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Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) Memorising poetry is an art of the heart | Christina Patterson | Opinion. “My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense.” This is what I thought when I couldn’t sleep on Saturday night and ended up listening to a podcast about the European Union referendum. On another occasion, after climbing into a bath without testing the water: “Too hot, too hot!” I screeched, and then, a bit less relevantly, “To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods. I have tremor cordis on me: my heart dances; But not for joy; not joy.” I have been quoting Leontes in the bath ever since I studied The Winter’s Tale for A-level.

I have been quoting Keats’ Ode to a Nightingale ever since I studied it for O-level. “There are some people I know,” said Salman Rushdie at the Hay literary festival last week, “who are just able to carry around absurd amounts of poetry in their heads.” If it really is lost, it’s a shame. Memorising poetry works as a kind of Zumba class for the little grey cells. Poetry is not Ryvita. Writing poetry is hard. Poetry is the opposite of instant. Project partners | SOLMACC. PhD Scholarship in Climate Change Fiction | Department of Literary Studies. Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD scholarship in the Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University, Belgium, tenable for a period of up to four years. The successful candidate will participate in the research project “Imagining Climate Change: Fiction, Memory, and the Anthropocene,” sponsored by a grant from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen) and directed by Prof. Stef Craps. S/he will research Anglophone climate change fiction within the context of the project’s three interrelated strands.

The first, formalist strand explores the literary innovations demanded by climate change, a phenomenon whose magnitude and complexity challenge conventional modes of representation. Candidates should have: Conditions of employment: Applications should include: The application deadline is 20 May 2016 or until a suitable candidate is found. Further information about the position can be obtained from Prof. Cerrajería Roga El Rastro Madrid - Recibidores. Index2. Hawaii DOE | Job Opportunities. Turning Maslow’s Hierarchy on Its Head — The Development Set. Turning Maslow’s Hierarchy on Its Head Most international development programs focus on base physiological needs like hunger and shelter. What if we appealed to higher-order desires? When tackling massive problems like poverty, it’s easy to take Abraham Maslow’s theory to heart. Basic physiological needs usually take priority over loftier ones like love, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization, and everything else you’re more inclined to worry about once you’re fed, sheltered, and out of harm.

In the social sector, we tend to put necessity first and assume we’ll move up the hierarchy of needs once we build the right foundation. But in the seemingly intractable work of poverty alleviation, we never seem to advance to the next level. But what if we’re starting at the wrong place? Many travelers to rural areas of the developing world are stunned by the proliferation of Facebook. And when you think about it, it’s obvious why. So we changed our approach. Images courtesy of Otthoni segédlet - Babajelnyelv. Babajelnyelv otthoni segédlet (extra) 467 szavas, kategóriák szerint rendezett videójelszótár, melyből megtanulhatod a babajeleket. A videójelszótár okostelefonon és tableten is elérhető. 205 db nyomtatható babajelrajz kategóriák szerint rendezve, ami segít a jelek memorizálásában.

Babajelelős dalok és mondókák videón. A videók jobb sarkában babajelelem az általad is jól ismert gyermekdalokat és mondókákat kedves videoklippel illusztrálva. Babajelelős oktatóvideók, amik segítenek a módszer elsajátításában. Témakörönként feldolgozott babajeltanulós videók, mely akár vasalás közben is nézhető, söt kontrollálva kisbabáddal együtt is nézheted. Babajelnyelv játékötletek, mely segít abban, hogy babád hamarabb kezdjen el veled babajelelni. A videó hossza: 1:47 mp Babajelnyelv otthoni segédlet (alap) 467 szavas, ABC szerint rendezett videójelszótár, mely segít a babajelek elsajátításában. 205 db nyomtatható babajelrajz kategóriák szerint rendezve, ami segít a jelek memorizálásában. The Open Syllabus Project. Gerald Durrell: Rokonom, Rosy. Sede. La nueva sede de la Facultat de Geografía i Historia de la Universitat de Barcelona está situada en el barrio del Raval de Barcelona, en pleno corazón de la ciudad antigua, a un paso de las míticas Ramblas y a menos de quince minutos del mar.

Se construyó en 2008 colaborando en la conversión de uno de los barrios más agitados y convulsos de la Europa del siglo XX, en un polo cultural y educativo para las nuevas «clases creativas» mundiales. Por este motivo goza de un lugar privilegiado en los antiguos terrenos de la centenaria Casa de la Misericordia i la Caritat, que comparte con el Centro del Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB) y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA) La nueva facultad dispone de varias aulas para conferencias de gran capacidad y decenas de aulas para la presentación de los diferentes paneles o la realización de talleres.

