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“Well, Isn’t that Spatial” – Information Spaces, 3D UI and HTML5/CSS3 - Daniel Hunt. HTML5 Showcase for Web Developers: The Wow and the How. Webkit If using Google Chrome, you will likely need the Dev channel to see all of the functionality in this presentation. If you are using Safari, you will likely need a nightly build of WebKit in order to see all of the functionality in this presentation. HTML5 Terminal. How to Create an HTML5 3D Engine. You’re probably aware by now that HTML5 is game-changing. In particular, with the HTML5 canvas, there’s been an outpouring of HTML5 3D JavaScript engines such as three.js released to enhance the rudimentary 2D HTML5 API. After all, 3D graphics is a lot cooler than 2D graphics, right? It’s probably fair to say that if you were to create a full-blown 3D engine–complete with three dimensional matrix transformations, point objects, plane objects, shading, ray tracing, and other spatial computations–it would be quite difficult.

But what if we wanted to create an optimized, barebones 3D JavaScript engine that supports translations and rotations? How hard would it be? LAB! - 3D it! Using CSS 3d to make every website into 3d(kind of).

LAB! - 3D it!

It is a bit buggy but you can bookmark the script to your bookmark bar and have some 3D fun on any websites by one single click! The get offset function is not accurate, it looks weird then the div is too large but it looks alright on most of the sites. Flipping Fun! · CodePen. Isotropolis - 3D City Landscape with pure CSS3 · CodePen. 3D Sass Text · CodePen. CSS3 CodePen logo · CodePen. Simple CSS 3D Cubes · CodePen. Apple Wireless Keyboard via CSS3 · CodePen.

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