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Themuse. 3 Interview Questions You Should Be Ready to Answer. Interviews come in all shapes and sizes . You might be asked to talk about past projects you’ve worked on, given a task to complete in a short amount of time, or expected to answer rapid-fire questions from a panel of the company’s employees.

Especially when you’re interviewing at a startup, where passion and culture fit is just as important as your skills, you can expect—well, just about anything. This, of course, can make preparing for your next interview a little challenging. Fortunately, there are a few common questions that can help you get started on the right foot (even if your interviewer doesn’t actually ask them!). 1. Unless you’re a new grad, when your reasoning is pretty clear, every candidate has a story.

Be honest, but frame it in positive a way that shows that the role you’re interviewing for is a much better fit for you than your current or last position. Didn’t leave your last job by choice? 2. 3. Hint: The answer should not be “Whatever you guys need me to do.” Themuse. Cómo responder al temible: ¿por qué quieres trabajar aquí? – LED.

Llegaste temprano a la entrevista, tuviste una de las conversaciones más amenas con el reclutador, rieron, bromearon e incluso hasta te dio algunos tips de la empresa. ¿Qué podría salir mal en la mejor entrevista laboral del mundo? Aquel fatídico momento en el que el semblante del entrevistador se vuelve serio, toma una bocanada de aire y suelta las palabras que sellarán tu destino: ¿Por qué te interesa el puesto ofrecido? No es momento de silencios incómodos, tampoco de que balbucees palabras sin sentido. Lee los tips que en LED te damos para que sepas cómo hacerle frente a esta pregunta y sumes puntos a tu postulación. Motivación profesional Siempre debes empezar mencionando cómo te beneficiará a nivel profesional el trabajar en dicha empresa y lo que la empresa puede obtener de dicha elección. Motivación cultural En este punto sigues hablando de la empresa, pero a nivel organización, la cultura de la misma, lo que sabes, lo que has escuchado y lo que has leído. Motivación personal.

How to Write an Interview Thank-You Note: An Email Template. 31 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers. How to Answer the 31 Most Common Interview Questions. Wouldn't it be great if you knew exactly what a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview? While we unfortunately can't read minds, we'll give you the next best thing: a list of the 31 most commonly asked interview questions and answers.

While we don't recommend having a canned response for every interview question (in fact, please don't), we do recommend spending some time getting comfortable with what you might be asked, what hiring managers are really looking for in your responses, and what it takes to show that you're the right man or woman for the job. Consider this list your interview question study guide. 1. Can you tell me a little about yourself? This question seems simple, so many people fail to prepare for it, but it's crucial. Here's the deal: Don't give your complete employment (or personal) history. Read More 2. Read More 3. Any candidate can read and regurgitate the company’s “About” page.

Read More 4. Read More 5. Read More 6. Read More 7. Read More 8. Read More. We got 10 CEOs to tell us their one killer interview question for new hires. Where do you see yourself in five years? Tell me about a time when you showed leadership. What is your biggest weakness? These are the standard questions that job candidates face during interviews. And by now, everyone also has standard answers. (“My biggest weakness? I work too hard.”) As you scale to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, you are unlikely to field such hackneyed queries. A first-rate résumé won’t help you now. “Would you rather be respected or feared?” Michael Gregoire, CEO of CA Technologies, an IT management software company, admits that his favorite interview question is a bit Machiavellian.

In theory, there is no right answer, but in practice the role they’re interviewing for determines which way the CEO leans. “Why are you here today?” It’s an incredibly open-ended question, but when he asks it in interviews, Gordon Wilson, CEO of Travelport, a UK-based, Nasdaq-listed software firm, is looking for a very specific answer. “What’s your biggest dream in life?” 3 Times You're Overthinking Job Interviews. I used to think I was the only person who overthought job interviews. I’d nitpick things to a point that would keep me awake at night. “Oh man,” I’d think to myself, “I didn’t get that job I wanted because of all these things I did wrong. I’m just the worst.” Well, a few years into my career, I learned that I wasn’t the only one torturing myself this way.