Todas las aulas están equipadas con equipos audiovisuales. Facultat de Geografia i Història Carrer Montalegre, 6, 08001 Barcelona. 815 Free Art Books from World Class Museums: The Met, the Guggenheim, the Getty & LACMA. Whatever else Banksy’s 2010 documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop suggests about the strange relationship between the worlds of gallery and street art, its title alone hints at a serious problem with the art establishment: museums are expensive! Unless you are in Washington, DC, where most of the museums are free, you must not only pony up an entrance fee (or “suggested donation”), but you must also, well, exit through the gift shop, where you’ll inevitably be tempted to purchase some tchotchkes, swag, knick-knacks, or—more likely for art lovers—some beautiful, overpriced book with glossy, full-page reproductions of the works you rushed past with impatient family or stood on tiptoes to glimpse over the heads of tourist crowds.

It’s true, you may sometime have the good fortune of getting to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Getty, the Guggenheim, or the LACMA on an off day, with all the time in the world to mill around and take it in. Related Content: Sign into your Skype account. Szöged hírös város ... : Állandó néprajzi kiállítás (Szeged, 2013) | Könyvtár | Hungaricana. Work for us | CEEweb for Biodiversity. Food Hubs in Iowa.

Current | About | Iowa | Resources A January 2015 report to Congress by the USDA’s Economic Research Service shows that markets for local foods are shifting while sales continue to rise. Local food sales in 2012 accounted for an estimated $6.1 billion in the U.S. economy. In the same year, local food sales peaked in direct-to-consumer markets such as farmers markets and community supported agriculture (CSA). However, other markets for local food are expanding rapidly. This would include larger-volume mainstream markets such as grocery stores, institutions such as schools and hospitals, and food hubs.

In some cases, food hubs are providing the product to these “intermediated” or institutional markets. What is a food hub? According to the National Food Hub Collaboration, a partnership sponsored by the Wallace Center’s National Good Food Network: Food hubs also may offer education and training to farmers to increase their capacity to meet high-volume demand. The study included two surveys: Food Hubs in Iowa. Biokert Ingyen Program - Biokert Ingyen Program A program angliai eredetű. Én először a River Cottage sorozat egyik részében hallottam a Landshare mozgalomról, amihez Nagy-Britanniában már több mint 55.000 ember csatlakozott.

Landshare, azaz oszd meg a földed! Azonnal megtetszett az ötlet, és szeretném Magyarországon is meghonosítani a Biokert Ingyen Programmal. A BIP (Biokert Ingyen Program) összehozza azokat, akik szeretik a saját maguk által, vagy a saját földjükön termett, ezért ropogós, friss és egészséges zöldséget-gyümölcsöt. Azoknak való, akik szeretnének kertészkedni, de nincs hol szeretnének veteményeskertet, de nem értenek hozzá fontosnak tartják, hogy több bioételt együnk és szeretnének egészségesebben élni Jelentkezés A programban való részvétel a regisztráció után a jelentkezéssel történik, amellyel a résztvevő elfogadja a program egyszerű szabályait is.

Szabályok, melyek a programban résztvevők egyetértését segítik, ezért fontosak Kerttulajdonos Kertművelő Kerttulajdonos és Kertművelő. Battling the January blues? Try a Brighton Happy Café. Eat Me Chutneys – The Australian Family Tackling Food Wastage with Epic Chutneys from Ugly Produce! A few years ago, Ankit Chopra of Sydney, Australia left his full time IT job to spend time traveling abroad in Europe. He became a chef in Paris (at Le Courdon Bleu and L’Astrance) and worked in Michellin 3 star restaurants. While in Europe, Ankit also volunteered for Oxfam and worked in community dining rooms (used to be called soup kitchens) while learning about the global food waste crisis. A few years after Chopra moved back home to Australia in 2009 he founded of Eat Me Chutneys and is now working with his family to fight waste and turn ugly produce into 200-300 jars of chutney every week. At Chutney HQ, as Ankit refers to his home now, Eat Me Chutneys (EMC) recovers some 30-50 kilos a day of ugly produce mostly from small farms within a few hours of Sydney, Australia.

His parents help him run the company. Ankit remembered this but he didn’t quite connect everything until after he traveled Europe and returned home. Employment - Eawag. The British Museum Is Now Open To Everyone: Take a Virtual Tour and See 4,634 Artifacts. “I met a girl at the British Museum once,” a fellow said to me at a party last weekend. “Her name was Rosetta. Rosetta Stone.” A groaner indeed, but also a reminder of how far we’ve come: whereas you once really would have had to go all the way to the British Museum (in London) to run into good old Rosetta, now you can get acquainted with her, and 4,633 of the other fascinating artifacts of human civilization held there, without even stepping away from your computer. The British Museum charges nothing for admission, of course, but now the internet has freed it in the geographical sense as well.

