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Jquery ajax - How to rebind Json object with Telerik MVC grid. Passing a view model as parameter to Ajax grid Methode. - Grid Forum - Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC. Web Asset Enhancements in Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC - Kazi Manzur Rashid's Blog. Monday, November 9, 2009 1:28 PM Kazi Manzur Rashid [Updated: Source code attached] In the recent release, there has been few enhancements in the Web Asset Management. One of the new thing that we introduced which was actually requested by the community is Shared Web Asset. In this post, I will show you, how to use it in your ASP.NET MVC Application.

In the previous version, you can only define the web assets either in the ScriptRegistrar or StyleSheetRegistrar like the following: <% Html.Telerik() .ScriptRegistrar() .Scripts(scripts => scripts.AddGroup("myScripts", group => group.Add("script1.js") .Add("script2.js") .Add("script3.js") .Combined(true) .Compress(true) ) ) .Render();%> if you want to reuse it in another page, you have to copy the exact same thing. After evaluating quite a different scenarios, we found that we have to include the complete details of the web assets in the script/stylesheet url and this is the reason the url becomes long and cryptic. And in the release mode: Extensions for ASP.NET MVC Demos.

Grid The Grid widget displays tabular data and offers rich support for interacting with data; including paging, sorting, grouping, and selection. Scheduler The Scheduler allows users to create and manage single or recurring tasks in day, week, month and custom views. Supports touch, mouse, and keyboard. Editor The Editor allows users to create rich text content by means of a WYSIWYG interface.

AutoComplete The AutoComplete provides suggestions depending on the typed text. ComboBox The ComboBox widget allows selection from pre-defined values or entering a new value. DatePicker The DatePicker allows the end user to select a date from a calendar or by inputing the data directly. ListView The ListView is designed to give your the freedom to specify custom type of layout for the items displayed in the control.

DataSource The DataSource component is an abstraction for using local (arrays of JavaScript objects) or remote (XML, JSON, JSONP) data. C# - Telerik tabstrib doesn't work when jquery ui is used. Working with JavaScript web assets. Before proceeding make sure you have all the required components installed. This topic assumes that Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC have been integrated in your ASP.NET MVC application. Please check Using Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC in your project for additional info. Asset groups can be defined in various locations: master pageview pagepartial view Let's define a web asset group for the commonly used JavaScript files.

CopyDefining asset groups <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().Scripts(scripts => scripts.AddGroup("CommonScript", group => group.Add("~/Scripts/Core.js") .Add("~/Scripts/Stuff.js") ) ) %> That code defines a new web asset group called "CommonScript" and adds two JavaScript files to the group. CopyScriptRegistrar output In some scenarios you may need to disable the automatic registration of the jQuery JavaScript.

CopyDisabling the automatic jQuery registration In the previous section we have defined our first web asset group. Registering the asset HTTP handler.