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ClippyJS - Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia. Clippy.js is a full Javascript implementation of Microsoft Agent (AKA Clippy and friends), ready to be embedded in any website. Pick an assistant below and mash some animation buttons! Our favorite is Links the cat. During lunch a few weeks ago we thought it would be cool to have a fully functional Clippy that can be embedded in any website. We fiddled around with it and we had an unexpected amount of fun laughing at Clippy and his antics. We started thinking about the developers' state of mind when they created Clippy.

Did they think it would really help people? We built Clippy.js over the weekend to share that fun and whimsy with everyone, and to remind people to try new and risky things, even when they seem silly. We built Clippy.js over the weekend to remind people to try risky and silly things. Agents are composed of multiple sets of animations. Add this code to you to your page to enable Clippy.js. All the agent actions are queued and executed by order, so you could stack them.


JSZip: JavaScript zip class. Localization. Location, location. Backbone.js Tips : Lessons from the trenches. At SupportBee, we are building a Gmail like single page app for customer support (a Zendesk Alternative). Naturally, this is extremely javascript heavy. To organize our code, we use Backbone.js and Jasmine for testing (if you are looking for an introduction to Backbone, you can also checkout my Backbone.js talk at RubyConf India). Over the last few months, we have written (and rewritten) a lot of code using Backbone.js and during this time, several patterns have emerged that were not obvious from reading the docs/examples available on the net when we started out.

Models should not know about Views This may seem like an obvious one but unfortunately the official Todo example preaches this by saving a reference to the associated view in the model and using it to remove the view when the list is cleared. The problem with this pattern is that it does not scale well when you have a complex app with several views associated with a model. Views Collections should keep track of the sub views. What to Read to Get Up to Speed in JavaScript. There’s a discussion going on on the JSMentors JavaScript mailing list about books to read to get you to the next level .

There’s been a lot of great feedback and suggestions thrown out and I wanted to offer up what I felt were good to carry you through the learning process. While I list a number of books in the Big List page that I created , narrowing it down into specific levels makes a lot of sense. Note that some resources will overlap between levels.

That should be expected as some books cover a wide breadth of language features. These are books that I’ve read over the years and found incredibly useful so I’m categorizing them to make it easier for you to get going. Introductory These are books that will give you the fundamentals of the JavaScript language and get you started: JavaScript: The Good Parts Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) ppk on JavaScript, 1/e Eloquent JavaScript (Online Resource) Intermediate JavaScript: The Definitive Guide Blogs.