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Детские железные дороги. Узкоколейный тепловоз ТУ2-008 на Детской железной дороге в Оренбурге Детские железные дороги (ДЖД) — учреждения дополнительного образования детей, в которых дети 8—15 лет изучают железнодорожные специальности. Основной частью ДЖД является узкоколейная железнодорожная линия, на которой проходят практические занятия юных железнодорожников (обычно в летний период).

В остальное время года на ДЖД проводится теоретическое обучение детей. Детские железные дороги стараются как можно сильнее приблизить к прототипу — железным дорогам общего пользования. Поэтому на ДЖД, насколько это возможно, используется такое же оборудование, как и на настоящих железных дорогах. Принятые на ДЖД правила эксплуатации также максимально приближены к правилам эксплуатации железных дорог общего пользования.

Краткая характеристика Как правило, ДЖД представляет собой изолированный от общей сети железных дорог участок узкоколейного пути протяжённостью от 1 до 11 км, нередко кольцевой. Инфраструктура ДЖД в Парке Горького. Resources for career education. The following resources are listed under the headings of Career information resources and Career education resources. Jobguide The Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) distributes a Jobguide booklet to each Year 10 student in Australia during semester one each year.

Sections on 'Choosing a career' and 'Looking and applying for a job' can be used for career education activities. Year 12 - What next? The Year 12 - What next? Resource has been developed by DEEWR and consists of a website and a booklet which provide Year 12 students with information on post school options. The booklet is distributed to every Year 12 student in Australia. myfuture myfuture is Australia's career information service. Australian Careers The Australian Careers website is a portal for a range of websites and databases, including Job Search, Job Outlook, Job Explorer, Wage Net. myfuture has links to this site. JobJuice The Australian Government - Youth 'Bullseye' posters QTAC Guide. Resources for career education. The Real Game Series. Bill Barry, a Canadian, was perturbed when his 12-year-old daughter told him that what she learnt at school was not relevant to her future. He set out to show her how her school learning related to the real world.

He did this by developing a game that was engaging, challenging and, most importantly, fun! This became the first game in The Real Game Series, a paper based career/life skills program. In Australia, there are now 5 games in the Series. The Play Real Game (Years 3 or 4) The Make it Real Game (Years 5 or 6) The Real Game (Years 7 or 8) The Be Real Game (Years 9 or 10) The Get Real Game (Years 11 or 12) All five games have been piloted and 'Australianised' under the coordination of the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training.

The overarching purpose of The Real Game Series is to demonstrate to students the real life relevance of their school experience. The goal of each game is to help students gain age appropriate competencies in the broad areas of: ^ Top of page. What is a Career? The following definitions are important to an understanding of 'career' as a concept. A JOB is a paid position requiring a group of specific attributes and skills that enable a person to perform tasks in an organisation either part-time or full-time for a short or long duration. An OCCUPATION is defined as a group of similar jobs found in different industries or organisations. CAREER DEVELOPMENT is the process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan. ^ Top of page The context for career decision-making When developing and presenting career education programs it is important to be aware of the context in which career development and career decision-making occur.

Adapted from Patton, W. & McMahon, M. (2001). MCEETYA definition of career education The Australian Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) defines career education as: (MCEETYA Career Education Taskforce, 1998). WebCite query result. Teaching Kids Design Thinking, So They Can Solve The World's Biggest Problems | Co.Design. You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it. ? Albert Einstein Assessment The test scores are out again. And once again, American kids aren't doing so well.

You can choose any of the international standardized tests and on average, American children will always be stuck in the middle, compared with their peers in other countries. A Vision We all recognize a need for massive change in American education, but is our ultimate goal to outrank other countries in assessment tests and to beat the Chinese in math scores?

We need new minds equipped with new ways of thinking. Our world desperately needs leadership in achieving sustainable social justice, not simply learning the answer to a test question. Future generations will be called to solve some of the most challenging problems ever created and faced by man. Design Camp To find a new set of solutions for our education system, let's begin by asking the generation that is most affected by the current state of education. Design Thinking: Creative Ways to Solve Problems. Tinkering Hands: Students at a suburban San Francisco school work on redesigning a preschool room. Designers see the world differently than the rest of us. They're constantly deconstructing and rebuilding objects and ideas that most of us accept as static and fixed. The progression of the first behemoth portable computer to Apple's glossy little iPhone is evidence of the enormous impact designers have on our lives.

Everything is negotiable, malleable, and improvable. What if the same were true for the learning process? By applying the techniques of product design to education, they want to loosen the narrow, rigid process of traditional learning and show teachers how to tap into students' deep wells of creativity, encourage them to see nuanced problems from inside the very core of an issue, and make critical thinking essential to solving any problem. The k12 Lab has distilled the design process down to the following steps: Understand, Observe, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test.

Maker Faire Bay Area - May 21 and 22, 2011 - DIY, science, demos, recycling, entertainment, and fun. Teaching Design Thinking to children - The Future Playground. Bruno munari’s tactile workshops « Stir Center. Photo from the tactile workshops, bruno munari Italian designer, Bruno Munari educates us through the sense of touch in his book, the tactile workshops. His enthusiastic subjects that take part in these workshops are children.

