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Vintage Ads for Libraries and Reading. Donating = loving Brain Pickings remains ad-free and takes hundreds of hours a month to research and write, and thousands of dollars to sustain.

Vintage Ads for Libraries and Reading

Propaganda posters of Soviet space program 1958-1963. Several interesting posters of historical epoch. Second part of Soviet space propaganda posters. Origami. Look at these sculptures made from bicycle chains. Feb 28, 2012 Bike chains are versatile, and not just because you can use them to propel a bicycle or as a wallet chain.

Look at these sculptures made from bicycle chains

Roller bike chains—flexible, slinky, steel mechanisms—can also be used for fine art. South Korean Artist, Seo Young Deok, has fashioned an exhibit of bike chain figure sculptures, a few of which are shown below. ArtPad. The Tire Art of Wim Delvoye. For his series titled "Pneu", Belgian artist Wim Delvoye created a series of decorative objects by hand-carving intricate patterns and floral motifs on used car tires.

The Tire Art of Wim Delvoye

Through his manipulation of found objects, Delvoye transforms things that seem useful in everyday life into sculptural pieces that carry a different value from their original intended purpose. Delvoye calls his own approach to art ‘glocal’, referring to ‘local’ and ‘global’, which is his own ironical way of describing art. 3D animated origami instructions showing how to fold a shirt from a piece of paper. Classic Illustration Art: Rackham, Dulac, Parrish, Mucha, and more! Beyond Drawing: Creative Colored Pencil Art & Sculpture. From a very first look at these wonderfully detailed colored pencil sculptures by Jennifer Maestre, it should come as no surprise that her artwork was initially inspired by spiny sea urchins – beautiful be dangerous to the touch.

Beyond Drawing: Creative Colored Pencil Art & Sculpture

For each sculpture, Jennifer hacks apart hundreds of colored pencils, cores them perpendicular to their length and turns them into beads, essentially, which she then meticulously stitches back together and slowly shapes into solid sculptures. Though her beginnings were with creatures of the water, Jennifer quickly expanded her subject matter to cover other organic objects – from plants and flowers to house pets and more abstract animals.

65 Free Hand Sketch'd Style Resources, Brushes & Icons. Stock Photos, Royalty-Free Images and Vectors - Shutterstock. InfoActive. Intro to InfoActive. Magnolia Free - Infographic PSD Template. Magnolia Free is a package of elements used to create infographics.

Magnolia Free - Infographic PSD Template

Infographics are a visual representation of data. Free download: Infographic Vector Kit. We have a fantastic freebie to download today from Pixeden, a one stop place for great tools for the modern design.

Free download: Infographic Vector Kit

Released first and exclusively on WDD, it’s an infographic vector kit, with the most used elements that you may need for your infographic designs. Included in this set is a world map, gender elements, as well as multiple pie and bar charts. Folder Structure for Your E-Learning Files. Have you ever been in someone else’s kitchen and had to look in every single drawer before you finally found the forks?

Folder Structure for Your E-Learning Files

Do you ever look all over for your sunglasses and then realize they are on top of your head? Be honest—I know it isn’t just me! Well, the same thing can happen with your e-learning files. In one course I’m working on, I have more edited audio files for one module than I have cutting boards—and I have a LOT of cutting boards. How can I quickly find what I want when I want it? 3 things you should know about digital literacies. 6 Emerging Technologies in Education. It certainly is an exciting time to be involved with learning and technology.

6 Emerging Technologies in Education

Because of the great advances we are making in educational technology, new doors of opportunity are opening in classrooms. The Horizon Report has identified six technology disciplines that are emerging within classrooms across the United States. Some of these will take some time to implement, but others you can start using today if you want. 1. Cloud Computing - If you are using some form of web-based tools, then you are enabling further student-educator collaboration. 2. 3.

Sorry, Games and Gamification are Not Magic. It seems that if I am not confronted with a person who is convinced that learning games and gamification are evil re-incarnated and will corrupt the minds of all learners and destroy Western Civilization as we know it, I am thus besieged by a person who believes that learning games and gamification are a magic elixir that will wonderfully transform any and all boring, meaningless training into an “edge-of-your-seat-unforgettable learning experience.”

Sorry, Games and Gamification are Not Magic

I secretly believe the latter is more dangerous than the former. There is no magical learning formula, no red pill that makes learning as easy as downloading knowledge into your brain painlessly and effortlessly. To Game or Not to Game? The Best Ways to Use Games for Learning. So, you think you want to use a game to help people learn.

To Game or Not to Game? The Best Ways to Use Games for Learning

You’ve got the “what,” but do you know the “why” and the “how?” There are many reasons to use games for learning… and also times when you’d be better off picking a different interactive learning experience. The best way to figure out whether or not to create a learning game, and to get the project started, is to ask the right questions. Karl Kapp has two short but sweet blog posts with questions you should ask before creating a learning game. Building Meaningful Assessments [INFOGRAPHIC] If you are implementing any form of learning program, be it for a company or in the educational sector, then you need to gather metrics on its effectiveness. Unfortunately, metrics are often overlooked, or just not implemented properly.

Within education, assessments play a critical role within a student’s learning journey. Through effective assessments, teachers gain insight into a students’ comprehension of the material, which in turn assists them in helping their students learn by modifying instruction, delivery methods, and how to allocate resources. On the flip side, poor assessment methodology can actually be detrimental to a student’s growth and understanding of the material. Ideally, any assessment used (education or for-profit industries) needs to be both reliable and valid. When building out your assessment, there are four areas to consider, in addition to validity and reliability. Assessment TypesQuestion TypesDelivery MethodsScoring Methods. Creating A Comic Style For Learning. Sharebar Storytelling and explaining through illustrated characters is an approach that’s gaining respect. Its an appealing and motivating format to many varied audience groups.

Find out how to get it right in this interview with Kevin Cheng, author of See What I Mean. Tips for E-Learning Project Management and Pedagogy Fit. 2013 Hottest E-Learning Trends [INFOGRAPHIC] Advances in technology generally define the latest trends in any industry, and the elearning industry is no different. New devices and APIs are shaping the present and future of how organizations administer and record learning. In 2013, we are starting to see how the latest technologies are making their way into formal learning delivery. The infographic below, provided by KnowledgeOne, details some of the latest and emerging trends in 2013 as they relate to elearning.

Some of the more significant trends include: Gamification - This is arguably one the most exciting developments. Presentation tips from Powtoon - animated online videos for free. If you’ve ever looked at your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation slides and thought they looked pretty good, but then someone showed up with something that made yours look like they were made by a 5 year old, then this is for you. In this video Carl Introduces his next series of videos on presentation design.

There will be four videos to teach you the four basic design concepts of contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity… also known as CRAP! Learning about CRAP will help you avoid making presentations slides that look like, well…crap. Watch next episode: Tip #1 – C is for Contrast CRAP Episodes: Presentation foundation episodes: Presentation tips from Powtoon - animated online videos for free.