“The British Museum recently unveiled the results of its partnership with the Google Cultural Institute (GCI),” writes National Geographic‘s Kristin Romney, “the world’s largest Google Street View of an interior space, covering nine floors and 85 permanent galleries of the museum.” After you’ve enjoyed this Street View stroll, you’ll surely want to examine some of these items in greater depth. East of Salinas | Documentary about Migrant Farm Workers | Independent Lens. Film Credits A Film by Laura Pacheco and Jackie Mow Edited by Rachel Clark Music by Joseph Julian Gonzalez Produced and Directed by Laura Pacheco and Jackie Mow Director of Photography Jackie Mow Additional Cinematography Samantha Grant Vicente Franco Jason Blalock Sound Recordists Laura Pacheco Ray Day Todd Dayton Phil Turner Mario Furioni Additional Editing Jessie Beers-Altman Stock Footage Research Leena Sheehan Bookkeeper Helen Yung Legal Justine Jacob Transcriptions Trusted Translations Stock Footage SBS International NBC Universal Archives Pond5 Shutterstock Steve Kemp K9 SoundVideo U.S.

Title Graphics Anna Saraceno Post-Production Studio Framerunner On-Line Editor and Colorist Don Wyllie Sound Studio String & Can Audio Mixer Patrick Donahue Production Insurance Walterry Insurance Brokers Publicity Stills Kate Schermerhorn Executive Producer for ITVS Sally Jo Fifer Executive Producer for LPB Sandie Viquez Pedlow Supervising Producer for ITVS Jen Gilomen © 2015, Rock Salt Creative, LLC. Capsule wardrobe 101 | Un-Fancy. These are my favorite to posts write.

They always bring me back to my core. They remind me that this is all one grand experiment. It’s playing. It’s not meant to be taken too seriously. It’s about curiosity and trying new things and making mistakes. You know what I’m about to say, don’t you? How fascinating! How fascinating! “I actively train my students that when they make a mistake, they are to lift their arms in the air, smile, and say, “How fascinating!”

Don’t you love that mental picture? For me, How fascinating! After all, if we’re being real, any mistake has a cost. Another mistake? So … in light of that, let’s take a look at a few of the mistakes + lessons learned from this winter. 1. When I was decked out in my warmest sweaters, the only skin showing was my hands … which started to feel sad after a little while. I think it would have helped if I had picked a few more v-neck or scoop neck tops. 2. I’m really glad I tried it. But I definitely got my answer: Nope. 3. 4. 5. Xo P.S. Matthew Hayes: Háztáji Bio-kertészeti oktatási anyag - Zöldbolt - Az Online Ökoáruház. "A jelen oktatási anyagban a Szent István Egyetem Babatvölgyi Biokertészeti Tangazdaságban, mint "Nyitott Kert"-ben szerzett több éves biozöldség termesztési gyakorlati tapasztalatainkat foglaljuk össze.

Amit bemutatunk az egy nálunk működő rendszer, de természetesen ettől eltérő módszereket is lehet alkalmazni. a mi gyakorlatunk lehetőséget ad a zöldségtermesztési alapok elsajátításához és a saját gyakorlati tapasztalatok, illetve mások gazdálkodási példája alapján ez tovább fejleszthető. Célunk az oktatási anyaggal az volt, hogy egyszerű legyen, könnyen érthető és a gyakorlatban is könnyen megvalósítható.

Az anyag hasonlít egy "szakácskönyhöz" amelyben útmutatást adunk a biozöldségek termesztéséhez. De ha több "szakácskönyvet" megnézünk, akkor azt látjuk, hogy ugyanazt az ételt többféle módon is el lehet készíteni. Így van ez a biozöldség termesztésben is. Az oktatási anyag felépítése: A második részben az egyes növények termesztésének gyakorlati jellemzőit tárgyaljuk részletesen. UNITN | Rucola. Paying for a College Education through Agriculutral Training - American Community Garden Association. A Debt Free Road to “New York City” Charles Magee, PhD, Professor Biological and Agricultural Systems Engineering (BASE) Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) New York City, one of the world’s greatest metropolis, and a city where one can find love, joy, happiness, sadness, and all the material things the world has to offer.

