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Retro photos of mankind's habitat. Open Data Hauts-de-Seine — Open Data Hauts-de-Seine. Alfred Sisley - Crotos. Dessins & croquis d'Israël Silvestre. Recherche dans le titre ou la description :

Dessins & croquis d'Israël Silvestre

DicoTopo. Cour intérieure du Forum - Photo de Lutèce en couleurs - Le Blog de Vincent Henin: DA VINCE (Dessins et Actualités Vincent Henin) Reconstitution de sites et de monuments archéologiques. JEAN-CLAUDE GOLVIN. Jean-Claude Golvin was born in 1942 under the sunny skies of Tunisia, in the town of Sfax.


From an early age, he developed a passion for drawing, history and visiting the ancient sites of North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria). After qualifying as an architect (Architect DPLG in 1969, urban planner DIUP in 1972), he joined several archaeological missions. From 1973 onwards, he took part in the promotion and development of the Roman amphitheater of El-Jem in Tunisia. His interest in Roman amphitheaters prompted him to pursue a PhD in History in 1985, writing his thesis on: "The Roman amphitheater, a theorization of its form and functions. " Le Vieux Paris d'Albert Robida: Porte Saint-Michel… il va bientôt faire nuit… L’Eglise Saint Pierre de Chaillot de Paris - La Librairie Antique. A quoi ressemblait le mur des Fermiers généraux qui entourait Paris ?

Saviez-vous qu’à la fin du XVIIIe siècle un mur entourait Paris ?

A quoi ressemblait le mur des Fermiers généraux qui entourait Paris ?

Le “Mur des fermiers généraux” permettait de collecter un impôt sur les marchandises qui entraient dans la capitale. Très impopulaire, cette enceinte a été l’une des causes de la Révolution. Découvrez à quoi ressemblait cette enceinte peu commune et ce qu’il en reste aujourd’hui. L’objectif du Mur des Fermiers Généraux : collecter l’impôt Au XVIIIe siècle, Paris n’avait pas la superficie que l’on connaît aujourd’hui. File:Hôtel de Valentinois en 1743.png. Château de Versailles, Paintings. 솔바람소리. ( 1839. 10. 30 프랑스 파리~1899. 1. 29 모레쉬르루앙) oil on canvas , 50.1 cm X 65.4 cm, Private collectio Banks of the Seine, 1879, oil on canvas, 38 cm X 46 cm , Private collection The Banks of the Seine, 1879, oil on canvas, 28.5 cm X 51.5 cm , Private collection Barge on the Seine, Autumn Effect, 1879, oil on canvas, 27 cm X 40.5 cm , Private collection The Billancourt Wash House, 1879, oil on canvas, 50.3 cm X 65.6 cm Private collection.


MUSEO THYSSEN-BORNEMISZA, MADRID. PADUA IN THE THYSSEN MUS… The Public Domain vs. the Museum: The Limits of Copyright and Reproductions of Two-dimensional Works of Art. 1.

The Public Domain vs. the Museum: The Limits of Copyright and Reproductions of Two-dimensional Works of Art

Case studies 1.1 National Portrait Gallery (UK) v. Wikimedia Commons. Utilisateur:Ramessou Méryamon/Alfred Sisley. Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg - 15 artworks - painting. Contact Phidias 3D. Open access image libraries – a list. Apollo supports open access to images of artworks that are out of copyright.

Open access image libraries – a list

Below is a list of museums and other archives that provide unrestricted downloads of high-resolution images. This list will be updated on a regular basis. Please contact Samuel Reilly at to suggest further relevant image archives for inclusion. Difference between Etching and Engraving. Human beings cannot exist without the printing industry.

Difference between Etching and Engraving

In the world of printmaking and print development, several methods are used to create different images from a metal plate, a hard surface and even a flat surface. Some of these methods include etching and engraving. What is Etching? It is the art of producing an image with the use of acid which removes the metal, as opposed to cutting the metal surface with a tool. Most commonly, a layer of wax is used as a ground, which is resistant to the acids being used. The softness of the line resulting from the work of acid, together with the easy needle strokes go hand in hand to produce appearance resembling that of fine pencil drawing.

Web Gallery of Art. Virtual art gallery for European fine art created before 1900 The Web Gallery of Art (WGA) is a virtual art gallery website.

Web Gallery of Art

It displays historic European visual art, mainly from the Baroque, Gothic and Renaissance periods, available for educational and personal use.[1] Overview[edit] The website contains reproductions of over 48,600 works[2] and includes accompanying text on the artworks and artists, accessible through a searchable database. The site is a leading example of an independently established collection of high-quality historically important pictures. The viewer can select the size of the image; associated music is also included to accompany viewing, and posters of displayed artworks are available.