But, more surprisingly, I also realized that there were some parts of the process people weren’t giving enough thought to. You’re Overthinking How You Worded Your Responses If you’re anything like me, you probably leave interviews thinking, “Oh geez, I sounded like a doofus when I answered that question about Excel spreadsheets.” You’re Not Thinking Enough About Staying Engaged Through the Entire Interview This was something I used to struggle with. You’re Overthinking How Many Questions You Ask A lot of people think there’s a silver bullet to the number of questions you should ask at the end. Check Out Amazing Companies Hiring Now.

Interview Answer Mistake You Could Be Making. For a lot of people, this seems like a relatively easy question to answer during a job interview. And in a lot of ways, it should be. When I was a recruiter, I liked asking candidates why they wanted the position as a way to loosen things up early on in the conversation.

When I started doing this, I thought I’d get an easy answer that confirmed the fact that he or she was great, which would allow me to move on to other pressing matters. But, I quickly learned a tough lesson: answering this correctly is a surprisingly tough thing to master. Fortunately for you, I’ve seen the worst and am here to share some of the most common errors people make—and how you can avoid them. 1. You’re (Somehow) Caught Off Guard Surprisingly, this was fairly common when I used to conduct interviews—a lot of people didn’t see this question coming.

What to Do Instead You probably already know what you need to do instead: Be prepared to get asked this (a.k.a., know how you plan to respond). 2. 3. 4 Nosy Interview Questions You Should Ask. If you prepare for interviews as thoroughly as I think you do, you’ve probably got a (long) list of questions to ask.

But you probably also worry about which ones are actually OK to bring up—and which could cost you the job. Yes, when I was a recruiter, people would most definitely address off-putting topics, but I also found that some people avoided perfectly normally inquiries out of fear of seeming rude. So, to empower you to get the answers you need, here are a few questions that are perfectly fine to say out loud. 1. Here’s the thing—not only is it perfectly OK to ask, most hiring managers will be open to sharing the details, even if it makes them uncomfortable. 2.

You’re probably asking the first half of this already, which is great. So, in addition to getting an inside scoop on the expectations for the role, take the opportunity to find out if the company has regular review periods to discuss performance and compensation. Check Out Amazing Companies Hiring Now 3. 4. Why You Should Ask About Retention in Interviews. Over the weekend, my friend texted me a link to the New York Times piece, “Congratulations! You’ve Been Fired.” As I read it, my jaw dropped, my eyes opened wide, and I shook my head in disbelief—I did all of the things that, you know, you do when you can’t believe what you’re reading, seeing, or hearing. Dan Lyons’ article discusses the disposable nature of employees, specifically at tech startups, and the headline is jarring and offensive. He explains it as such: “Treating workers as if they are widgets to be used up and discarded is a central part of the revised relationship between employers and employees that techies proclaim is an innovation as important as chips and software.”

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a loyal employee for two or five years; if a company suddenly deems you unnecessary, it’ll send you on your way. I chose those words—send you on your way—carefully, for Lyons depicts the new-order firing model in similar fashion. Best Question to End a Job Interview With. We’ve all been there: It’s the end of the interview, and after nearly an hour of pouring your heart (and work experience) out to a potential employer, the hiring manager asks if you have any last questions before wrapping up. It’s meant to be a formality, of course—a way to end the conversation without kicking you out right then and there. But it’s also an opportunity, intentional or not, to make one final impression and give your interviewer something to remember you by.

As Marshall Darr points out in this short piece on Medium, this final remark is actually a moment to “add value to the conversation” before you both head your separate ways. It’s especially noteworthy when you do manage to pull that off, since so many other candidates, having already asked many questions throughout the session, mindlessly shrug off this little last thing at the end. But if you play your cards right, he says, it can turn a completely lost cause into a foot in the door. How to Talk About Yourself in a Job Interview. How to Succeed at: Interviews - The University of Sheffield. This course has been designed and developed by experts from The Careers Service here at The University of Sheffield to help you to succeed at interviews, whether you are applying for jobs or planning to study.

