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18 Tools I use as a Designer & Blogger. Fuel Your Creativity. Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook? [INFOGRAPHIC] Facebook profiles are like belly buttons: Everybody's got one. Perhaps that statement's still a bit of an exaggeration, but by the numbers, we (that is, Internet users around the globe) are becoming more obsessed with Facebook by the day.

One out of every 13 Earthlings and three out of four Americans is on Facebook, and one out of 26 signs into Facebook on a daily basis. We could rattle off stats like that until the cows come home, but instead, we'd like to show you this fascinating infographic from SocialHype and Here, in a visual nutshell, are some highlights about Facebook usage, 2010 trends, adoption numbers and a great deal more. Take a good look at this information (or click here for the full-size version), and in the comments, let us know what you think about our global fascination with Facebook.

Embed this Image on Your Site: Header image courtesy of Flickr, tsevis. Extraordinary Crafts | Smack My Glitch Up › AS3 BitmapData Glitch Generator. Sometimes it’s good to break things… During a recent project I needed to find a way of simulating digital interference on an image / video stream. At first, it seemed the best approach might be to use the graphics API or Bitmap effects, but why imitate when you can have the real thing. The principle is incredibly simple. Corrupt / alter a byte (or several bytes) in the ByteArray of a JPEG and then load this back into a DisplayObject using Loader.loadBytes().

Because of the way in which JPEGs work, the image will still display but the corrupt bytes will mangle the output to varying degrees, depending on how many bytes have been corrupted. The result is an interesting glitch pattern, a bit like those which were accidentally created when my webcam drivers lost the plot. It is also possible to corrupt other image formats (png, gif etc) in the same way, by first passing the image ByteArray through a JPEGEncoder. Download: AS3 BitmapData Glitch Generator (Glitchmap) A Twitter List Powered Fan Page – Tutorialzine. Martin Angelov Introduction Recently, Twitter rolled out a great new feature on their site – lists. You can now create and compile a list of twitter users and make it easier for others to follow all at once.

Also, at the same time, they expanded their API to include list management functionality. This allows us to use these new tools to create a widget that flips lists the other way around – a fan page you can put in your sidebar, that allows your visitors to fill in their twitter name and join a specially crafted fan list in your twitter account. So download the example files and lets start coding! Important: Twitter recently made a radical change to their authentication API’s, which makes it impossible for this example to work. Step 1 – XHTML As usual, we start with the XHTML.

Demo.html <div id="fanPage"><div class="title"><a class="fanPageLink" href=" title="Go to fanpage! " These are later styled with CSS and populated with data via AJAX. Step 2 – CSS demo.css Step 4 – PHP. Solutions privées de vidéo en ligne pour les professionnels.