Copyrights[edit] Most of the images in the gallery are of works that are out of copyright, as they were all produced before 1900 and all named artists in the collection were born well before 1900. The Web Gallery of Art is copyrighted as a database. Sammlung. #DiscoverGermanyFromHome – your invitation to join us. Art Collections online. Google Arts and Culture The website includes 55 classic works from Ateneum, shown on the site as high resolution images with added introductory notes.

Art Collections online

One of Ateneum’s masterpieces, Eero Järnefelt’s best known painting Under the Yoke (Burning the Brushwood) (1893), has been photographed in extraordinary detail using the ‘gigapixel’ technology, enabling the work to be studied online beyond what is possible with the naked eye. Google Arts and Culture is a global digital museum that makes the world’s art treasures accessible to all – visitors can wander around museums from across the world and experience the art in detail. It is a collaboration between Google and multiple acclaimed art institutions, and it makes over 40,000 works of art available online.

The project was launched in 2011. Ateneum Art Museum at Google Arts and Culture Look at the details of Under the Yoke (Burning the Brushwood) in the gigapixel image. Lépine - artifexinopere. Stanislas Lépine. IMG 6185G Johann Wilhelm Schirmer. 1807-1863. Düsseldorf et Karlsruhe. Rivage rocheux en Normandie. Rocky shore in Normandy. 1836. Karlsruhe - by Jean Louis Mazieres. Geocoded Art: Street View für Kunstfreunde. Sie begegneten sich 1858 in Le Havre, wahrscheinlich am Hafen – und nichts war wie zuvor.

Geocoded Art: Street View für Kunstfreunde

Eugène Boudin, Anfang 30, ein Pleinair-Maler aus der Normandie, und Claude Monet, damals gerade einmal halb so alt. Der ältere nahm den jüngeren unter seine Fittiche, sie zogen zusammen los, mit ihren Staffeleien. Antique Prints and Maps. Michael Jennings Antique Maps and Prints. La banlieue parisienne à la fin du XIXe siècle. Gérard NOIRIEL, Les Ouvriers dans la société française, Paris, Seuil coll. « Points Seuil », 1986.

Jean BASTIÉ, La Croissance de la banlieue parisienne, Paris, PUF, 1964. La Conciergerie fait peau neuve - Visites privées. Couvent des Célestins de Paris (disparu) - Tombes Sépultures dans les cimetières et autres lieux. Y furent inhumés, entre autres... Outre les corps, cœurs, entrailles de rois, reines, princes et princesses de sang, de personnalités illustres en leur temps, on compte un nombre considérable de conseillers de rois, notamment du 14ème siècle, de prélats, etc. A moins d'y consacrer des pages, il m'a bien fallu effectuer un tri douloureux parmi tous ces personnages ensevelis aux Célestins. La magnificence de tombeaux ou de cardidaphes, notamment concentrés dans la chapelle d’Orléans, mériterait d’être bien plus détaillée ce que je ne puis le faire dans cet article.

Une description plus minitueuse est faite aux articles dédiés aux personnalités. A Selection of Twenty of the Most Picturesque Views in Paris: A General View of Paris, taken from Chaillot, 1802. Thomas Girtin (British, 1775-1802). Soft-ground etching with bistre wash Stock Photo: 240399695. Untitled. Camille corot 1822-1874. Thumbnail navigation | navigazione con anteprime [ homepage ][ blog ][ root ][ escaped ][ antiche fornaci giorgi 1735 ] Ashcan School Movement, Artists and Major Works. "Do whatever you do intensely. The artist is the man who leaves the crowd and goes pioneering. With him there is an idea which is his life. " Synopsis Known for its gritty urban subject matter, dark palette, and gestural brushwork, the Ashcan School was a loosely knit group of artists based in New York City who were inspired by the painter Robert Henri.

The group believed in the worthiness of immigrant and working-class life as artistic subject matter and in an art that depicted the real rather than an elitist ideal. The etchings of Charles Meryon. William Nicholson (1872–1949) Linear Clouds in Old Painting. Oil Painting - Waiting for the Ferry - Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery Information Centre. Top 10 Les plus beaux paysages de France en peinture : Etretat (76790) Gustave Courbet - The complete works. La butte Montmartre Paris. Le Jour ni l’Heure 6660 : Paul Huet, 1804-1869, Vue du châ… No. 125: Barkley L. Hendricks, Simon Kelly – The Modern Art Notes Podcast.

