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Digital Republik is one of the best digital marketing agency in India, We provide marketing solutions & create campaigns to showcase your brand & grow business.

Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,India. Digital Marketing Case Studies. Improve your Online Presence in Nutrition Industry. People have evidently demonstrated their interest in building up their nutrition and immunity in the present pandemic times.

Improve your Online Presence in Nutrition Industry

For individuals who are looking for nutrition guidance, there are several ways to find your nutrition practice. It is recommended to promote yourself as a nutritionist and also promote your nutrition business by using various online tools. To render your online presence more visible, it is essential to know how to start using the online platforms. Here’s a few of them: Time for complete Digital Transformation Today, your face-to-face consultation has taken a turn for an online transformation.

Be found on Google Searches on Google for keywords like “nutritional diet, nutritionists near me, etc.” have increased from 20,000 Searches Per Month to 45,000 Searches Per Month. Apart from these, there is much nitty-gritty to take into consideration before the execution. 2020 Instagram Algorithm in a nutshell. Many brands were utterly shaken by the 2018 Facebook algorithm update, which resulted in a nosedive of organic reach.

2020 Instagram Algorithm in a nutshell

Instagram being a part of the Facebook entity had also impressed and motivated brands to perform campaigns on both platforms simultaneously. However, currently, brands have noticed that their Instagram content has not scored the same degree of interaction as they did in the past. Creators are raising a query, as to How to use the Instagram algorithm to my advantage? How the Instagram Algorithm works in 2020: Learn how Amazon SEO works for higher ranking! Your website isn’t the only location on the internet where your products can be promoted/marketed.

Learn how Amazon SEO works for higher ranking!

You want it to be found by buyers if you have a product listing on Amazon, just as you want your site to appear with your company keywords on the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP). It’s important to note that Amazon’s search algorithm operates better to any Google or Bing algorithm when it comes to surfacing results. Brands often go through queries such as ‘How to get your product on the first page of Amazon’, ‘how to improve your Amazon listing’, and many more. Brands presume it’s easy to rank on Amazon, but it isn’t that easy. You’re going to have a rough time if you’re trying to evaluate Amazon SEO from a web-SEO point of view. On Google, people perform all kinds of different searches, most of which are informational searches, and almost every Amazon search is a purchase. The Key to Boost E-commerce Sale. The e-commerce industry is huge and will continue to expand in the near future.

The Key to Boost E-commerce Sale

There has been a significant shift in people’s perceptions with changes in the e-commerce world. In today’s date, Consumers enjoy online shopping. People spend more time shopping online, giving them a fast, streamlined experience from anywhere using a mobile device or a laptop. With the increase of online shopping in recent years, how will e-commerce players receive full rewards? To this Digital Marketing is your key. Digital Marketing is the top most priority of Entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur and start-up founder build a brand that fixes a problem, finds a way to monetize it, generates sales, and recruits the right people to keep growth stable.

Digital Marketing is the top most priority of Entrepreneurs

Marketing is the best way, to maintain your brand’s name and attract maximum attention, simultaneously increase sales. Now, what is it that will fulfil the need of marketing and still be a low investment. Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Techniques in 2020. Digital marketing is very important in today’s technology-driven world.

Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Techniques in 2020

Brands can craft and create their own desired reputation via social media and online reviews. This shows that, having a social media strategy will always help you leverage your business especially if you’re a healthcare brand. It’s no secret that developing medical knowledge and getting new patients are hard-work. Patients are demanding better services to improve the quality of their lives.

If you continue to follow the dated marketing techniques, it wouldn’t help you stand out among your competitors. How AR and VR impacts Education and Business. Learning has evolved over the years, from reading textbooks to ‘googling’ the things you want to know about.

How AR and VR impacts Education and Business

More and more information is available for people to consume than they could ever ask for. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented reality (AR) have emerged as modern ways of channeling information to the audience in a more interactive and user-friendly manner. Instead of just reading or viewing, a user can now virtually interact with the surroundings, have a 360-degree look of a particular place or even experience different places and cultures just by sitting in one place.

Capabilities of VR and AR have evolved over time and being in their early stages of development, they have a large vacuum for invention and innovation. One of the largest vacuum to be filled is the one in the education sector. Similarly, virtual reality in education offers benefits that could only be imaginable a couple of years ago. Leverage Social Media During Crisis.