It is a fact that financial aid will not cover all the expenses of a college education, and only a hand full of students are able to travel the interstate (full scholarships) route to a debt free college education. Out of State Students: Scenario 1: GPA 3.50/4.00; Test Score: ACT> 27 or SAT > 1800 The current estimated annual cost for an out of state student to attend FAMU is around $32,000 dollars.

Financial Resources: BASE Scholarship* $17,000 Out of State Tuition Waivers $10,000 University and College Scholarships $5,000 Total $32,000 *All students on BASE scholarships are eligible to compete for paid summer internships with USDA agencies. In State Students: Research Fellowships - Job-ID 121005 - academics. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München is one of the leading research universities in Europe, with a more than 500-year-long tradition. As part of the "LMU Academic Career Program", LMU Munich will award The program aims to attract out­standing postdoctoral researchers from all over the world.

Applications are welcome from candidates of all disciplines who have completed their doctoral studies within the last three years with outstanding results. Appli­cants must present an independent research project as part of their application. The project must be supported by a professor of LMU Munich. Endowment Research fellows will receive an attractive salary according to the German "Tarifvertrag der Länder (TV-L)" (typically TV-L grade E 14). Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Mün­chen is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. Saturday Meditation Class. Artist Tattoos Tools Of People’s Professions On Their Skin. IAMO Research Fellows | IAMO.

Career | IAMO. IAMO Forum 2016 - ConfTool Pro - Login. Is it just me or? Confessions of a PhD-student : Amsterdam Social Science. PEER: Professor in Environmental Geography. Vacancies at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Our post-doctoral offers. Deák Ferenc Intézet | Agrár- és vidékfejlesztési igazgatási szakember | Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Kar. Deák Ferenc Intézet | Agrárjogi- és vidékfejlesztési szakjogász | Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Kar.

Kiútprogram Közhasznú Nonprofit Zrt. - Folytatódik a Kiútprogram. Aidenvironment. G03247: Innovaciones Organizacionales de Pequeños Productores de Vegetales para Participar en Canales de Comercialización Dinámicos. - Consortium. How to eat for $4 a day, or close to it. REC. Alternatív kvalitatív kutatási kézikönyv | Módszertan | Alinea Kiadó. Wake Up International | Young People for a Healthy & Compassionate Society. How to Eat to Live: Black Nationalism and the Post-1964 Culinary Turn - Study the South Journal.

Felhívás Gobális migrációs folyamatok és Magyarország - Kihívások és válaszok című konferencián való részvételre | MTA TK Kisebbségkutató Intézet. What Happiness Is, Around The World: Let Us Know And We’ll Illustrate It (15+ pics) | Bored Panda. Ebcsont Masszázs Odú - TERÁPIÁS KUTYAMASSZÁZS. Index2. Jóvenes que lo dejan todo para plantar tomates que sepan a tomate | ICON. Why academia needs emotional, passionate women | Women in Leadership. Are you holding your own daughter back? Here are 5 ways to raise girls to be leaders. Las 20 frases de amor que todo romántico desearía escuchar. Significant Objects: How Stories Confer Value Upon the Vacant. Our Personal Stories Matter for Our Mental Health » Character and Context. “You Should Date An Illiterate Girl,” by Charles Warnke & “You Should Date A Girl Who Reads,” by Rosemarie Urquico | The Proper Care and Feeding of Writers.

What It Feels Like When You’re Always An Option And Never A Priority. Magyarország 25 leghangulatosabb falusi szálláshelye | Sokszínű Vidék - Ahol a jó élet lakik. A Project That Uses a Markov Chain Process to Create Surreal ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ Remixes. IUAES2016 - IUAES - Inter Congress. Díaz Aguilar, Antonio Luis. Who is the social entrepreneur? | transformations. United Nations Girls' Education Initiative - News and Events - People are finally talking about the thing nobody wants to talk about. Why I’m Setting Myself Back In My Career In Favor Of A Happier Life. FUNDING: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Urban Policy and Planning, Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School (deadline May 26) | H-Urban. Bob Thurman | The Danger of “Just Meditate!” – Ep19.

9 Harsh Truths of Life (and How They Can Help You Live Better) Miért ilyen rohadt nehéz az elengedés, ha igazából alig volt közünk egymáshoz?! | Eszter's Offtopic. 12 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block For PhD Students. Better than Before: A Psychological Field Guide to Harnessing the Transformative Power of Habit. Types of fellowships | European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme | 2016-2017. Postdoctoral positions - RMIT University Europe. UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Fellowships - Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society - LMU Munich. Rescued Farm Animals Bring Joy to Nursing Home Residents (PHOTOS)