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Custom roles for WindowsPrincipals in ASP.NET - Ben Hickman's Blog. I continue to be pleased with the many plug-points within ASP.NET. Recently, I had a student with an interesting ASP.NET security challenge. He wanted to use integrated windows authentication, but wanted to assign custom roles for the windows principals. He was building an intranet site. He needed a set of roles that didn't map to any existing Windows groups and he couldn't get the network admins to add them (and keep them updated).

It turns out this is quite easy with ASP.NET. Now, add the following code to Global.asax.cs to hook into the Windows authentication process in ASP.NET and setup the new CustomPrincipal and its roles: protected void WindowsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate(object sender, WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs e){ if (e.Identity ! Then, just use the normal ASP.NET authorization services. Securing your ASP.NET MVC 4 App and the new AllowAnonymous Attribute - RickAndMSFT on Azure & MVC. 2 March 2013 Update: Added security links 20 June 2012 Update: Cookieless Session and Authentication not supported in ASP.NET MVC.

Executive Overview You cannot use routing or web.config files to secure your MVC application. The only supported way to secure your MVC application is to apply the Authorize attribute to each controller and use the new AllowAnonymous attribute on the login and register actions. Making security decisions based on the current area is a Very Bad Thing and will open your application to vulnerabilities. Web.config-based security should never be used in an MVC application. Public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); filters.Add(new System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute()); } The problem with applying Authorize globally is that you have to be logged on (authorized) before you can log on or register.

To add a global authorization filter to your Web ApiController, add the following line to the. Custom Authorization in the ASP.NET MVC Framework and Authorize Attribute. ASP.Net MVC3 user authentication tutorials. C# - Is it possible to override the default behavior of [Authorize] in ASP.NET MVC. How to Extend/Architect the ASP.NET MVC 3 Authorize Attribute to Handle This Scenario. Conditional Filters in ASP.NET MVC 3. Say you want to apply an action filter to every action except one. How would you go about it? For example, suppose you want to apply an authorization filter to every action except the action that lets the user login.

Seems like a pretty good idea, right? Currently, it takes a bit of work to do this. If you add a filter to the GlobalFilters.Filters collection, it applies to every action, which in the previous scenario would mean you already need to be authorized to login. Now that is security you can trust! Security You can also manually add the filter attribute to every controller and/or action method except one. Fortunately, ASP.NET MVC 3 introduced a new feature called filter providers which allow you to write a class that will be used as a source of action filters. In this case, what I need to write is a conditional action filter. Here’s the approach I took. The code here is fairly straightforward despite all the angle brackets. Tags: aspnetmvc,, filter, filter providers. Securing your ASP.NET MVC 3 Application - Ricka on MVC and related Web Technologies. Executive Overview You cannot use routing or web.config files to secure your MVC application.

The only supported way to secure your MVC application is to apply the [Authorize] attribute to each controller and action method (except for the login/register methods). Making security decisions based on the current area is a Very Bad Thing and will open your application to vulnerabilities. In ASP.NET MVC 2, it was recommended that you create a base controller with an [Authorize] attribute, and derive each controller (except the Account/Login controller) from that base class. That strategy has one big flaw: nothing prevents you from adding a new controller that doesn't derive from the [Authorize] protected base controller. Another approach for ASP.NET MVC 2 was to apply the AuthorizeAttribute to just the specific controllers or actions that need to be secured.

The problem with applying Authorize globally is that you have to be logged on (authorized) before you can log on or register. ASP.NET MVC 3 using Authentication.