company provides WordPress development and consulting services – feel free to let us know if you have a project you’d like to discuss.

Social This plugin that creates an integration between your WordPress blog, Twitter and Facebook. It allows you to pull your tweets and Facebook reactions into your blog as comments. You can also broadcast posts and comments out, and users can authenticate via Twitter and Facebook. Social is also a platform that other plugins can leverage. Download Twitter Tools This plugin that creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. Download WordPress Mobile Edition A mobile/phone/PDA friendly interface for your blog with progressive enhancement for advanced mobile browsers. Download Share This This plugin will allow your visitors to share your content via social bookmarking sites and/or e-mailing the post to a friend.

Download Link Harvest This plugin will go through all of your posts and pages and compile a list of all external links. Google Analytics Plugin For WordPress. The Google Analytics (GA) plugin lets you easily add Google's web tracking script to your WordPress site. Google Analytics is a truly amazing service for marketers: it generates comprehensive site statistics for your site — at no cost — that are entirely geared towards website optimization (quick tour). The only downside is that Google ends up knowing your stats.

If you do not wish it to, look into the Hitslink plugin. Click to see a Tour of Google Analytics To make use of the plugin, browse Settings / Google Analytics and paste the code that GA provided you with for your site, and you're pretty much done. Note that site authors are not tracked so as to not pollute your stats. This plugin contrasts with a number of similar WordPress plugins, in the amount of effort that was put into making it easy to use, and into integrating other plugins so you can make the best of your stats. AdSense integration AdSense integration is built-in. Ad Manager integration Contact Form integration Search tracking. Modblogger - Tech | Premium Wordpress Theme. Video Gallery. Premium WordPress Themes by Jason Schuller.

( - Des Thèmes pour WordPress en Français. Free “WP Premium” Theme is here | free premium wordpress theme, wordpress cms, custom wordpress template, paid wordpress theme, wordpress revolution, wordpress theme revolution.