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Digital Hub Australia

Digital Hub Australia design and build websites, mobile apps, create digital content and provide services such as graphic design, brand development, search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing ,paid social campaigns and google pay per click campaigns.

5 SEO Tips That Will Make Your Website Rank On Google In 2020 - Digital Hub Australia. As search engines become cleverer and competition between businesses intensifies, the next thing you may be asking yourself is “What SEO tactics will help me rank higher on SERP and bring me more revenue in 2020?”

5 SEO Tips That Will Make Your Website Rank On Google In 2020 - Digital Hub Australia

What follows is practical and time-tested advice on how to do that. I found tips that I believe can be real game-changers for anyone looking to learn more about search engine optimisation (SEO) in Sydney. Graphic Design Agency Sydney. Facebook Ads Is A Great Platform For Your Business. Marketers love using Facebook, justifiably so.

Facebook Ads Is A Great Platform For Your Business

Of all social networks, it’s the biggest and there’s never a shortage of opportunities businesses could leverage to get ahead and be better. A lot of businesses have used it to build a following for their brand and connect with their customers. Have you? If not yet, now is the time. It’s absolutely free to join. Large Active User Base Ever spared time to look at Facebook usage stats? Active Facebook users are estimated to be 2.41 billion.

Imagine those numbers! Think about the demographics. You have the opportunity to reach a wider audience, engage them, and convert them into customers through Facebook Ads. Incredible Targeting Capabilities Given the huge number of users available on this platform, Facebook has made it possible for advertisers to sift the users through particular ‘sieves’ that allow them to be left with an audience they consider their target. Fuel Your SEO With Pure-Value Content Marketing. Don’t we all want to take our SEO to the next level?

Fuel Your SEO With Pure-Value Content Marketing

Think about the massive traffic to your site, increased conversions, a stronger brand, dominance on search engines, the list goes on! When you do it well, SEO can turn things around or elevate your business to greater heights. But there’s a catch. You have to blend SEO with pure-value content marketing for these gains to materialise. You’ve probably run into the arguments that insist the two concepts are two totally different. But that’s far from the truth, given that two evidently complement each other in so many ways. In this article, we’ll explore how you could meet some SEO demands with the help of pure-value content marketing. Keywords Keywords are at the core of SEO optimisation.

Digital Hub Australia. 10 Powerful Ways to Build Brand Trust on Social Media. Trust is hard to come by these days.

10 Powerful Ways to Build Brand Trust on Social Media

Actually, the Edelman Trust Barometer report which has been around for years shares the same view – that trust has been on a decline in nearly every industry, with business, governments, media and NGOs being the least trusted. Social media is now part of all these organisations and it’s not heavily trusted either. You could be doing everything else right on social media – great promotions, excellent content, stellar branding, etc. but is that enough to build solid trust with your clients and audience?

Definitely not! Yet it’s the revolutionary space where the presence of trust could bring you massive benefits as an organisation, business, or individual. Quality Content: How to Add Your Business to Google Maps in Few Easy Steps? Billions of people use Google maps today.

How to Add Your Business to Google Maps in Few Easy Steps?

A similar number use search engines. Guess what a good number of them are searching for? Local businesses. Of all Google searches, a whopping 46% involve local searches. What’s more, 88% of customers who carry out a local search through their smartphone end up paying the store a visit or giving it a call. Best SEO Agency in Sydney. Measuring The Impact Of Your Content Marketing Strategy. You probably publish several posts a week, do a video or two in the same period and share lots of other visual content, like pictures, memes, infographics, charts and all that.

Measuring The Impact Of Your Content Marketing Strategy

But are they worth all the effort and money? Well, there’s only one way to tell – measuring their impact. But not so many marketers know how to do that? Do you? If yes, congratulations! According to the Content Marketing Institute, 41% of B2C marketers and 33% of B2B marketers have no idea how to measure their content marketing ROI. Well, today we put this challenge to bed. The Key Essentials For Tracking Content Marketing ROI First off, list down the different types of content in your marketing strategy. The Steps To Launch A Successful PPC Campaign. PPC campaigns have been on the rise and with good reason.

The Steps To Launch A Successful PPC Campaign

More than 7 million advertisers have poured billions of dollars into PPC ads, and the numbers keep rising. Unlike the other options, PPC campaigns promise immediate results. That coveted traffic plus the leads, customers, and sales we all desire could be instant if you have a well-crafted PPC campaign. Digital Marketing Agency Sydney. VOICE SEARCH OPTIMISATION: DIGITAL MARKETING NEW FRONTIER IN 2020. Voice search!


That’s yet another disruptive wave of technology shaking the digital space to its core. In recent years, the search landscape has witnessed a shift, with more people now using voice search to make queries in place of text and other forms. Smartphone assistants and smart speakers like Google Home, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa lead the way. Not too long ago, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that voice searches accounted for one-fifth of the queries on the Google app. Branded3 also reports that 25% of searches on Windows 10 desktop are done via voice.

These stats are just a drop in the ocean of reports that continue to note the rise of voice search. To get you started, here are some areas you will want to revisit and refine as you update your digital marketing strategy. Website Speed.