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Windows 8

Coding Standards. Service. SOAP. Validation. Logging. CSPROJ Files. Sync Framework. Debugging. VS 11. Memory Management. Dynamic Compilation. IQueryable. DBConnectionScope. Merge assemblies with ILMerge - LiteMedia. ILMerge is a tool for merging assemblies together, which is very useful for easy deployments. Instead of deploying 10 dlls you can deploy one. When distributing applications out to customers you really want to make the application as simple as possible, and the most simple application is one that consist of only one exe. ILMerge in .NET 4 I had some problems using ILMerge with .NET 4 dlls, but managed to get around my problems with some extra parameters.

Here's how you merge dlls into a single DLL using ILMerge. ilmerge.exe /lib:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" /lib:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies" /t:dll /targetplatform:v4,C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 /out:MyApplication.merged.dll MyApplication.dll ReferenceAssembly1.dll ReferenceAssembly2.dll ReferenceAssembly3.dll It's easy to merge dlls into an exe, just by changing target type. In your build process You can easily apply this in your build process.


NUGet. C# Language Features. T4. Config File. NET. Entity Framework. The one security tool every Windows user should know about. A new zero-day security hole in all versions of Windows is the subject of "targeted attacks," Microsoft says. The flaw, according to Microsoft Security Advisory 2488013, occurs when an attacker exploits "the creation of uninitialized memory during a CSS function within Internet Explorer. " The result?

"It is possible under certain conditions for the memory to be leveraged by an attacker using a specially crafted Web page to gain remote code execution. " Similar holes have been spotted in the past in applications such as Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, and Apple's QuickTime. The definitive fix for a vulnerability like this is a vendor-supplied patch. That's the goal of Microsoft's Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET), a simple but powerful configuration utility that allows you to harden applications that weren't originally designed to take advantage of Windows security features. You can also use EMET to overcome a limitation of Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). <—Previous page. .NET Rocks!


WCF. FileHandling. Linq. ASP.Net. Serialization. Parallel.