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The SPAN and DIV HTML Tags. The SPAN and DIV HTML tags are very useful for use with Cascading Style Sheets.

The SPAN and DIV HTML Tags

Many beginners use the two elements in a similar fashion, but they serve different purposes. Learn how to use these two elements effectively in your web pages. The DIV Element The DIV element defines logical divisions on your web page. It acts a lot like a P element, by placing newlines or carriage returns before and after the division. Using the DIV Tag To use the DIV element, surround the area of your page that you want as a separate division with the <div> and </div> tags: <div> <p>contents of div</p></div> If the area is unique on the page, you can add an id, e.g. The DIV element allows you to define the style of entire sections of the HTML. The DIV element is different from the HTML5 SECTION element because it does not give the enclosed content any semantic meaning.

If you need the element simply to add styles to that area of the page, you should use the DIV element. Learn More About the DIV Element. How to Center Text or Images with the DIV Tag and CSS. Centering elements using CSS and a DIV tag is easy.

How to Center Text or Images with the DIV Tag and CSS

And once you've centered your text or images in this fashion, you'll know that it will be valid HTML. Plus, you avoid using deprecated tags and attributes like align and CENTER. GMap Image Cutter. Latest update: Version 1.43 released 18 June 2014 Includes a template to use the Image Cutter with Google Maps API v3, fixes a bug with the batch creation in 1.42 and fixes a bug with the maximum zoom level in version 1.41.

GMap Image Cutter

The GMap Image Cutter is an application designed to take any image or digital photo and cut it into tiles which are displayed on a Google Map. Using this tool, large images can be published on the web in a format that allows the user to pan and zoom using the standard Google Maps interface. Although publishing large digital photos is the most obvious application, this technique can also be used for annotated maps of an area that are not to scale e.g. directions for how to get to the office. If you wish to use GMap Image Cutter software for other than academic or non-commercial personal purposes - including without limitation, on behalf of commercial or government organizations or entities - you must purchase a standard fee-bearing licence.

Pixelgenaue Objekterkennung mit HTML5 Canvas als Hilfsmittel. Wenn wir uns im Netz bewegen bestehen alle Websites irgendwie aus Kästen.

Pixelgenaue Objekterkennung mit HTML5 Canvas als Hilfsmittel

Alles ist in irgendeiner Art und Weise irgendwie rechteckig. Zwar geben uns neue CSS3-Techniken die Möglichkeit unsere Elemente abzurunden, aber dennoch: Sie sind Kästen. Wen man eine schöne (nicht rechteckige) Grafik anklickbar machen möchte – und zwar nicht den gesamten Kasten, in dem sie sich befindet, muss man zum Beispiel auf arbeitsintensive Image Maps oder Flash zurückgreifen. In diesem Artikel möchte ich euch zeigen, dass es mit Hilfe des Canvas-Elements aus HTML5 auch anders funktioniert. CSS Layers - CSS tutorial. With CSS, it is possible to work with layers: pieces of HTML that are placed on top of the regular page with pixel precision.

CSS Layers - CSS tutorial

The advantages of this are obvious - but once again Netscape has very limited support of CSS layers - and to top it off: the limited support it offers is quite often executed with failures. So the real challenge when working with layers is to make them work on Netscape browsers as well. First look at this example: Second look at the code: CSS Align - Align Content with CSS. Is there a CSS Align Property?

CSS Align - Align Content with CSS

Center with CSS - Center Images, Text, and Block-Elements - How to Center with CSS. Updated March 24, 2016.

Center with CSS - Center Images, Text, and Block-Elements - How to Center with CSS

If you've ever had to build a webpage, you have likely needed to center something in that page. Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the proper way to center images, blocks of text, and even your entire layout for a Web page. Most of the properties for centering have been in CSS since version 1.0, and they work great with CSS3 and modern Web browsers. Texte und Bilder ein- und ausblenden. Auf der Website eines Kunden sollte das Navigationsmenü die Unterpunkte erst nach Klick auf die Hauptpunkte anzeigen.

Texte und Bilder ein- und ausblenden

Es gibt einige Möglichkeiten, das umzusetzen, u.a. auch Frames. Ich gehöre aber der Internationalen Liga zur Ächtung von Framesets an, und deshalb habe ich eine einfache CSS/Javascript Lösung angewandt, die auch für viele andere Dinge eingesetzt werden kann – hier ein Beispiel: Versteckter Absatz… In diesen versteckten Absatz kann alles rein, was man nur auf Anforderung sehen soll – z.B. Abbildungen von Illustratorinnen (Abb.: Jennifer Baule-Prinz), Erläuterungen, Auflösungen von Quizfragen, Zusatzinformationen, Einkaufslisten für Kochrezepte, Formulare etc.

So funktioniert’s Der versteckte Absatz liegt in einem div, dessen Inhalt zwar geladen, aber mittels display:none erst mal nicht angezeigt wird. Bilder übereinander legen. Make Things Fade In and Out with CSS3. One fun trick you can do with CSS3 is make your images and other elements fade in and out using the CSS3 properties: opacity and transition.

Make Things Fade In and Out with CSS3

This is a wonderful tool to make your pages more interactive by creating greyed out areas that come into focus when a reader does something. The Basics: Change Opacity When Mouse Hovers Over The first thing you need to know how to do is change the opacity when a customer is hovering over an element. For my example I'm using an image with the class greydout: To make it greyed out, I add the CSS: Then, to make the image come clear when the mouse is over it, I add the :hover pseudo-class: As you can see on my examples page, this is very abrupt. So, to add the interim states, you want to add the transition property to the .greydout class: Here's an example of the image fading in, rather than just switching abruptly. Stylesheets / CSS-Formate definieren / Stylesheets in HTML einbinden.