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Keith Barry: Brain magic. Ruth Chang: How to make hard choices. Remembering Robin Williams. Robin Williams hijacks the TED2008 stage before the BBC World Debate. Photo: Andrew Heavens It’s 2008, moments before a BBC broadcast live from the stage at TED. But something’s gone wrong. The house lights are still up, the camera ops are looking at one another, official-looking folks are wandering at the stage apron muttering into headsets, and the panelists are sitting patiently onstage but looking, increasingly, baffled. Minutes go by. And then a voice rises from the audience, wondering “why at a technology conference everything is running so shittily”! The BBC shot the whole thing while waiting for their own production to come back online, and they eventually posted the monologue, cut into 3 minutes of breathtaking tightrope work. And when I read the news today, I watched it again, and it reminded me of what we just lost — but it also gave me 3 minutes of pure, wild joy.

See our Community Director Tom Rielly’s reflections on Robin Williams » Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion. Why Happiness is the New Productivity (The Story of Mindvalley) Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ... Carl Honoré: In praise of slowness. Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last. Graduation…now what? | Playlist | Now playing Clinical psychologist Meg Jay has a bold message for twentysomethings: Contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not a throwaway decade. In this provocative talk, Jay says that just because marriage, work and kids are happening later in life, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now. She gives 3 pieces of advice for how twentysomethings can re-claim adulthood in the defining decade of their lives. “In your 20s, you may not get married or figure out exactly what career you want to pursue. TED & TEDx with AIESECers (R. 5 techniques to speak any language: Sid Efromovich at TEDxUpperEastSide.

Helen Fisher: Why we love, why we cheat | Talk Video. Yves Morieux: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify. Παρούλ Σεγκάλ: Ωδή στη ζήλια. Alex Wissner-Gross: A new equation for intelligence. Ο Μπέντζαμιν Ζάντερ για τη μουσική και το πάθος. Μεϊσούν Ζαΐντ: Έχω 99 προβλήματα... η εγκεφαλική παράλυση είναι μόνο ένα απ' αυτά. How to quit your life (and reboot): Priya Parker at TEDxUHasselt. Hackschooling makes me happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDxUniversityofNevada. The Hidden Meanings in Kids' Movies: Colin Stokes at TEDxBeaconStreet. TEDxSanJoseCA - Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD - Brain: Memory and Multitasking. Popcorning My Way Through: Dey Dos at TEDxUniTn. TEDxRiverCity - Robert Stickgold - Sleep, Memory and Dreams: Fitting the Pieces Together. The First 20 Hours - How to Learn Anything: Josh Kaufman at TEDxCSU.

How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft. Russell Foster: Why do we sleep? Ρον Γκούτμαν: Η κρυμμένη δύναμη του χαμόγελου. Ντέρεκ Σίβερς: Πώς να ξεκινήσετε ένα κίνημα. Pico Iyer: Where is home? A whistleblower you haven't heard. JR's TED Prize wish: Use art to turn the world inside out. Kathryn Schulz: Μην μετανιώνετε για ό,τι έχετε μετανιώσει. Howard Rheingold: The new power of collaboration. Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex. Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory. Derek Sivers: How to start a movement. Benjamin Zander on music and passion. Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership. Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work.