Munari’s observations provoke thought on the sense of touch and the impact of diverting the visual focus and refocusing on the tactile. This prompts several questions: What occurs in the mind when one comes in physical contact with an object without the use of their vision? There may be a heightened awareness through the other senses, but what more? The visual language Munari uses to convey the information in the book is very carefully handled. What is Steiner education? - Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship Website. What is Steiner education? Steiner education… Works for all children irrespective of academic ability, class, ethnicity or religion;Takes account of the needs of the whole child – academic, physical, emotional and spiritual;Is based on an understanding of the relevance of the different phases of child development;Develops a love of learning and an enthusiasm for school;Sees artistic activity and the development of the imagination as integral to learning;Is tried and tested and is part of state funded, mainstream provision in most European countries;Is respected worldwide for its ability to produce very able young people who have a strong sense of self and diverse capacities that enable them to become socially and economically responsible citizens.

Who was Rudolf Steiner? Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925) was an innovative academic born in Austria whose ideas founded the basis of Anthroposophy. He applied his ideas to education as well as agriculture, medicine, architecture and social reform. EDWARD DE BONO AUTHORISED WEBSITE - CoRT THINKING LESSONS WEBSITE. The CoRT Thinking Lessons were first published in 1974 - there must be many millions of people who have benefited. As we engage the new world of social learning and social media, this website has partnered with the Dendrite social learning platform where you can access all of CoRT in video learning form to support both teachers and students.

This platform allows anyone interested in thinking to access this great programme and engage in collaborative learning with others from around the world with a similar interest. The intention behind Dendrite is to consolidate all matters relating to 'de Bono Thinking' - that mix of the CoRT Thinking Programme and Six Thinking Hats and to provide a forum for discussion on the use and implementation of 'de Bono Thinking' on a worldwide basis.

Dendrite will deal with issues particular to the teaching and use of 'de Bono Thinking' - the enhancement of our thinking ability. Framework are fully complementary - hence 'de Bono Thinking'. Reggio Emilia: An innovative approach to early childhood education. Reggio Emilia is a prosperous town in the hills of northern Italy, rich in culture and famous for its vintage basil vinegars, Parmigiano cheese, and Lambrusco wine. But it is also home to a programme of early childhood education that has gained international repute in the last quarter century. The first schools were started by parents in 1945 as an alternative to the strait-laced, church-monopolized institutions that dominated Italian early education at the time. The number of these parent-run centres rose steadily, and in 1967 the municipality took over their administration and financing.

The Reggio preschools (and infant-toddler centres, publicly mandated since the 1970s) are available to children from birth to six regardless of economic circumstance or physical disability, and continue successfully to this day. What were the goals of these parents of Reggio Emilia? “Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible.” IDESiGN_Why Teach Design Thinking? IDESiGN. Wizbots Creative Robotics. Design Thinking Barcelona, Teaching Kids Design Thinking. Teaching Kids Design Thinking The next generation will need to be more and more comfortable with problems of dizzying complexity. And design thinking can teach them that. To find a new set of solutions for our education system, let’s begin by asking the generation that is most affected by the current state of education.

Prototype Design Camp was created by Christian Long, a visionary educator, to introduce and infuse design thinking skills into the K-12 landscape. Read the full post at Fast Company. Teaching Kids Design Thinking, So They Can Solve The World's Biggest Problems | Co.Design. Educate Me (EM) | Nathaneal Jeyachandran. Creative Process Tools for the Young Inventor.

Профориентация - Рекомендуемая литература по профориентации. 1. Бендюков М., Соломин И., Ткачев М. Азбука профориентации. Как молодому человеку преуспеть на рынке труда? , Санкт-Петербург, «Литера плюс», 1997. 334 с. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Профориентация - кем стать !? ( профориентация школьников, программы по профориентации ) Профориентация. Самоопределение. Найти себя. Психологическое консультирование и психодиагностика личности.

АНО Колледж МЭСИ :: Советы по трудоустройству. В глазах работодателей выпускники вузов, колледжей – «недоспециалисты» и «полуфабрикаты». Случается, питомец факультета менеджмента неплохо знает макроэкономику, но напрочь лишен лидерских качеств. А разве компании нужен менеджер, не способный руководить? Каких навыков не хватает выпускникам, где такие навыки приобрести, если в вузах этому не учат? Даже психологи не могут дать однозначный ответ… На вопрос отвечаю звезды кино и телевидения. Что представляют собой молодые специалисты и выпускники на сегодняшнем рынке труда с точки зрения кадрового потенциала. · Что важно для успешного трудоустройства молодых специалистов? · Какие молодые специалисты нужны и где они востребованы?

· Нужно ли тестиование для отбора молодых специалистов? При трудоустройстве для молодого специалиста ключевую роль играют три фактора: Представители вузов делают большую ставку на образование и умение проходить собеседования, тогда как для кадровых агентств важнее оказывается потенциал молодого специалиста. Screen 360. Since the end of January, 120 sixth graders in San Mateo’s Bayside STEM Academy learned what an international film festival is during the Screen 360 US-2 Lab. They learned about the job of film curator. And they learned that kids fill a 900-seat theater four times a day for two weeks in Berlin, Germany and watch high quality films about kids, for kids in different languages from all over the world. While that very film festival was going, they researched the films being shown there. Quickly they demanded to know “Why can’t we see these films here? Bring them to us, too!” Using their sharpened senses, they chose the top films that they would like to show to their peers… Peers, they agreed, are not only other 11 year-olds nearby but 11 year-olds in Berlin, 11 year-olds in Bangalore, Beijing or Boise.

How cool to see the same movies as your peers in another country! So why is it wise to connect kids to the world though movies well before their wisdom teeth come in? Questions? Finding Felix. Catherine (Katy) Kavanaugh Stanford M.A. Learning, Design and Technolgy 2010. Catapult: About. Small Kids Making Big Art San Francisco - Small Kids Making Big Art at Yerba Buena Center For The Arts.