Throughout modern life the extensive use of social media redefines social contact and communication.

Leverage Social Media During Crisis

Communication plays a significant role in reducing or exacerbating the psychological and behavioral reactions to crucial disasters and incidents. As recent events have shown, during and after crisis people continue to turn on social media. Officials may then use this media and other analytical tools to obtain public knowledge, mainly to increase situational understanding, but also to enhance their contact with the public and public adherence to the instructions. Smarts Brands are BOOSTING their Marketing inspite of COVID-19.

The news media has been flooded by discussion and speculation about the coronavirus or COVID-19.

Smarts Brands are BOOSTING their Marketing inspite of COVID-19

The COVID-19 novel coronavirus outbreak is a terrible human tragedy, affecting hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. The top tech companies such as Apple, Oneplus or Uber say that it may affect their revenues as there is a decline in supply chain and consumer demand. But surprsingly, online publishers and marketers are seeing a huge positive impact on online ad revenues during these ‘COVID-19’ times. Covid 's influence on the Beauty and Wellness Industry.

The COVID-19 virus is sweeping the world, by putting tremendous pressure on countries, societies and communities.There are government-enforced lockdowns in many places, and social distancing is now widely accepted as the most effective way to control the spread of the virus, a phrase we probably never encountered until a few months back.

Covid 's influence on the Beauty and Wellness Industry

The virus may linger for a longer time, but this crisis will pass. However, it will leave behind a legacy – new working methods, new consumption patterns and, indeed, new ways of interacting with fellow people. Online Local Marketing for Small Brands. Local marketing consists of outreach campaigns specifically intended to bring more local traffic.

Local marketing is important, because it drives local business traffic. It brings people by the doors – Virtual or not. Local marketing is perhaps more important than ever at the moment. As we are being pushed apart by social distance requirements, we are becoming increasingly aware of how much we need to come together, of course, at a safe distance. People want to shop local, because customers are more aware of the need. 5 Ways to approach Branding & Marketing Online, Post-lockdown. The Covid19 pandemic was a challenge to the world economy as a whole, and without a doubt; brands have taken in the hardest blow of all. While several brands have already declared bankruptcy in the wake of resource eroding and dwindling assets, there are still many that would follow the same suit, unless the financial activities begin the earliest.

During this crisis of coronavirus, growing your business has been affected, but online branding is the best solution for this. Many brands have adopted the idea and devoted their time to online branding along with a mix of traditional marketing which has helped them maintain their presence in the market. The Ultimate Website Design Guide. With the Pandemic, the demand of digital presence has increased than before.

As the world is turning digital, your potential clients will now search you online. Owning a website might mean that your brand is legit, it does not guarantee that clients will continue to interact with you. And it’s no surprise, with the current situation Digital Interaction is the need of the hour. If you’re looking to drive up interaction on your website, and attract a fair amount of new followers, you need to ensure that you have a user-friendly website design. The Key to Boost E-commerce Sale. Digital Marketing is the top most priority of Entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur and start-up founder build a brand that fixes a problem, finds a way to monetize it, generates sales, and recruits the right people to keep growth stable.

Marketing is the best way, to maintain your brand’s name and attract maximum attention, simultaneously increase sales. Now, what is it that will fulfil the need of marketing and still be a low investment. Digital Marketing is the top most priority of Entrepreneurs. Best way to Market, if your Marketing Budget is Quarantined. After a crisis, or even a deflation, businesses who raise their marketing expenses boost profits even faster — both before and during the downturn as compared to the firms who cut back. But if the leadership doesn’t buy into the notion that campaign investment is important right now then how would you maintain the positioning of your brand. How would you expand your firm now and in the long run? Covid 's influence on the Beauty and Wellness Industry. Digital Marketing Strategies For Franchise. As a franchise, it’s important to ensure that you stand out online and also have a brand consistency.

Digital Marketing Strategies For Franchise. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,India. Marketing Trends to Look Out for in 2020. The year 2020, is about to bring a huge turnover in the trends of digital marketing. Until 2019, we have seen the impact digital marketing had. 2020: A year of E-Commerce. Many manufacturing companies have started to focus on e-commerce. Digital Marketing Jobs & Career in Mumbai. Online Marketing For schools Via Facebook. Online Marketing For schools Via Facebook.

