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Digital Samurai provides data and security experts for the business. They also provide the some other important services for storage the large amount of data and security which are useful to the business.

Digitalsamurai. Business Intelligence. Database Administration. Digital Samurai. Are you running SQL Server without a DBA available to secure, manage and maintain your SQL environment?

Digital Samurai

Our managed SQL Services could be exactly what you are looking for. DBA’s are one of the highest paid IT professionals and there is a very good reason for it. Every application you use in your business has to store data somewhere and in most cases that is the database. Managed Database Services London. Business Intelligence. A frequent problem The business is always asking you to get more done with an ever shrinking budget.

Business Intelligence

There is this endless battle between resource available and what actually needs to be delivered. It’s Maintenance vs Projects and additional head count to complete the ever growing workload is way out of the question. Did you know most IT departments spend around 80% of their budget just keeping the lights on? What does that leave for projects and improvements?

How To Stop SQL Injection Attacks.