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A Comprehensive Guide to Link Building via Blog Commenting. Though there is a lot of debate about the value of blog commenting as a form of link building, it is still a very popular linking strategy. This guide covers some basic things you will probably encounter while blog commenting, and how to make sure you get your comment approved more times than not.

Benefits of Blog Commenting Links First off, let’s look at the benefits of blog commenting. There are five primary reasons we build links for websites. Here is what you need to look for to accomplish these goals with blog commenting. Traffic If you are looking to increase traffic to your website, your best bet is to comment on blogs that receive a lot of traffic that are in your niche or industry, without concern to dofollow or nofollow linking. To find popular blogs in your niche, you can check out the variety of blog directories out there. PageRank To find blogs that are dofollow, you can simply do a Google search for dofollow blog directories or dofollow blog list. SERPs 1. 2. Spam Filters Akismet. Q&A: Gerd Leonhard on why social media beats search | Econsultan. Gerd Leonhard is CEO of The Futures Agency, and has been described as "one of the leading media futurists in the world" for his views on the development of next-generation business models in the content, communications & technology industries.

He will be giving one of the keynote speeches at Econsultancy's Future of Digital Marketing event on June 16. I've been speaking to Gerd (he can be found on Twitter here) about his upcoming keynote, as well as his views on the Times paywall and the future of the music industry. You have stated that social media beats search 10:1, can you explain this? One emerging and very recent trend is that traditional search is losing out to what people are doing on social networks.

This will change companies' attitude over time, and they will hire more people with experience of social, as social creates a kind of polling mechanism. The companies that have been used to controlling their environment will have to adapt to this. There are lots. The Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Person. InShare26 What follows is an edited excerpt from Engage! Anyone who has ever worked in corporate marketing, advertising, and branding is more than familiar with a brand style guide.

It’s how we ensured that the brand was represented as intended through marketing aesthetics and messaging – including detailed usage instructions on font, style, color, language, placement, positioning, etc. It is our bible and adherence to its tenets and instructions is strictly enforced. However, with the unstructured proliferation of social media within many organizations, the brand style guide is seemingly disregarded or not considered in favor of expediting the creation of profiles in social networks and the participatory engagement that immediately ensues. Everything the brand was intended to represent is no less important simply because new tools and services make it easier for anyone within the company to reach and connect with markets.

The goal of a social media style guide is to establish: 1. 2. 3. 4. One-Third of Twitter Users Talk Brands. Many social site users make good use of the voice that the medium provides them to talk about brands, products and services. An April 2010 study by ROI Research commissioned by Performics found that, at least once a week, 33% of active Twitter users share opinions about companies or products, while 32% make recommendations and 30% ask for them.

Marketers using social media have tried to foster this type of earned media and other brand interactions, but a comparison of the study results with previous research, from October 2009, shows little change in consumers’ brand-oriented behavior. On Twitter, significant percentages of users who had connected with a brand would recommend, discuss or purchase from the company, but those numbers inched slightly downward over six months. On Facebook, users had similarly static opinions on the usefulness of social media to connect with brands. Other consumers are content on the sidelines, using social sites primarily to connect with friends and family. "I declare war on viral media" iMedia: Let's start with transmedia in entertainment. It's emerging, but maybe not quite here yet. What do you think might be the catalyst that could make transmedia storytelling take off?

Jenkins: As "Madge the Manicurist" used to say in the old Palmolive commercials, "You are soaking in it. " The transmedia revolution has been building over the past decade. There is now an expectation that transmedia content is going to be produced for certain kinds of programs, and the range of programs (and audiences) that are expecting transmedia is expanding dramatically week by week. Much of contemporary transmedia is designed to help satisfy the needs and interests of hardcore viewers, but this strategy is based in part on a theory of social influence. For every hardcore fan, whose interest is fed by transmedia, there are many other more casual viewers who get pulled to the program so that they can engage in conversations with the hardcore fan. Step up your engagement! Next page >>

10 Essential iPhone Apps for Runners. For people who enjoy running, there’s nothing like lacing up the Nikes, heading out the door and hitting that stride. But every runner hits a wall at one point or another and day after day, run after run can soon become monotonous. Sometimes a little jolt to the routine is welcomed. Whether you want to try out new routes, strive to be faster, have better endurance or even lose a little weight, runners (and want-to-be runners) can turn to the following 10 iPhone apps for a little more variety in their training regimens: 1.