Episode No. 125 of The Modern Art Notes Podcast features artist Barkley L. Hendricks and curator Simon Kelly. Hendricks is included in the Brooklyn Museum exhibition “Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties,” which examines how 66 artists addressed the civil rights struggle in their work. Curated by Teresa Carbone and Kellie Jones, the show is on view through July 6. The exhibition’s handsome catalogue is available from Amazon for under $30. In 2008 Hendricks was the subject of a major retrospective organized by Trevor Schoonmaker for the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University. On the second segment, Saint Louis Art Museum curator Simon Kelly talks about “Impressionist France: Visions of Nation from Le Gray to Monet,” which is on view at the SLAM through July 6. Pierre-Justin Ouvrié. Pierre-Justin Ouvrié (1806 - c. 1879) Pierre-Justin Ouvrié was a painter of architectural sites, mansions, monuments, and landscapes in France and abroad.

With more than forty years of successive Salon entries, Ouvrié’s illustrious career showed that paintings romanticizing architectural landscapes were an accepted tradition of imagery in the Salons. Louis Auvray, in his Salon de 1865, wrote about his interest in the work of the artist: For thirty-one years we have appreciated in the press the work of M. Justin Ouvrié, we have followed his progress with the strongest interest and applauded his successes. Though well known during the nineteenth-century, little accurate information has been passed down to us about the artist’s life and work aside from a few mentions of some of his works in museums and galleries or mentioned in old Salon catalogues.

The lack of information on Pierre-Justin Ouvrié has led to conflicting dates for his birth and death. The Schifflände in Basel - Konstantin Guise as art print or hand painted oil. Papal Procession at the Bridge of Sant'Angelo Giclee Print. Not Available Sorry, the specific item you were looking for is no longer available. May we recommend the item below instead? Item #: 10167958 10167958 Don't see what you like? Custom Frame Studio Close X Loading... Sorry, there was a system error. Antique Print - Prospectus Fori et Templi S Petri Florentiae Prospetiva de la Yglesiay de la Placa S. Pedro, a Florence.

Artcyclopedia: Artist Name Search Results. Artist Finder. Alfred Sisley. Le Metropolitan Museum of Art diffuse 375 000 œuvres en accès libre. Johan Barthold Jongkind. Category:Passerelle de l'Estacade. This is Versailles: april 2015. The following is a complete list of the main royal family of Louis XIV's reign. The main purpose is to give an insight into the specific ranks within the royal family and the list is consequently arranged hierarchical. 15 More Stunning Paintings Of Old London Compared To Modern Location - Randomly London. The Thames at Westminster Stairs (1630s) by Claude de Jongh Halley Docherty (Reddit user halz) has created 15 more stunning images of London by mashing up old paintings and placing them in their modern setting. You can view the original set of images here. Businessinsider. Old victorian antique prints and maps.

Estampe, "Le siège de Paris - la batterie prussienne établie à la lanterne dite de Diogène, parc de Saint-Cloud, avant le bombardement de ce point par le Mont-Valérien - Dessin de M. Hubert Clerget.", (G 988.19.95) Piéta de Saint-Germain-des-Prés (1500) Object moved. Galerie des collections. Parisienne de photographie. Peintures. View topic - La compagnie de Jésus. Claude de Beauvilliers. Paris-bise-art : Ruines de l'abbaye de Longchamp - Le dénouement. Vue de l'Abbaye Royal des Religieuses de Lonchamps a une lieuë de Paris.


Machine de Marly. The Wallace Collection - What's On - Current Exhibitions. Sceaux, Musee de l'Ile de France. Histo-Libris, photothèque de gravures anciennes et estampes pour l'illustration historique. Pyllica: un outil de récupération automatisée de données sur Commons:Gallica. Documents : Vue d'ensemble du parc de M. Guérin à Marly le Roy. Fêter le patrimoine, mais laisser disparaître le domaine public ? – – S.I.Lex – Camille Corot. The Hill Path, Ville d Avray - Sisley Alfred.

A Civita Castellana, Rochers Boises - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - Rencontre avec Lionel Maurel ( Calimaq), définition du domaine public. La Charte du domaine public d'Europeana. 14 millions d'images du domaine public mises en ligne par Internet Archive. Google Art Project. 35 000 peintures à télécharger gratuitement (et légalement) Multimédia, applications, réseaux. Wikipédia:Règles d'utilisation des images. Paysages patrimoniaux : le Mont-Valérien, Paris, les parcs et les bois - Atlas des paysages et des projets urbains des Hauts-de-Seine.

L'œuvre Park von Saint-Cloud, dunkle Allee. Jean Francois Raffaelli. Arago - Search Result. Guerre de 1870-1871. Redoute de Brimborion et une partie de Sèvres. Sèvres (Hauts-de-Seine), entre l. Hauts-de-seine centre 2. The Lantern, Parc St. Cloud on Fete Day, Paris beyond by John Gendall on artnet. Le Floc'h. Vallee culture: Du romantisme à l'impressionnisme - Les environs de Paris.