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Join TNO in sustainable algae recovery. High Power Ultrasound Technology - Cavitus Technology Pty Ltd. Abyss'Ingredients. ABYSS' INGREDIENTS a marine biotechnology company is a leading ingredients manufacturer, exporting worldwide.


It was established on the initiative of fishing and fish processing professionals in Brittany who were eager to bring high grade marine ingredients to market. Abyss' Ingredients developed a wide range of marine ingredients designed for nutraceutical, cosmetic, aromatic, food and feed industries. The scientific expertise of Abyss' Ingredients is due to its highly qualified team who is guaranteeing traceability, quality control and the best ingredients. Abyss' Ingredients creative biotechnology team is dedicated to producing successful and accurate ingredients. We are internationally recognized for the innovative characteristics of our product as well as our ability to respond to an ever-changing market.

Fisheries & Aquaculture Eucheuma spp. Habit variable, thallus sometimes tall and loosely branched with few blunt or pointed determinate branchlets, sometimes densely branched with many coarse spinose branchlets.

Fisheries & Aquaculture Eucheuma spp

Branchlets irregularly arranged on main indeterminate branches without forming whorls. Cross-section of branch shows medulla consisting of large rounded cells interspersed with small relatively thick walled cells. In the 1960s an American seaweed processing company transferred its procurement of raw materials for the production of carrageenan from Indonesia to the Philippines. During its initial operations the company sourced its supply of raw materials by gathering/collecting the seaweeds from the reefs of islands in the Central Visayas. The unabated gathering of natural stocks resulted to depletion of the stocks towards the later part of the decade.

The surveys for potential farming areas centered mainly on Western Mindanao and Central Visayas in the Philippines. The Fixed off-Bottom Monoline Method Monolines. Chiffres de production / CULTIVER LES MACRO-ALGUES / ALGUES MATIERE PREMIERE / PRODUCTS & SERVICES / Home. Jennifer Champenois 28/04/2011 4:43 pm Répartition des volumes produits dans le monde A l'échelle du Globe : Depuis les années 1950, la culture de macro-algues est en constante augmentation.


La production a atteint plus de 14,7 millions de tonnes en 2009. Les principaux pays producteurs - en volume - sont la Chine, l'Indonésie, les Philippines, la Corée et le Japon. Part de la culture dans la production française Rating: 0/5 (0 votes cast) Thank you for rating! You have already rated this page, you can only rate it once! Your rating has been changed, thanks for rating! Log in or create a user account to rate this page. Algues alimentaires. Global seaweed market growing strongly. Article Date: 16/03/2012 Finnian O’Luasa, Paris Office, Bord Bia – Irish Food Board According to CEVA, the French study centre for algal development, world production of seaweed has been increasing constantly since 1950, reaching 14.7 million tonnes in 2009.

Global seaweed market growing strongly

Almost all of this production comes from Asia with Europe representing just 0.01%. Most of this production occurs in France and Russia. Traditionally used for Asian dishes such as sheets of Nori that wrap sushi, Asian cuisine uses around 50 different varieties of seaweed. A number of innovative companies have set up in Brittany such as C-Weed, specialised in culture and processing with a range of products including dried, powdered and leafs of seaweed. Algues Services is another seaweed company based in Roscoff with an impressive range of products for many culinary uses. A number of oyster farmers are also turning to seaweed to diversify and compliment shellfish farming. << Back to Food Alert Homepage. Astaxanthin and Microalgae Derived Products - Algatech. Algas secas e produtos elaborados com algas. PREPARAÇÃO - Crua: Cortar, deixar de molho cerca de 10 min e usar em saladas. - Cozinhada: Cozinhar 10-20 min. em sopas, arroz, batatas, massas,legumes ao vapor.

Algas secas e produtos elaborados com algas

Tambem em refogados, recheios, guisados, pizzas e omeletes. 100 g = Acompanhamento para 10 refeições. Análise Nutricional por 100 g Proteínas: 22,7%, Lípidos: 1,5%, Hidratos de Carbono (fibra solúvel): 46,8% Fibra: 35,3%, Potássio: 6810 mg, Cálcio: 1380 mg, Magnésio: 680 mg, Fósforo: 235 mg, Ferro: 20 mg, Iodo: 22,6 mg, Vitamina A: 0,04 mg, Vitamina B12: 0,36 mg, Vitamina C: 5,29 mg.

Como uma gigante folha de carvalho, cresce nas costas da Galiza e pode medir 1,5 m.