RunKeeper Pro RunKeeper Pro is probably the most well-known of the running apps on this list. Cost: $9.99 2. Sometimes, the best motivation is competition and who better to compete with than yourself? Cost: $0.99 3. Assuming most people who run regularly are also health conscious, the Livestrong Calorie Tracker boasts more than 625,000 foods in its database and is a great app to have to monitor caloric/fat/carbohydrate/protein intake. Cost: $2.99 4. Cost: $1.99 5. iRace 6. Black Premium Linen Long Sleeve Safari Shirt - Women's tops - Wo. Ehren Starks: piano and cello/jazzy new age. Tagged as: Jazz, New Age, Piano, Best Selling Instrumental, New Age Piano. Born in Tulsa Oklahoma but raised in Kansas City, Missouri. Currently attending the University of Kansas studying Art History Drawing and Painting. I now live in Lawrence Kansas USA. I began playing at the age of five under the suzuki theory and continued with lessons until the age of 18 or so.

I became bored with playing other peoples songs and the piano in general. I really started making a lot of progress when I got into improvising and composing my own pieces. This was around the age of 13 or 14. I recorded and released my first solo album at the age of 17. Being burnt out by the road and rough lifestyle, I have happily returned to school to study visual arts and focus on my composing, drawing from the likes of Radiohead, Interpol, and many others. Ehren Starks lives in Kansas, USA. Split commissions in affiliate marketing. MoreNiche Ltd., a UK affiliate network, just launched a split commissions feature that enables merchants to remunerate not only the last referring affiliate, but also the first, or any other affiliates involved in the presale process.

The idea was called "revolutionary. " The feature was announced by Shawn Collins a few days before the launch in his blog. He wrote: The typical affiliate program pays out commission to the last referrer and nobody else. While this is great for the last site to touch the customer, it doesn't account for any previous affiliates that played a role in closing the sale. But what if there were a way to spread the commission across some or all affiliates that played some role in the ultimate transaction? As far as I know, this hasn't been an option to date, but that is changing with the launch of a split commissions feature by UK affiliate network MoreNiche on June 14.

Yesterday, the split commission feature went live. The press release reads: U.K. Seasonality and search marketing for e-commerce. Having been at eTail Europe this week, and it has got me thinking about the different challenges etailers face, many of which should have been solved by now. One of the things I've noticed is how seasonality is a key consideration for all retailers. Online marketers are no exception. We all know that sales tend to be stronger in the run up to Christmas and slower throughout the summer months and the overall impact of seasonality will depend on what type of products you are selling, but it will undoubtedly affect all retailers in some way or another. In the article below I will highlight some practical ways that retailers can use paid search marketing techniques, including advice on the use of Google Ad Parameters and the Long Tail, to ensure that the seasonality of the market works in your favour. 1.

Google Ad Parameters Google’s ad parameters is a relatively new feature that allows advertisers to dynamically insert and update up to two numeric or currency parameters in ad creative. 2. UK brands could do more to engage with users: study | Econsultan. Just 34% of brands feature a community on their website, while less than one in five advertise their social media presence prominently on their homepages, according to a new study. The Engaged Web Study (registration required) by Episerver finds that many brands are not making the most of online opportunities to engage customers and visitors.

The report looked at ten companies from eight vertical sectors: Telecoms, Charity, Retail, Sport, Travel, Public Sector, Finance and Utilities, and then scored them against a range of engagement criteria. Here are some highlights from the report... Communities Only a third (34%) of the companies studied featured a community on their site, with telecoms brands coming out on top, followed by charities. Only 44% of companies with a community actually initiate a conversation with visitors, though more respond to queries or questions from users, with 70% actively engaging with users.

Blogging Social media. 10 Ways To Find Inspiration To Develop Content For Your Blog « J. It is something all bloggers battle with..coming up with topics, ideas and content for your next post. I am certainly not immune from this constant challenge of finding inspiration and it continues to be a never ending battle every day. I recently was directly tweeted by Aaron Lee a cyberspace buddy whose opinion I value. He made a very kind compliment about my blog content after I had thanked him for retweeting my latest post and he then proceeded to make the suggestion ‘”How Do You Focus On Creating Blog Content?”

So what do I do to clamber over the writers block so I can have a quiver full of tools to help me write the daily post. 1. An example of this was a conversation with a client where he mentioned that his use of social media such as a blog, Twitter and Facebook had together increased his search engine rankings from page eight to page one. 2. 3. I use phrases such as ‘Social Media Case Study’ or ‘iPhone Apps’. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 302inShare. 7 Tips for Creating Unique Content That Doesn’t Suck. As bloggers, we’ve all struggled with the following question at one point or another: “What can I write about now?”

Sometimes it feels like all the great ideas and unique topics have all been taken, written about and used up. While admittedly an absurd thought, it’s one that pops in my head more often that I’d like to admit. Nevertheless, coming up with new ideas and creating unique content that is compelling, valuable and useful for our readership can be difficult, even for the best of us, at times. If you’ve struggled to come up with new ideas in the past, the following tips can help you stir your “creativity well” for unique content. Here are just a few suggestions to help you generate fresh ideas and create compelling content on a regular basis: Take A Stand Mine your favorite blogs for ideas and topics of interest that you’re passionate about. Additional Resources for Creating Unique Content: