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Mirth. Introduction Let's talk about Mirth. At it's simplest, Mirth link is an Open Source HL7 interface engine. HL7 (Health Level 7) is an NPO involved in the development of healthcare standards and the HL7 v2.x and HL7 v3 standards are commonly used in Medical Information for data interchange - including but not limited to clinical, financial, logistical and administrative messaging. I first ran across Mirth over a year ago on a personal quest to find an alternative to our client's legacy HL7 application. I don't work for a Medical Company, so what do I care??

Mirth was originally intended as a HL7 interface engine. Why I Use Mirth Realizing that our client was unlikely to redesign a HL7 system that has worked successfully for the best part of a decade, I gave up on the idea of using Mirth. Obviously, there were a few solutions to this one: 1. Frankly, this would not have been a bad option...had the data resided in a SQL 2005 database. Process, nor detailed logging or notifications. 2. 3. A. B. Technology Exchange. HAPI - The Open Source HL7 API for Java. NHapi.

Home - Mirth Corporation. Mirth « Coding Headache. C# - dotnet HL7 integration library. Generating a CCD (XML) from HealthVault types.