Because being offered an interview can be quite daunting, we’ve put together a set of materials to help you prepare and be successful on the day. We’ll help you to research the organisation so you can answer that frequently asked question ‘why do you want to work for us?’ With style. We’ll provide advice on what to wear (and what not to wear) and go through some common interview questions. We’ll have tips from employers and admissions tutors on what they look for in candidates and cover the types of questions you should be asking them. Finally, we’ll help you to prepare for different types of interview including how to make an impression via telephone or video or within a group setting. What to say when the hiring manager asks, 'Why should we hire you?’ - INSIDER.

US Department of Education "Why should we hire you? " is one of the most common job-interview questions out there. And, according to Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job," it's one of the most important ones. She says this question is likely the single best opportunity you have to seal the deal in the job interview. "But because it's so broad, it can also lead you down a slippery slope if you're not concise. " When interviewers ask this question, they want you to convince them that you're the best candidate for the job.

"This is an opportunity to say, 'You need X, and I am the best person for the job because of Y.' Before you arrive at the job interview, you should have a general sense of how to communicate this, she suggests. Here are five tips for answering the common "Why should we hire you? " 1. 2. Offer the big picture. Discuss your accomplishments. 3. . • reduce turnover? Top 5 Architecture Job Interview Questions - The Architect's Guide. To help you ace your upcoming interview, download the 82 Architecture Interview Question Flashcards. For just $7 get instant access to prepare quickly and easily from your phone using the example questions and provided ideal responses.

Click for instant access. Good Fit So you have made it through initial job screening to make it to this point. Congratulations! The interview questions I discuss below come up in almost every profession. However, as an architect I am primarily focused on how to best respond to these common questions in the context of an architecture interview. WHY is the interviewer asking this question? If they do throw you a curve ball with a question you haven’t prepared for don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know but… I can check on that and get back to you". The worst thing you can do is make something up on the spot then look foolish later in the interview. Let's Talk Try to keep it conversational. Do Your Research 1. 2. 3. 4.

This is always a tricky question. 5. Most Common Behavioral Interview Questions. Interview prep 101 dictates that you should have your elevator pitch ready, a few stories polished, and a good sense of what you have to offer. So, how do you get there? Lots of practice, ideally aloud. To help you better prepare for your next interview, here are 30 behavioral interview questions sorted by topic (in addition to 31 common interview questions here) that you can practice.

Not sure how to answer these questions? Here’s a quick guide on how to craft job-landing responses. Teamwork For questions like these, you want a story that illustrates your ability to work with others under challenging circumstances. Talk about a time when you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours. Client-Facing Skills If the role you’re interviewing for works with clients, definitely be ready for one of these. Describe a time when it was especially important to make a good impression on a client. Ability to Adapt Times of turmoil are finally good for something! This Is How You Get the Job With Just One Interview. So you've practiced enough interview questions to feel confident enough, and your résumé is looking slick, but there's one crucial form of communication you should become familiar with, and it's nonverbal: body language. These often-subtle visual cues will ensure you make a memorable first impression and give you that competitive advantage.

In her book Presence, Amy Cuddy (who you may know from her TED Talk on the benefits of power-posing) says "adopting the body language of a powerful person changes the way other people see and act toward you, which in turn reinforces your confident behavior. " So before an interview, Cuddy advises you plant your feet widely and stretch your arms overhead in a V shape. If that seems too aggressive, then strike the "performer" pose for two minutes to "set those hormonal changes in motion and give you the confidence you need to ace the interview.

" 5 Questions to Ask at the End of a Job Interview. You’ve heard it a zillion times: “Remember, you’re interviewing them just as much as they’re interviewing you. Ask your own (good) questions to get a feel for if you truly want to work there.” But are you digesting this—and doing it—every time you meet with a hiring manager?

If you’re not, you’re missing out on an important opportunity to dig in and really get a feel for what’s going on at your potential next employer. You’re also squandering an opportunity to demonstrate fully your preparedness, confidence, and complete non-desperation (which is always an attractive trait to hiring managers). So, what are some great questions you can ask in your next interview? Here are five brilliant ones that, truthfully, may not be fully answered but will still likely provide you with some solid, fruitful information about your potential next boss, team, and organization. 1. I worked with a client a few months ago who was a finalist for a VP of Sales & Marketing job at a profitable, admired company.

What Hiring Managers Discuss After an Interview.