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Ricci Adams' How to Release an Indie Album. Posted: September 23, 2009 at 10:19 pm | Tags: amazon, independent music, indie music, itunes, music business, release an album, solo album, start a record label, tunecore [NOTE: This article is now four years old, and thus horrendously out of date. I mean, it doesn't even mention crowdfunding! So, due to its continued popularity, and the increasingly complex issue, rather than update this article I have decided to publish my first ebook! Watch this space for more details in the coming weeks.] When I first looked up info on how to distribute my album online, the overwhelming number of sites I found almost caused my brain to blow a fuse. As a musician who has been through it, let me tell you that it is a lot of work, but the payoff is very rewarding. I don’t claim by any means that this is the best or only way to release your album online, but here is a play-by-play of How I Did It and it has so far worked out pretty well.

Recording Mastering Copyright Why go to all that trouble? The Release. Guitar Lesson World: Lesson 42 - Determining the Key. I am going to show you how to find the key when you have just a written piece of music in standard notation and also when you just know the chord progression. Determining the Key From a Piece of Music in Standard Notation To find the key when you see a piece of music in standard notation, you must look at the key signature. The key signature is located at the beginning of the line (for more info on the key signature refer to my lesson on Reading Notation and Tablature). This is where sharps and flats in standard notation are placed. Their are either sharps, flats, or neither in the key signature. Sharps and flats are never mixed together.

You can determine the key by counting the number of sharps or flats in the key signature as long as the key signature does not have 5 sharps or flats. Figure 1 When there are no sharps or flats, it is the key of C. Now, to find out which notes are sharp or flat, we will use the circle of fifths. Figure 2 Figure 3 Finding the Key from a Chord Progression. ULTIMATE GUITAR TABS ARCHIVE | 300,000+ Guitar Tabs, Bass Tabs, Chords and Guitar Pro Tabs!