Top 5 Healthcare Digital Marketing Strategy for 2020. Unanswered Calls: The Plague of Paid Search ROI. What are call ads, and why they matter Businesses today are still highly dependent on call advertising. Talking to customers is one of the best ways you can get them on the hook for selling them a product or service. Even in the age of social media, google adwords campaign optimization, and web advertising, the old fashioned approach of listening to the salesperson, still seems to be quite effective with potential customers. The problem. Top SEO & Social Media Agency in Mumbai. Your Guide to New Age Email Marketing. When emails came into existence back in the 1990s, it was a painstaking process to go through your inbox.

You first had to bear with a series of beeps and dashes before your computer connected to the internet, and then wait as each page took its own time to load. Today however, emails have become the fastest method of communication. People who are attached to their smartphones are more likely to reply to you via email than return a missed phone call. This constant need of ours, to always have access to the internet and our emails has helped shape the world of email marketing. Tips to Improve your Social Media Ads Strategy. Organic content doesn’t have the same reach on Social Media anymore. In fact, Facebook posts from brand pages saw a decline in engagement. But that’s why so many organizations now rely on social media advertising more than ever. Paid social media, is “the” thing. Top SEO & Social Media Agency in Mumbai. Up Your Business's Ante with Instagram Stories - Digital Gazette. The Growth of the Healthcare Industry with Digitalization.

Latest Updates And Trends In Digital Marketing. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,India. How Education Sector is Leveraging Social Media. Top 4 reasons digital marketing in healthcare is growing. The Education Industry & SEO - A Modern Revolution. Are your emails Even getting to your audience? Content Strategies – A Necessity in the Healthcare Industry. Engineering Industry Digital Marketing Case Study. Digital Marketing Trends in Automotive Industry. The Digital Revolution In The Education Industry. LinkedIn is the hottest B2C social media platform in town. Top SEO & Social Media Agency in Mumbai. Facebook Groups: New Era Of Digital Marketing? Industry Benchmarks for your Facebook Ad Campaigns. Important Tips for your Conversion Marketing Strategies.

5 Ways to Connect Online Marketing with Offline Sales. Here's why your E-mail campaigns need a personal touch. Social Media & The Big Players. Your Guide to New Age Email Marketing. Digital Marketing Case Study In Chemical Industry. Why do Brands Still Underfund Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? The Education Industry and SEO, A Modern Revolution. Small Businesses Go Big on Social Media Marketing. Digital Marketing Case Study In Healthcare Industry. 5 Ways to Connect Online Marketing with Offline Sales. Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends. Short Term Digital Marketing Courses For Startups. ROI on video marketing? We have some metrics you don't want to miss. Short Term Digital Marketing Courses For Startups. Latest Updates And Trends In Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing Jobs & Career in Mumbai. Latest Updates And Trends In Digital Marketing. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,India. Facebook Groups: New Era Of Digital Marketing? Short Term Digital Marketing Courses For Startups. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india. Prettislim Wins at Economic Times Best Brands and KAFs - PTI feed News. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,India. SEO Content Marketing For Fitness Industry. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,India. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india.

Influencer Marketing Trends in 2018. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india. Beauty Brands and Digital Marketing a perfect match. Content-Led Marketing Campaigns That Drive Results. Short Term Digital Marketing Courses For Startups. Unanswered Calls: The Plague of Paid Search ROI. The Digital Revolution In The Education Industry. Content-Led Marketing Campaigns That Drive Results. Influencer Marketing Trends in 2018. Digital Marketing Case Studies. Digital Marketing Jobs & Career in Mumbai. How Education Sector is Leveraging Social Media. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india. Why You Need LinkedIn for B2B Marketing.

Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india. The importance of SEO and content marketing in the healthcare industry. 5 Ways to Connect Online Marketing with Offline Sales. Instagram – Powerhouse for Influencer Marketing. Best Digital Marketing Agency/Company/Firm in Mumbai,india. Five Reasons B2B Marketers Who Don't 'Do Video' Are Getting Left Behind. How Social Media Platforms Are Taking Over Online Shopping. Loyalty Program – The Underdog of Digital Marketing.